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Serving Catholic Sunday (3/7) Brierf Version


Peter was an Apostle, while paul was a disciple. This represent 2 major categories of church. Priest and laymen.

Priest main function are administering 7 sacraments to laymen, managing the church,and 100% devoted to God's kingdom. Laymen becomes catholic professional, they have to maintain family or single life, support the church,direct children,to follow God's will.
Priest will strictly regulate earth bound needs such as MONEY,POWER and DESIRES, while laymen will manage these according to the guide lines, given by Trinity.
Both Priest and layman, has to represent God, in society, from their life and be responsible to carry the message of kingdom of God to society.
Catholic church is having concept defining feature with other christian denominations, seperating Priest to laymen with having seperate 2 sacraments: (1)matrimony and holy orders (2) one person cannot have both sacraments together, implying celebacy for priest. Normally Priests are not suppose to work(earn for living), while layman, has to earn for living, and maintain their children(on behalf of God)

What is the Role of peter and Paul in catholic church?

On 29/6 we celebrate the feast of Peter and paul. Peter was an Appostle, while paul was a disciple. They are 2 main pillars of Church, showing the difference between priest and laymen of the church. Before Pentecost (b'day of church)Peter denied 3 times that he doesn't know Jesus, showing how difficult for priest to mange 3 earth bound cravings: MONEY,POWER and DESIRES. After His resurrection,Jesus asked Peter 3 times"Do U love me?" Always he answered"Lord U know that I love you"& Jesus said to him"FEED MY LAMB,FEED MY SHEEP" showing how priest has to maintain celebacy, administering 7 sacaraments & maintain the church:

St peter served as 1st pope, for longest period of 37 years (30 - 67 AD):He performed 1st public miracles & pioneered 1st church council.
Peter's faith was strengthen at Pentacost, was brave fisherman. He performed1st public miracle &pioneered 1st Church Council.

Paul(born around15AD)was small,ugly, constantly ill,horribly frightened, desperate lonely man.(Saul) who hated christianity,VIGOROUSLY PERSECUTING Christians. But converted from Judism after the vision of Lord!."Saul,why do U prosecute me?"Stuck blind for 3 days and thru'Ananias his vision was restored. He wrote many letters(Epistles) .While on mission,He never stops to work for his  living,by making tents! Showing how laymen should follow Christ. He declared that you are new creation in Christ, irrespective of any form of cast. He was instrument in removing circumspect while peter was instrument in removing restriction of food, making all human as one family, independent where they live.   Making Church as Catholic(means universal)
Church. Which started with Pentacost day. Peter & paul was instrument in carrying out management & catechism(missionary)of church.

To understand the action of peter and paul;

Before pentacost
(1)No Christianity

(2) Jesus as God,prepared Jews as,how to live with full freedom-same 10 commandments/with pardoning +love-
(3)how to follow God's will
(4)Holy Spirit through Peter & paul extend&adopted Jesus teaching,to whole world, named as Catholic church!.

Peter was crucified in 67AD, head downward,in Nero's gardens at vatican, because he said He was not worthy to die same way as Jesus! & Paul was first hang by leg,head down ward, but did not die, then beheaded as a prisoner outside gates of Rome on same day, near lowrenthina(outside rome). Still you can see 3 water streams where his head has fallen.

2main pillars were put to death in 67 AD,in same day but church is still moving. To show that God's plans are different to ours!

Finally, Peter and paul has being selected by God, to start the church, which they have carried out whole heartedly, with utter most commitment.


Implying both Priest and laymens, achiement in this world, though they are different functionalities, are
(1) Enjoy their life with Time
(2)Follow 7 Ethics of catholism
(3)Priest has to manage church, with main functionality to administer 7 sacraments: while layman's has to manage society, with main functionality to manage children.

So extension of good news are major responsibility of Priest as well as layman's.

Today' reading:

Isaiah says: compares the holy city to a nursing mother,who nourished &comforts her children.

Paul says: the only thing that matters for paul is the cross of christ through which HE has been crucified to the world.

Lk10:1-12,17-20 tells: Jesus appoints disciples to go out & preach the reign of God.They are to depend on their hearers for sustenance.

(1) Your main functionality is to be a good Catholic professional,by following 7 Ethics, who can impart uncommon knowledge to society.
(2) Management of kingdom of God, has to be carried out by Priest as well as layman's
(3) Main functions of priests are to administer 7 sacraments and management of church
(4) Main functionality of laymens are to maintain children and management of society
(5) Confirmed catholic, has to further his knowledge about God, by regular reflection on sunday readings+daily Rosary+having spiritual nourishment of receiving Holy Eucharist
(6)Priest has to have a strict control on MONEY,POWER and DESIRES, maintain celebacy become primary need
(7)Priest and laymans share equal responsibility to pass message of God's kingdom to society

Conclusion: today, readings invited us to reflect, how God has intended to extend humanity and pass HIS good message of Happiness, to the whole world, until the end of this world.


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http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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