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Golden Catholic (sunday 22/5) Brief Version

Today church invites us to reflect
(1) Basic difference between Christianity with other God fearing religions
(2)What is the God's management
(3) Is God responsible for all miseries of the world

Can you choose your parents to come to this world?
Then who decided?

3 basic answers:
(1) God (2) some elements(3) not interested

Based on this there are 3 types of people in the world
(1) Believing God has created the world
(2) Believing God does Not exist
(3) Atheist

There are 2 types of religions: God fearing: Christianity, Islamic and Judaism

Other religions, who does not believe in existence of God

What all religion says:
Every religion have different set of rules to follow in leading their life. When they go against they say, it is sin. Though religions have their own set of rules, all religion says, sin will cause fear and sorrow to increase in U'r life.
All religions gives different process to treat for sins, and reduce the bad effects to your life. These processes are different from one religion to another.

What Christianity says: the treatment process for sin(going against 10 commandments-given by father+pardoning and love-given by son) given by christianity is REPENTANCE/CONFESSION/INDULGANCE. When you against 10 commandments(father),you have to repent and have confession(given by son), then by Indulgence process(given by holy spirit), you can erase the bad effects of sin.

Basis of Christianity
Any human can chose to accept God or not. When you are not accepting God, you cannot talk about God, since you opt not to know about HIM. When you accept God, HIS creation for you is to lead life according to HIS WILL. For HIM to give HIS WILL to you, you should know basics to follow HIM. Basic is given(1) follow 10 commandments, with pardoning and love
(2) Follow pardoning process, for your sin(repentance,confession+indulgence)
(3) When you are in grace, without the effects of sin, you can follow HIS WILL
(4) Today readings gives you, when you follow his will, tends for you to suffer(since you don't like change) and to develop patience. When you are developing patience don't loose the perseverance and hope with God, similar to water filling at Cana, to see new wine. This is a golden rule for Catholics.

Todays reading:

Book of Proverb(Pr 8:22-31) says"..Wisdom of God..unfolded..I was by His side..delighting with sons of me.."

Paul says(Rm 5:1-5)"Through..Christ..judged..we boast..sufferings..bring patient..bring Perseverance..brings Hope..not deceptive..poured into our hearts.."

Jn(16:12-15) says"Jesus..many things to U..Spirit of truth comes..lead U..what He has learnt..glorify me.."

(1)what is the main message of Christianity? Forgiveness of sins.
(2)Christ suffering resulted, Happiness.
(3) Always Suffering develop Patience in you
(4) With patience, when you develop perseverance, with hope that God will help you, you can achieve happiness.
(5)You want something,but you don't get it,resulting,suffering. But with patience,perseverance and hope, your suffering will,make you to achieve happiness, mainly with Catholicism.
(6) Surrendering Your Will to God will,initially can be suffering, that is why risen God train his disciples for 40 days.
(7) You have to search God's Will, some cases it is very near, some cases it may be far.

Normal management cycle is having 4 elements(1)PLAN(2)ACT(3)VERIFY the results(4) REVISE, then again go to plan..

But when you follow a religion, you can have spiritual(coming from your religion) support(since 100% out come you cannot plan), when you follow it's rules+have grace(after pardoning process for your sins)

Hence Catholic life is a rehabilitation process, with state of sin, to grace,after pardoning process.

In addition, one more mangement cycle is given for catholic. Since they want to surrender their will to God's. How God can change your will. You may be going in a wrong path or God wants to use you, for carryout different actions. Then God has to change your life.
Which you may not like. Illness/accident/loss of jobs some incident to mention. This will create suffering for you. Resulting for you to cultivate PATIENCE. During this period, don't loose trust on God, have perserverance and hope on HIM. Remember, water filling at Cana, to see new wine. When you pray daily Rosary, Holy Mary will get you the courage to do that. At the end you will see God has taken you to some other direction, where you never anticipated to go, but one thing is guaranteed-HAPPINESS.


For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

Or for more details about Mary


4 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    As much as oil, wick & the flame are pre requisites to (lamp) light and formation of a shadow in
    the presence of sunlight, a tree and the ground, combination of an external object, the eye and
    eye consciousness result in eye contact or chakku sampassa which creates feeling (vedana) and
    hence the process of five clinging aggregates. Due to a combination of causes a resultant effect is
    formed & when the causes cease to exist, so does the effect or the product. This is the phenomenon
    of cause and effect as taught by the Buddha, Hetun paticca sambutan hetu banga nirujjathi.
    With regard to the examples discussed above, it is clear that the oil, flame or the wick of the lamp
    alone cannot create the light and the tree, sunlight & ground alone cannot create the shadow
    of the tree, similarly, eye, object or the eye consciousness alone cannot create the resultant
    eye contact which is only a product of the former. Therefore, the image seen by the eye due
    to eye contact is not the object as we are used to believe, but one formed in the mind due to
    combination of the former. We express either our liking or disliking to the feeling generated by
    this mental image or name- matter (nama rupa) and accordingly arrive at erroneous conclusions,
    mistakenly identifying it as the actual object present externally.
    All objects are formed by four elements Earth, Water, fire & Air (patavi, apo, thejo and vayu).
    Forms (rupa) also are subjected to arising passing phenomenon and therefore are in a state of flux.
    What is seen as explained above is only a product of eye contact resulting from the eye meeting
    an object and arising of eye consciousness upon a mental image. As soon as the eye contact
    arises it passes away as a result of parting of causes. Notwithstanding, we grasp the mental image
    that is formed in our mind, through its feeling and the perception, as an object that permanently
    exist. Through wise attention (yoniso manasikara) one is able witness the impermanence of this
    conditioned phenomena.
    Venerable Sudassana further explains this with the mirage example where an animal, for instance
    a deer, being deceived by a mirage in the desert as water. In a similar situation a wise man will
    identify this occurrence as an illusion created in the mind due to particular conditions. “The deer
    assumes what is seen is out there whereas the wise man sees that the illusion of water formed
    in the mind is not out there.” However, it is important to note that the same man fails to realise
    that in his real life he is being deluded in a similar fashion to that of a deer in the desert.
    All things that arise on account of ‘causes’ are said to be conditioned phenomena or
    ‘sanskara’. Sanskaras are formation, fabrication and determination of form the way we believe
    they are as we perceive them. Having perceived wrongfully we determine that each object, which
    is either seen, heard smelled, tasted or felt, erroneously and respond in form of thought, speech
    or action (citta, vachee or kaya sanskara). These expressions are also classified in accordance to
    the karma formation as (i) meritorious (punyabhi-sanskara), (ii) sinful (apunyabhi-sanskara) and
    (iii) static (anenjabhi-sanskara).
    An interesting analogy to this dhamma is found in an animal’s response to its reflection in water,
    for example a dog when it looks into a well, would assume there is another dog inside the well
    and react by barking at it. A man with knowledge will consider such reflection as it is, and will
    know that the image will only be there as long as he looks into the well and will disappear when
    he moves away from the well i.e, when the conditions are no more. However, a dog will keep on
    barking even after moving away, thinking that another dog in still inside the well. Interestingly the
    man who is not deceived in this instance is said to be constantly deluded in his worldly existence
    unable to realise the consistency of this reality, thus he is gripped by the notion of ‘existence ‘and
    ‘presence’ in compounded things.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Such deluded determination (avidya sankhara) results in re-cognition (prathisandhi vinnana) and
    hence the continuation of the samsaric existence as shown in the process of the Dependant
    Origination ( paticca samuppada) chain, Avidya Paccaya Sankara , Sankara Paccaya Vinnana and
    so on, taught by Buddha, leading to suffering in Jathi, Jara, Marana, and so on.
    The Buddha concluded,
    ‘When this is that is,
    When this arises that arises,
    When this is not that is not,
    When this ceases that ceases’
    Defining the path to liberation as the Middle Path Tathagatha has preached‘Everything exists’: That
    is one extreme. ‘Everything doesn’t exist’: That is a second extreme. Avoiding these two extremes,
    the Tathagata teaches the Dhamma via the middle.”- Kaccayana Gotta Sutra, Samyuththa Nikaya.
    (Translation: Bikkhu Thanissaro, 1997)
    Responding to a question by Ven.Kaccayana on the definition of the Right View, Buddha
    clarified, “This world, Kaccayana, is generally inclined towards two views: existence and nonexistence,
    to the person who perceives with right wisdom the arising of the world as it come to
    be, the notion of non-existence in the world does not occur. Kaccayana, to him who perceives with
    right wisdom the ceasing of the world as it come to be, the notion of existence in the world does
    not occur.”
    In his first discourse the Enlightened one rejected adherence to self indulgence (kamasukallikanu)
    & self mortification (atta kilamatanu) as two extreme practices.
    Corresponding to these extremes of self indulgence & self mortification the Buddha further
    referred to the two extremes known as eternalism and nihilism (Sassatha ditti and Ucceda ditti),
    where the former relates to the belief of a continuous self that goes from one life to the other.
    Accordingly some believe that good deeds help you to be born in heavenly existences and the
    bad deed to the lower levels. This was proclaimed by the preachers at the time who were able
    to see their past lives having achieved higher levels of dyanas and who were able to see their
    previous existences. In accordance with nihilist or materialist believers, (ucceda vadi)) believers
    there is no life after death and thus one just need to enjoy in this life to the maximum. These
    preachers of this belief, though they had achieved higher levels of dyanas were unable to see
    their past lives as their previous existences in Material /Immaterial worlds (brahma loka) spans a
    number of eons beyond which they are not able to look back. Therefore, they believed that there
    were no previous existences and thus no future existences either. Buddha was critical of both
    extremes and preached the middle path, the causal effect existence.
    ‘Things arise being nonexistent before and cease without a trace’ confirms for instance that the
    extremes of the ‘past’ and ‘future’ or ‘pleasant’ and ‘unpleasant’ are irrational.
    When one sees that things arise due to conditions the nihilist view is released and when he
    sees that the things cease or pass away due to separation of conditions, the eternalists view is

  3. Anonymous says:

    When one realises through insight meditation that he is deluded in view in the manner discussed
    above, he or she sees suffering as due to ignorance, or mistaken identity, of the objects (not
    seeing things as they are) and identifies the cause for suffering as responding to the mistaken
    identity & fabrications or determinations in accordance with ones preferences (likes and dislikes).
    Consequently his attachment to his own fabrication or determination falls apart and when
    detached the cause for attachment, craving, ends. Then he sees ceasing of suffering and reaches
    the path to liberation leading to supreme bliss of nirvana.
    This is the sandittika quality of the dhamma as emphasised in the Buddhist stanza Swakkatho
    Baghavatho sandittika, which means results in this existence itself, here and now, to the one who
    follows the path.

  4. Anonymous says:

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