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Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:6 Date: 8/5/2016 ascension of our Lord- Digital Catholic

A. Back ground:
Today we are living in a digital world. Governments try to address, how to minimize digital division among people.
I.e how to give all latest communication facilities(such as telephones,internet&data) to all citizens without any discrimination. All these digital world use binary symbols as basic of their technology. Binary means 2 state( like birth & death). Today we are reminded about digital Catholicism. Your life is always run in 2 state. I.e birth- God grace, death- Sin, With Pardoning process, you always change from death to birth. You RESURRECTED!(Digitals)

We are now revert back to ordinary season,but this period is called easter Tide.
During easter cycle 3, we were reminded about, basic operation of Christianity!
Jesus is only person who overcame death(by himself),
 (1)Easter sunday, from Risen Christ,we were reminded,that you have a single life in this world,No rebirth.
(2)Since Jesus has overcome death, indicate that your sins can be pardoned by HIM.
 3) Jesus has risen with 5 major wounds, Indicating our main sins, in this life is due to over craving to our 5 senses.
4) There is a process to pardoned your sins: confession. This has to be carried by a priest. Then you are supposed to follow indulgence process to reduce temporary punishment for your sins.
5) Catholic Priest, has strictly control over earth bound cravings such as Money,Power and Celibacy and their main functionality is to administer 7 sacraments to laymen, out of which, main activity become,Holy Eucharist and hearing confession,providing individual guidance to catholic. Convert Catholic to more catholic.

(6)When you follow basic christian principles by adhering to 7 Ethic+ church rules,and You hand over your worries to mary+saints, you become a happy person,(with efficient+good health) roaring With spirituality, like a golden Eagle
(7) Catholicism trained you to overcome your life crosses, avoiding ulterior motives and Persona. Your actions become whole hearted for the love of God.

(8) You are supposed to adopt to the paradigm change. God change the paradigm, making more efficient to carry your actions. He will make dynamic world, for any new generation to have a change life than their predecessors. My son will have a different/efficient world than mine . Only constant is happiness for me and my son is same though they live in different world.

During easter cycle 3, you are reminded,

As an catholic, what you should shout first
Is it(1) love thy neighbor or
(2) You can forgive you sins

Many people cover themselves by talking Love; where it is very difficult to explain!
But forget their own sins!

B. Preamble for to days reading:

B.1- Cycle 3- 2016

Ash Wensday(10/2/2016)
Gregorian calendar is based on Earth, rotating around SUN(12 months,with 365days/ yr).If yr is divisive by4(but not by400)it results in a leap yr(366 days).Equinox is when sun shines directly on Earth's equator(no shadow).This occurs twice/yr; Vernol(Mar)&Autumnal (Sept).Easter is selected as1st Sunday,following Full Moon(22/3/2016)after vernal equinox(21/3).ASHWEDNESDAY(10/2/ 2016)is 46days(40 days lent+last 6 days for pass over) before Easter Sunday (27/3).CHRISTMAS is always25Dec but Easter varies?Because Jesus's passion was just after passover ceremony of Jews.


Easter is always a Sunday, and that Sunday is the first Sunday after the first ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or afterMarch 21.

Easter is selected as1st Sunday,following Full Moon(3/4/2015)after vernal equinox(21/3).Ash Wednesday(18/3/2014) is 46 days(last 6 days for pass over+40 days lent) before Easter Sunday(5/4/2015)

Ascension sunday(17/5/2015), is the sunday coming after 40 days from Easter. Then the next sunday will be Pentecost (24/5/2015)

B.2 - Now we are in ordinary times?, how it is being designed?

Each cycle is having 5 seasons.
They are;
(1)Advent ; How Jesus came to this world thru Joseph and Mary( 4 sundays)
(2)Christmas-How Jesus came to this world &History+major characteristics of Holy Family.(2 or 3 sundays)
(3) LENT-Jesus examples of managing fear & sorrows.(6 sundays)
(4) Easter- major values of christianity.(6 sundays)
(5)Ordinary Time- major characteristics of Jesus life pertaining to Christians.(34 sundays)

We stopped ordinary times from 15/2/2015- 6th sunday of ordinary times. After that we went to lent and easter seasons. Today we start ordinary times with Ascension feast, then Pentacost, Holy Trinity,most Holy Body and Blood of Christ,(normally these 4 feast tme is called EAASTER TIDE. Then 11th sunday in ordinary times on 14/6/2015, until 15/11/2015-33rd sunday and finally we complete the cycle 2, on 22/11/2015 with the feast of "King of Universe"

B.3- Sin

All religion say fear&sorrow in this life are due to sins we commit(no common definition in religions).you sin when you go against 7 Catholic Ethics &church rules. This may not be same in other religions. Basic message of Risen Christ-that you have 1 worldly life(No rebirth)& that your sins can be pardoned thru' Repentance,Confession &Indulgence.
1)You know your sin(unlike karma-where you are not aware what sin you did & in which birth);
2)Punishment for sin will be either in this world or purgatory(only God knows the equation);
3)Mercy actions will reduce punishment (if offered 7days before/after that act with Confession &Eucharist);
4)Confession-Identify,be sorry for sins,determine not to repeat,forgive people who has sin against you &confess with Priests. Carry out penitent given to you & then forget the sin.
5)Life always moves with sin &pardon;
6)You will have no guilt after confession &U'll feel peaceful.

7)Then only,U can love others!

C. To day's readings:

Acts of Apostles (Acts 1:1-11) says
"Jesus taken up to heaven/After showing himself for 40days"

Hebrews (Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23) says"Christ entered heaven/He appeared at end of all ages to take away sin by his sacrifice"

Lk24:46-53 says"Christ will suffer&rise from dead on3rd day & repentance for forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name"

(1)Today you are living in Digital world,where basic form to communicate is used BINARY(2 state) equivalent to DEATH& BIRTH
(2)Your life also run by 2 state
(3)Either with God grace or fear/sorrow with sin
(4)You can always convert your sin to God grace thru' PARDONING(during this life/No other birth)
(6)Identify what is your sin,REPENT, determine not to do again,pardon who has sin against you,GO TO PRIEST for confession
(7)then,within a week{receive Eucharist+do merciful act(you can decide) to remove stains of sins(Indulgence)}enjoy God Digital Grace.

Conclusions: Every day, you eat. This basic necessity of any human. Similarly, for spirtual nourishment, every day, you have to verify, you are going against to catholics ethics, specially 10 commandments and 7 vices. When you don't have a habit of verifying that, you tend to ignore your sins, without your knowledge. That is why, every sunday mass, you start with remembering you sins and get it covering pardonng from God, for your sins. Actual pardoning process, start with, Repentance/Confession/Indulgence. Your life moves with sin,Pardoning and grace of God. So your life moves, with sin and grace, with padoning process, communicating with God!.

Summary of Easter Sundays

1)"Failed to understand scripture" - Without faith, you will never realise why Jesus has risen;
2)"For those whose sins you forgive,they are forgiven"Confession is only conducted by priests(For this he is single);
3)Peter said"Lord,you know I love you" - Priest will administer Eucharist, Confession&sacraments while money, power&desires will be on a strict control. Laymen has to maintain their children &teach them to follow God will;4)"Sheep belongs to me.Listen to my voice"-with actions,you can lead peaceful,worry free& happy life;
5)When Judas left,Jesus said' LOVE ONE ANOTHER?-Your action has to be genuine,without any Ulterior motive or persona;
6)'If anyone keep my word,WE make our home with him'- God changes paradigm of human, with respect to time,making us more efficient than before. This gives you more free time. This season,have clear link of lent(Practical Christian)&converted to happy Catholic community.


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http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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