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Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:7 Date: 15/5/2016- focused Catholic Pentacost day

Back ground:
Easter Tide: is the period of fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday
Today is the end of easter tide period.

Last sunday, we observed that our life is always swing in 2 states I.e: Sinned state to grace state, thru' the Pardoning process.(Repentance,Confession,Indulgence). When you forget or ignore the pardoning process, there is no Christianity!. Most of the Christian denomination, does not have confession by Priest(against Jn 20:23) & thus depriving,the essential characteristics of Christianity. Without confessions,your life is always in sinned state. Depriving major benefits of christianity.

Today church invites us to reflect about Holy Spirit and how to develop thirst about God.
Today is the 1983th birth day of church.
More than 20 generations, has gone thru' the church!

B. Preamble for today's reading;

B.1 why Jesus did not start Church?
Main aim of messiah is to train human how to use his own free will, when God set us free. Set us free means you are having independence, to  decide what actions that you can take, for you to lead a happy life.
God chosen Jews,to show the path.
Up to Jesus God, the father trained them, then Jesus(Son) came to this world,to show practically what to do!
Then Holy spirit phase is having
(1) Methodology to be extended to whole world, the good news- that your sins can be pardoned not only to Jews.
(2) God, changes paradigm of people, making more efficient,with new generations, in order to make, human generation to be dynamic.(My son will have more efficient world than mine) Then Holy Spirit thru' church will guide human, how to manage this paradigm change.
(3)Holy Spirit has already given us new set of rules, just to fulfill,what has given by Father and Son.
Some of these rules are given below:

(1)Cast less (not restricted) only to jews
(2)No male circumspect
(3) No restriction on eating pork
(4) Celibacy for Priest
(5) Concepts of Holy mary(immaculate conception+assumption)
(6) No artificial birth control
(7) No abortion
(8) No euthanasia
(9)Concept of communion of saints
(10) Concept of purgatory.

B.2: Thirsty

Normally you have 3 types of thirst:
(1) Thirsty with regard to earth bound cravings: Money,power and desires
(2)Thirsty with regard to craving on to your five senses(ear,nose,mouth,eye and touch)
(3) Thirsty for you actions: wholehearted,ulterior motive and persona

In Catholicism, first 2 thirsty ness has to be managed with 10 Commandments+avoiding 7 vices.
Last thirsty-your actions has to be for the grace of God.(Whole hearted).

B.3 Holy Spirit, at a glance!

God (Father&Son)trained Jews(1cast), how to use free will,with option to surrender to God's Will. FATHER gave 10 commandments with Eye to Eye,principle,while SON Jesus kept same with a change the principle to turn to other cheek.

RISEN JESUS was with apostles for 40days before HE ascend to heaven. WHY Jesus asked them to wait for HOLY SPIRIT to form church?

Invisible Holy Spirit make us visible thru' Pope
1)Holy Spirit act thru' Popes infallibility;
2)good news (sins can be pardoned)is for whole world-not only to Jews;
3)human paradigm always changes,efficient than previous generations;
4)Holy Spirit guided how to resolve issues like birth control,abortion&Euthanasia & HE will guide for issues like unisex marriages etc in future;
5)Catholic Church is a spiritual society with1God in 3persons-Father,Son&Holy Spirit.
(6)Main theme of Christianity is that sins can be pardoned through primary actions of REPENTANCE+CONFESSIONS.
(7)Only catholic church preserve this (Jn20:23),with Pope leadeship.

B.4 Fatima Story:

We'll celebrate centenary apparition of Fatima, in 2017.

Prior to Fatima,Virgin Mary appeared to St Catherine in Paris (introduced Miraculous medal & dogma of Immaculate Conception in 1830) & to St Bernadette in Lourdes (confirmed Immaculate Conception in1858).

Modern day Science too cannot explain,uncorrupted bodies of these 2 Saints.

In 1917,Mary appeared(6 times until13/10) to 3 small children;Lucia(10),Jacinta(9)& Francisco(7),at Fatima-Portugal.

Mary revealed several secrets;most of which has been fulfilled to date.2 secrets are current &ongoing in our lives;
1)13/7/1917-Condemn sinners to hell who die unrepented,by showing hell to 3 seers;

2)In all visions Mary requested to pray DAILY ROSARY for our salvation!Francisco&Jacinta died in1919&1920.Jacinta's incorrupt face was found in1935.(Both raised to blessed in yr2000).
Sr Lucia died on13/2/2005.

B.5 Why Rosary?

At Cana, God showed us;
1)We should go to Mary for our needs as she saw wine depleted, though Jesus was there; 2)Jesus made better wine than previous; shows that when we ask through Mary, we get more than what we wished for;
 3)Jesus asked the servants to fill water; shows we should follow 7 ethics;
4)Mary didn't know that Jesus will ask to fill water shows the difference between Mary, saints & God;
5)Lastly, Mary was asked to look after us at Golgotha!

Praying Rosary,with wearing miraculous medal will result to produce new wine every day! Always better than (before)yersterday.

C. Today's reading:

At the vigil mass
Gen 11:1-9 says"..Lord..see..town..tower..sons of man..built..single people..single language..confuse their language..Babel.."

Paul(Rm 8:22-27) says"..we wait..our bodies..set free..spirit..comes..help..our weakness.."
JN(7:3739) says"on..last day..jesus.."If any man is thirsty,let him come to me.." Speaking..Spirit which those..believed..to receive..".

Day Mass

Act(2:1-11) says"..Pentacost day..apostles..1room..heard..wind from heaven..appeared..tounges of fire..head of each..began..speak..foreign languages.. marvels of God"

Paul says(Cor 12:3-7.12-13)"..variety
..Gifts..same spirit..all..service..same Lord..working all..them..human body..many parts..single unit..so..with Christ..all baptized.."

JN(19-23) says"..1st day..week..doors..closed..room..for fear of Jews..Jesus..stood..as Father send me,I..send U..those whose sins U forgive,it will be forgiven.."

D. Reminds:
normal thirst is earth bound,like money,power & desires. but HOW TO DEVELOP SPIRITUAL THIRST IN U?
(1)when you know God created you to lead happy life,you start studying about Him.
(2 for that reflect,sunday readings by your self ,see the continuation!
(3)follow 7 ethics,specially 10 comms+avoid 7 vices
(4)always live in state of grace,by following pardon process for your sins (REPENT, CONFESSION, INDULGENCE)
(5)receive Holy Eucharist, at least on sunday
(6)recite daily individual Rosary
(7)You will see t'morrow is better than today!-Holy spirit is focussed in U.

E. Conclusions:
When U, wholeheartedly believe,existence of God, Holy Spirit will reside in you. When U believe in HIM, you should follow HIS 7 Ethics. One side you say,that you have faith on HIM,and on the other side,if you don't follow HIS commandments, Happiness,as guaranteed by God will not reach you!.
For that You should know clearly what is sin and erase the effect of sin by pardoning/void sin as far as possible. When Holy Spirit present in you, you will not speak in other languages(as earlier),but you carry out actions using your energy(converted from your God given talents),for the glory of God.


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