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Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:14 Date: 3/7/2016- serving Catholic

A. Back Ground: TODAY 2nd July 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 14th Ordinary Sunday mass.

When we summarize all 13 ordinary sundays, you will see, how catholic church has organized for you to become a good catholic professional.

A.1 Reality of world!

No body can control the climate of the world, except God. Today it might rain and tomorrow it might be sunny. Only God controls. Similarly, during your professional life, you have to control your life. No body else will be responsible for that.

A.2. Reality of life
To be alone with God and saints is the only real revolution. To accept that you are alone, without spirituality, is the greatest transformation that can happen to you.

When you are not 100% sure, for the out put of your action, Cross is inevitable in your life.
 cross is suffering, arising from various reasons. This can be due to your bad experience, of your life due to your own health,loss of expected outcome in your life or problems coming outside to you, which is affecting you badly. Every human in this world is hanging on a cross. How to manage cross?.

A.3 Catholic professional and SWOT analysis

So as a catholic professional, while managing your crosses, you have to verify whether, your life moving towards achieving Happiness. For that you have to do SWOT analysis.

 S means Strength, W- weakness, O- opportunity and T- means threat.

In Catholic Professional life:
Strength means- you have been created,surrendering your will to God's will, to lead a happy life. For that you should develop happy mind and convert your talents to energy, serving your society. you have Eucharist, most Holy body and blood of Christ, for your Spiritual nourishment and mary and saints to intercede for you, with God,for your worries

Weakness- Due to earth bound cravings, you tend to sin going against 10 commandments,and doing 7 vices and specially develop Pride, in your professional life. Not only that you might forget respecting your old parents, specially when they need your support.

Opportunity- you have a well defined process to clear the effects of sins,by Repentance, confession with a priest, and having indulgence activities. Going thu' door of Mercy is rare opportunity for you until 20/nov/ 2016.

Threat- due to earth bound cravings or due to pride, you, yourself deprived the intended happiness and you will not serve the society with Catholic teachings. Not knowing clearly the concept defining features of Catholicism, you tend to attract other religions or becoming an Atheist(without your knowledge), depriving the shortest path of Happiness.
 This Summaries what we have reflected all of the previous 13 sundays.

A.4 Members of Catholic church
So today readings, invite you to analyze, about the main categories of professional in Catholic church; that is priest and layman and their special functionality. In order to analyze this, let's try to understand;


Peter was an Apostle, while paul was a disciple. This represent 2 major categories of church. Priest and laymen.

Priest main function are administering 7 sacraments to laymen, managing the church,and 100% devoted to God's kingdom. Laymen becomes catholic professional, they have to maintain family or single life, support the church,direct children,to follow God's will.
Priest will strictly regulate earth bound needs such as MONEY,POWER and DESIRES, while laymen will manage these according to the guide lines, given by Trinity.
Both Priest and layman, has to represent God, in society, from their life and be responsible to carry the message of kingdom of God to society.

Catholic church is having concept defining features separating with other christian denominations,and having different functionality to Priest and to laymen. There are 2  separate sacraments:

 (1)matrimony and holy orders

(2) one person cannot have both sacraments together, implying celibacy for priest. Normally Priests are not suppose to work(earn for living), while layman, has to earn for living, and maintain their children(on behalf of God)

This concept can easily be realized when we analyze, 2 important saints of catholic church, ie Peter and Paul.

A. 6 What is the Role of peter and Paul in catholic church?

On 29/6 we celebrate the feast of Peter and paul. Peter was an Apostle, while paul was a disciple. They are 2 main pillars of Church, showing the difference between priest and laymen of the church.

Before Pentecost (b'day of church)Peter denied 3 times that he doesn't know Jesus, showing how difficult for priest to mange 3 earth bound cravings: MONEY,POWER and DESIRES.

After His resurrection,Jesus asked Peter 3 times"Do U love me?" Always he answered"Lord U know that I love you"& Jesus said to him"FEED MY LAMB,FEED MY SHEEP" showing how priest has to maintain celibacy, administering 7 sacraments & maintain the church:

Peter served as 1st pope, for longest period of 37 years (30 - 67 AD):He performed 1st public miracles & pioneered 1st church council.
Peter's faith was strengthen at Pentacost, was brave fisherman. He performed1st public miracle &pioneered 1st Church Council.

Paul(born around15AD)was small,ugly, constantly ill,horribly frightened, desperate lonely man.(Saul) who hated christianity,VIGOROUSLY PERSECUTING Christians. But converted from Judaism after the vision of Lord!."Saul,why do you prosecute me?"Stuck blind for 3 days and thru' Ananias his vision was restored. He wrote many letters(Epistles) .While on mission,He never stops to work for his  living,by making tents! Showing how laymen should follow Christ. He declared that you are new creation in Christ, irrespective of any form of cast. He was instrument in removing circumspect while peter was instrument in removing restriction of food, making all human as one family, independent to where they live. Making Church as Catholic(means universal)
Church. Which started with Pentacost day. Peter & paul was instrument in carrying out management & catechism(missionary)of church.

To understand the action of peter and paul;

Before pentacost

(1)No Christianity

(2) Jesus as God,prepared Jews as,how to live with full freedom-same 10 commandments/with pardoning +love-
(3)how to follow God's will
(4)Holy Spirit through Peter & paul extend&adopted Jesus teaching,to whole world, named as Catholic church!.

Peter was crucified in 67AD, head downward,in Nero's gardens at vatican, because he said He was not worthy to die same way as Jesus! & Paul was first hang by leg,head down ward, but did not die, then beheaded as a prisoner outside gates of Rome on same day, near lowrenthina(outside rome). Still you can see 3 water streams where his head has fallen.

2main pillars were put to death in 67 AD,in same day but church is still moving. To show that God's plans are different to ours!

Finally, Peter and paul has being selected by God, to start the church, which they have carried out whole hearted ly, with utter most commitment.


Implying both Priest and laymens, achiement in this world, though they are different functionality, are similar; they are
(1) Enjoy their life with Time
(2)Follow 7 Ethics of catholism
(3)Priest has to manage church, with main functionality to administer 7 sacraments: while layman's has to manage society, with main functionality to manage children.

So extension of good news are major responsibility of Priest as well as layman's.

B.  Todays readings

Prophet Isiah says(IS 66:10-14)""like mother comfort her son,God will comfort you"

Paul says(Gal:6:14-18) he appreciate Christianity to lead a new happy life,in managing cross.

Luke(10:1-12,17-20) says"Lord appointed 72, to reveal kingdom God, without worrying earth bound comforts. They return happily.

C. Reminding us:

(1) first be a Catholic professional, following 7 ethics, identify the role of Priest, as well as layman.
(2) Both categories, have to convert their talents to good attitude, then work to society, for the love of God.
(3) Priest and laymens have special ethics to follow, separated from each other.  ethics
For the priest; administering 7 sacraments, manage church while layman has to maintain their children, manage family.
(4) Both categories are responsible to maintain human race, till end of this world.
(5)Both categories are responsible to carry the good news of Jesus.
(6) In addition to 7 Ethics, both categories have additional ethics, such as for priest celibacy and for layman maintain the children, until they can stand alone to follow God's will.
(7) Finally Priest and layman constitute one family, as God as Father.

D. conclusion;  when we analyze Jesus life,HE not only inspired others but enroll them. HE not only excited people, HE got them to sign up HE asked HIS staff out loud and often "will you follow me" when HE became more contravesial,  number of HIS followers decided to leave. Jesus turned to Peter and said" Are you too going to leave" Peter replied" you have the words of life. Where else would I go" yet jesus did ask the questions.
It is easy to make a sales presentation, but not have the courage to ask for the order. Jesus always asked for the order. HE enrolled people. HE asked them public ally for a verbal contract." I will do these things will you be in my team" then HE waited for an answer. HE did not proceed with his working relationship, until HE know where each person stood. HE was looking from Commitment of HIS staff. HE deserves it, as does, anyone who is willing to stand up for a cause.
One of the key negotiating skills is the ability to ask question, and fall totally in to silence, as you await the response. This is particularly effective with Hard questions. People are uncomfortable with silence and will rush to fill it, often to their own disadvantage.
Jesus asked you" will you follow me" and waited for an answer. He asked will you wait in the Garden with me" and then waited for an answer. Jesus has enrolled you, to follow HIM.


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