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Ordinary Sunday No:17 Date: 24/7/2016- Spare wheel Catholic

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Today reflections:

A. Back ground: last 2 sundays we  found that both Samaritan and Martha Maria stories is showing very much the practical application of christianity to the present society. Today church invited us to analyze how to follow God's Will in your life.

B.  what is todays readings:

Reading 1: Gen 18:20-32 says; Abraham bargains with God, for the salvation of wicked cites of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Lord spares the cities.

Reading 2: paul to colossian(col2:12-14) says: in baptism we are buried with Christ
But also raised life with HIM

Reading 3: Gospel LK 11-1-13 says Jesus teaches disciples to pray Lord's prayer and to pray with persistence for all our needs.

C. Today's readings, will be analyzed in 5 points:

(1) What is maturity?
We know we have been growing from babyhood to childhood, then to adulthood,then to old age. At every stage, your priority for actions are going to changed. Childhood you may like to study,at adulthood you may like to earn money and look after your family etc. When you move this life cycle, were you able to change your priorities, so that you will always be happy with time!
For any action you don't know 100% outcome. But when you baptized,and after confirmation, you accept that God, knows all outcomes, you knowingly become a member of HIS Family. Then you are supposed to follow the God's Will. Then you have to do what God has asked you to do!ie, 7 ethics of catholism.

Then how to follow God's?
 Think about characteristics of a child: There are 2 basic characteristics: childishness and child likeness.

Adam and eve were not created as babies. But their childish work, betraying God, resulted God to introduce, childhood for the humans.

That is why, Christianity began with worship of Bebe & only by continued recognition of child likeness will adult human be recognized as children of God. But child likeness is not childishness. To be childish is to retain in maturity what should have been discarded at the threshold of manhood.(Related to typical of child- behaving in a silly way,that makes you seem much younger than you really are) Child likeness, on the contrary, implies that with the mental breath and practical strength and wisdom of maturity there is associated the humility, trustfulness, spontaneity, and obedience of the child

(2) What are the blocks for your happiness?

Irrespective, of which stage you are leading your life now, specially, after baby hood, you like to fulfill your desires. But these desires, if you cannot control, according to 10 commandments or avoidng 7 vices, you will sin, and God guaranteed-happiness is lost.
Sin is having 2 effects to your life(1) guilt(2) punishment. But God is merciful,HE has given you clear process, Identify your Sin, Repent, confess with a priest, have Eucharist, within 2 weeks do merciful action, to be in grace with Him.
This is the safest way to avoid blocks for your Happiness.

(3) What is catholic definition of suffering:

If God cares, why don't we get always what we asked?.

How can we reconcile the 2 things?, Fathers concern and our experience of rejection?

Firstly God never promises exemptions. Christians are not guaranteed immunity from suffering. If that were so, there would no crucifixion and all christians live charmed lives. What God does promise is companionship. Jn 14:18 says "I SHALL NOT LEAVE YOU ORPHANS. I SHALL COME TO YOU. Secondly father's answere lies in His own Will not always in ours.

During suffering,We pray for a cure, perhaps, and in perseverance  solution learn acceptance,even if it takes a lifetime. Jesus showed us obedience, at gethsamani and Golgotha.

(4) What is your life?
At certain times you are worried, certain other times you are peaceful, certain times you are on top of the world- you are happy!
Your life will have these 3 stages: peaceful, worried and happy. To understand this, think about your car!
 Your car is running with 4 tyres. IF any single tyre is without air, you cannot move. Similar to these 4 tires, normally you try to think Money,power,desires and health are primary need for you to have a happy life.

When there is a problem to achieve one of these 4 you go to God, as a spare wheel.
This is not the catholic/christian way.

First you try to convert your four tires to understand
(1) how to worship God
(2) how to etablish connection with him Lords prayer+Mary and saints
(3) how to behave(10 commandments+avoid 7 vices) With pardoning and love
(4) develop your faith(understand creed).

 When you understand this, with pardoning process, your car is ready to move. That means you are having peaceful mind,to move your car But when you travel you should avoid pit holes. These are analogue to suffering in your life. Prayer petitions will allow you to remove your worries and hand over such to Holy Mary or saints, for them to intercede with God to resolve your problem,as shown by God given in Jn 2

 Catholicism promotes many types of prayer petitions, like letters, e mail, lighting candles are few to name. So Prayer petition is like a cry in the hills,it is always answered, not merely by his own echo, but by the modulated voice of the God.

Our prayers are not tentative whispers into the dark or speculative lobs into the sky; they speed unerringly to God's heart. That much is clear in all 3 readings. Abraham, relentless pleadings found a sympathetic ear.

With prayer petitions you develop worryless mind, Since you have handed over your worries to Mary and saints. Then use latest technology to be efficient for all of your actions+maintan good health by doing enough physical excercises to convert your talents to energy, to be served to society for the love of God.

With happy mind you Will have 4 intermediary new tires/ talent, skills,knowledge and attitude.

(5) How to move towards catholic method of happiness?
First identify that you are powerless, you cannot kill a worm in your own stomach without taking a tablet. What you mean powerful is based on how you can influence others to carry out your actions. If others follow your action you are powerful otherwise you feel unhappy,because you get to know that you are power less.  Catholic method of developing happiness is very different and gives you how to be happy, independent to the society, while you serve the society. For that
(1) Follow 7 ethics
(2) Train yourself, how to be happy, with peace and worriless mind.
(3) Convert your talents to good attitude to serve the society
(4) Train to follow God's Will and not yours.

This is 4 new tires of your Catholic life.

In conclusion:
Catholism support you to achieve,
A happy life, personal to you, independent with society, while serving society, on God behalf.
Wish you a happy life!


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