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Restless Catholic (sunday 31/7/2016) Brief Version

Today readings invite us to be lead a calm life, with God at the centre, the primary aim of catholism

Your life is from birth to death. your eternal life will move to infinity. Hence whether you live 5 or 100yrs compared to infinite life is negligible. Control of Depart time is not yours but God’s. You eat food for you to live. Food you have eaten will be digested & wasted (threw at toilet).Otherwise you become physically unrest.

Similarly,you have food for your mind to manage earth bound needs such as money,power, health& desires. you can choose to eat many varieties of food. Similarly you may think of different ways of enjoying life. But you should know what the wastes are(such as fornication, impurity,guilty passion,evil desires, vanity &7 vices).
Avarice,possessiveness,greed for either riches or unholy knowledge- are all self destructive.
Pay attention to 10 commandments, Especially NOT worshipping false Gods or humans.
You have to control yourself. Failure to do so will make you restless & give you no time to enjoy life. You are created to lead a calm & happy life. Catholic Church guides us how to achieve that goal.

Let us summarized to days readings:

Reading 1:
Ecclasest 1:2,2-21-23 says life make no sense if it has no deeper goal than achieving worldly success.

Reading 2:
Paul says(Col 3:1-5, 9-11) says" having Raised up with Christ, we are to keep God at the centre of our life and avoid anything endangers eternal joy.

Reading 3:
Lk 12-13-21 says. Jesus parable about rich man who grows rich for himself instead of growing rich in the sight of God.

All 3 readings invite us to analyse how to be God centred.


You know very well, that you cannot decide the time of your birth, as well as time of your death, which will be decided by God.

After your birth without your knowledge, you start breathing,then walking, start eating and start taking, till death, you keep on developing all these 4, for you to obtain earth bound needs such as Money, power,desires and health.
These 4 elements now become the basic tires of your life cycle. When you get problems for this 4 basic tires- ie no air, you use God as a spare wheel.


You have seen,people who were rich with money,power, desires and health, all of a sudden fallen. This gives us a  terrible warning about what can happen to a person whose life priorities are upside down. About the frustration and despair of any human who places material success instead of God in their lives.
You know, that you cannot know 100% outcome of your action. You hope to travel back home from office, but you might end up in a hospital. This is reality!. When you baptised you belongs to God's family, God is the father. You know, HE knows 100% outcome of your actions. Hence better to transfer your centre of your living from earth bound cravings towards to identify who is you real father and what he has asked to do


Convert your 4 life tires to

(1) your belief(understand creed 21 facts)
(2) Worship God(practice 7 sacraments)
(3) Establish connection with God( understand Lords prayer(7 facts)+ understand holy mary and saints to associate with them to get the help for your worries with God.
(4) Your behavior (adhere to 7 ethics): 10 comms/avoid 7 vices/practice 7 sacraments/practice 7 corporal and 7 Spiritual mercies/pardoning and love.

And your spare wheel become earth bound needs.


Learn to hand over your worries to Mary and saints:

In Cana, the 1st miracle(Jn 2), God shows us clearly,that, when you invite Mary/sants for you to hand over worries, so that they wll intercede with HIM, to resolve your worry.

4 th step- HOW TO LIVE!
Last step Action needed for your life to be God centred?

(1) Follow 7 ethics
(2) Train yourself, how to be happy, with peace and worry less mind.
(3) Convert your talents to good attitude to serve the society
(4) Train to follow God's Will and not yours.

In conclusion today church invite us to analyse how to lead your life with God as centre. The core value of catholism. For this you have to understand about your present life, understand the nature of rich people, understand what God has asked you to do: specially on belief,worship,establish connections and hand over your worries, finally how to behave!


For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

Or for more details about Mary


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