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Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:8 Date: 22/5/2016-/Golden Catholic(most Holy Trinity)

A. Back ground:

Today church invites us to reflect
(1) Basic difference between Christianity with other God fearing religions
(2)What is the God's management
(3) Is God responsible for all miseries of the world

Gold will be purified with fire. Golden rule of God, is your suffering will allow you to develop patience. When you are angry,look at the watch, 5 minutes, will be passing like 5 hrs. When you are happy, it is in other way. God has created you to be happy with time(at any age). Patience allow to cultivate a discipline, to accommodate others views,and to experience time in actual way.

When Your will and God's will be different, temporary create unhappiness to you. This will create suffering to you. When you are having a flat tyre, while going to the airport,missing the flight, you might be frustrated, but, it should have saved your life. That is Why, we say path for happiness is suffering. When you don't know 100% outcome for any action, you should depend on God,who knows 100% outcome of your action. This will create sometimes frustration and unhappiness in you. Take example St Joseph, He secretly decided to leave Mary, but he was with God and obeyed HIS Direction. But how you get to know God's Will. First,you have to be sin-less,(though Confession you can achieve this state). Then you should have spiritual nourishment -Eucharist. When you are in grace, you might get directed, the way the God wants may not the same way as you think!.

To day Paul(RM 5:1-5) , tell us Golden path for success:
Path of Happiness is- suffering will allow you to train for patience, while you develop patience, you should not loose perseverance,(that you should trust God,without loosing faith) and Hope. God will see,that you will lead happy life.

B. Preamble for today readings:

B.1 Catholic life-
Which one you value is it seed or bouquet?

Do you prefer a bouquet of flowers or a packet of seeds?Probably the bouquet. But if you are a Catholic,you realize limitation of cut flowers. No matter how beautiful they are,it is more rewarding to spend your time,Gathering,Sorting&Planting your seeds. Abraham Lincoln could have been showered with Bouquets,if he had listen to demands of slave owners,but he chose to plant seeds of freedom for everyone& in doing so became a champion of reform. Jesus could have ruled earth,but HE valued seeds more than bouquets,by planting God's kingdom in people.
FAITH is your SEED.
BAPTISM &CONFIRMATION is your GROUND, where you plant seeds.
CONFESSION& EUCHARIST is WATERING, Sunday Readings & Daily Rosary with reciting Gospels are basics MANURE (only Catholics have) &
SUNLIGHT is God's will for you.

With these,your seed of faith will grow to BLOOM. As promised by God you will lead a happy life,with Mary & Saints supporting you.

B.2 God's Management!

-is SUFFERING/PATIENCE/PERSEREVERENCE/HOPE,as against PLAN/ACT/VERIFY/REWISE: When God is changing your life,it can become suffering for you,resulting to develop patience,when you are in grace(after confession) and you will understand it is God's Will. (Still difficult,Receive Eucharist+Carryout Indulgence actions/pray Rosary)

Don't lose Perseverance&Hope. In Cana: Despite, shortage of wine,they kept on filling 6 jars with water,to see a super miracle of better wine. When you follow whole hearted(not with ulterior motive+persona)actions, you can experience miracle,where logically you cannot expect such output. Ex: Nelson Mandela,was in prison for27yrs,to find freedom for his people. Boy who was having 5fish&2 loaves,willingly gave Jesus,to provide food for5000,without question,saw miracle!.FOLLOW GOD'S MANAGEMENT,offer your attitude (converted from your talent/skills/knowledge/ Hard work)for love of God,lead a Golden life!

B.3 Relevance of Holy Trinity!

B.3.1- Types of Religions!
Today, we celebrate, the feast of Holy Trinity, in order to understand,  this feast, fist you have to understand who is God. You can ask by yourself
(1) Can I chose my parents to come to this world?
Obvious answer. Is no!
(2) Then, who has decided for you to come from this parents?
There can be 3 answers
(A) God
(B) some elements
(C) I don't know

Depending upon your answer, you will see, that
(1) some people follow a religion, who believes, sin is causing negative effect to you present life. Religions will have basic set of rules to follow: when you go against these rules: you say it is a Sin. All religions will give a Process to follow, in order to nullify the bad effects of sin's to your life.
(2) Atheist- they will develop their own rules, for their own convenience

Religions: There are 2 types religions in the world. Religions who believes, that God has created this world and religions who does not believe in one God.

Christianity,Islam,Judaism, follows one God.

B.3.2 Difference between Christianity and other religions who follow God concept.

Christianity has developed the process of pardoning your sins in  3 stages.
(1) God the Father, has reveled to Israelis as to how to use our free will, by giving 10 commandments with eye to eye principle.
(2) Then God-Son came as Israelis, and showed us how to led our life for happiness, fulfill the commandment with forgiving and love.
(3) Finally Holy spirit, has formed the process of pardoning and extended the same  to whole world

Summary of Pardoning process in Catholicism

(A) Sin is mainly going against 10 commandments(father): secondary not avoiding 7 vices(son)+ church rules(holy Spirit)
(B) Pardoning is having 3 phases; REPENTENEC: CONFESSION WITH A PRIEST(jn 20:23): INDULGENCE, then you can remove the guilt of your sin and reduce the punishment for that sin(no direct equation,it is in the hand of God).

You will see, the pardoning and definition of sin , involved Father, Son and Holy spirit who represent one God.

B.3.3 analogy of Holy Trinity

why we say 1 God in 3 person:
For us to understand this theory, just take water, Our drinking water is liquid,but water is available as vapor, also water is available as ice. But all these 3 states are representation of same water(H2O).
Similarly, God-father has given 10 commandments ice
God-Son has given us how to live- like liquid
God-Holy spirit is invisibly, guiding us, when we prepare to surrender our will to God's will, like vapor.
Holy Trinity is beautiful,Scientific story of christianity!.

C. To days readings:

Book of Proverb(Pr 8:22-31) says"..Wisdom of God..unfolded..I was by His side..delighting with sons of me.."

Paul says(Rm 5:1-5)"Through..Christ..judged..we boast..sufferings..bring patient..bring Perseverance..brings Hope..not deceptive..poured into our hearts.."

Jn(16:12-15) says"Jesus..many things to U..Spirit of truth comes..lead U..what He has learnt..glorify me.."

D. Reminds:
(1)what is the main message of Christianity? Forgiveness of sins.
Some religion says" There's no place on earth neither in the sky, nor in the middle of the ocean, where you may escape from the consequences of an evil deed done by you.
But Christianity is different to this principle.
(2)Christ has shown suffering resulting in, Happiness.(Risen Christ)
(3) Always Suffering develop Patience in you
(4) With patience, when you develop perseverance, with hope that God will help you, you can achieve happiness.
(5)You want something,but you don't get it,resulting,suffering. But with patience,perseverance and hope, your suffering will,make you to achieve happiness, mainly with Catholicism.
(6) Surrendering Your Will to God will,initially can be suffering, that is why risen God train his disciples for 40 days.
(7) You have to search God's Will, some cases it is very near, some cases it may be far.

E. Conclusion: any human life is a rehabilitation process. In general,you carry out action and from the result you re-adjust. Basic management cycle gives you plan,act,verify,revise.

Similarly a catholic life is always,either with God grace or Sin. With Repent Pardoning process, you can switch from sin state to grace state.

E.1 Difference between Catholicism and Non God believing Religions

Repentance process of Christianity, needs to identify, what is your sin. Without knowing what has gone wrong, how can we repent?

 Since you have one birth,it is easy for you to identify what is your sin(unlike when you believe in karma, you don't know what are your previous sins-Still no body has develop a method to find this),Repent for that,determine not to do it,pardon others who has sinned against you,go to a priest and have a confession). You can erase all stains of sins,after confession, when you carry out Merciful acts, within a week,after receiving Eucharist. Treatment of sin,from Catholism(according to Gospel Jn20:23)is simple REPENT,CONFESSION,INDULGANCE.

Other Christian denomination does not have confession with priest. Thus deviating from Gospel Jn 20:23.

E.2 Catholic life:
Always your life is swinging in 2 state(1) death With sin(2) Resurrected with Pardoning. Then you move with God's Management cycle, to follow HIS WILL.

E.3 Is God responsible?
When, there are natural disasters or any problems to people's life, we tend to ask the question' WHERE IS GOD?" Or blame God for that. Can we put responsibility for God, for any mishap for our lives. It all depends upon. How individual is following the agreed ethics of given religion. When you follow Christianity, trust God and follow all guide lines, your happiness is  guaranteed. Today we reflected, how God will change your life thru' suffering/patient, then you have not to lose faith with perseverance. For any problems of your life, it is temporary, when you follow God. He will rescue you from that danger. So we cannot blame God, for any problems. In our life when problem comes we have to check our faith, whether our faith is whole hearted or our faith is with ulterior motive or with persona.
Problems for whole hearted catholic life, may be a blessing for him to change his path towards happiness!.



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http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

2 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Due to erroneous judgments, says Ven. Ledi Sayadaw,” we make some serious errors on
    many levels as we attempt to make sense of the world formed around us. As a result we fail
    to see three important characteristics of the conditioned phenomena, i.e impermanence
    (anicca), suffering (dukka) and non-self (anatma)”.1
    This is due to distortions (vipallasa) which are fundamental to the Buddhist teachings of
    ignorance or delusion. The distortions of the mind work on three levels of scale. First,
    distortions of perception (sanna-vipallasa) cause us to misperceive the information
    coming to us through the sense doors. “We might mistake a rope by the path as a snake,
    for example. Normally such errors of vision are corrected by a more careful scrutiny, but
    sometimes these sensory mistakes are overlooked and remain.”
    Distortions of thought (citta-vipallasa) have to do with the next higher level of mental
    processing, when we find ourselves contemplating over things in our minds. The mind
    tends to elaborate upon perception with these thought patterns, and when our thoughts
    are based upon distortions of perception, then they too will be distorted.
    Eventually such thought patterns can become habitual, and evolve into distortions of view
    (ditti-vipallasa). “We might become so convinced that there is a snake by the path that no
    amount of evidence to the contrary from our own eyes or reason, nor the advice of others,
    will shake our beliefs and assumptions. We are stuck in a mistaken view.”
    Furthermore, it is noted that these three levels of distortion are cyclical — our perceptions
    are formed in the context of our views, which are strengthened by our thoughts, and all
    three work together to build the cognitive systems which develop our sense of personality
    and its uniqueness.
    One should recognise that the particular distortions mentioned above correspond to
    following three characteristics. Taking what is impermanent (anicca) as permanent, what
    is inherently unsatisfactory (dukkha) as a source of satisfaction, and what is without a
    self (anatta) to constitute a self — “these are the primary ways we distort reality to the
    profound disadvantage of ourselves and others. Seeing the unwholesome (asubha) as
    wholesome rounds out the traditional list of four vipallasas” says Ven. Sayadaw.
    The Buddha has said
    Anicce niccasaññino, dukkhe ca sukhasaññino;
    anattani ca attāti, asubhe subhasaññino;
    micchādiṭṭhihatā sattā, khittacittā visaññino.
    Perceiving permanence in the impermanent, and pleasant in the painful
    and self in the impersonal, and beauty in the repulsive
    Beings are injured by wrong-views,
    1 Sayadaw.L.Ven. 1999,The Manual of Buddhism
    minds unhinged, they go mad. (Translation: Dharmacari Jayarava)
    Vipallasa Sutta, Anguttara Nikaya

  2. Anonymous says:

    want more leave a comment, namo buddaya

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