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Sunday(6/9)deaf Catholic(brief version)


This sunday we are reminded about our own deafness with respect to God's Will. We go to church, but, failed to reflect, in a organised manner, how to lead our life, according to the God's directions.

Isaiah says(Is 35:4-7)"Say..all hearts..Do not be afraid..God is coming..save you..blind.. opened..ears..deaf unsealed..dumb sings for Joy.

St James says(Jm2:1-5)"..brothers.. not..combine faith in Jesus..making.. distinctions..classes of people.

Mk says(Mk7:31-37),"..Jesus..deaf man.. HE.. put HIS fingers..man's ears..touched his tongue..spittle..'Ephphatha'..his ears..opened..HE makes..deaf hear..dumb speak"

(1) our spiritual blindness lead to our spiritual deafness. This means, that we think that our life is led by God, while we go against to his teachings, and form our own God!.
Best way to avoid this is follow sunday 3 readings and reflect what God directs you!

A man born blind comes to me and asks" what is this thing called color green?" How does one describe the color green to someone who was born blind? One uses analogies. So, I say"the color green is something like soft music,"oh" he says"soft music". "Yes" I say. So the second blind man comes to me and asked "what is the color green?" I tell him it is something like soft satin, very soft and soothing to the touch. So the next day I see that two blind men bashing each other, over the head with bottles. One is saying it is soft like music and the other is saying "it is soft like satin"and on. It goes.. Neither of them knows what they are talking about. Because if they did, they will shut up.

In order to remove our spiritual blindness, once should gather knowledge about God, without forming our own image suit for us. Catholism provides easy method to understand what you should do, last sunday, we contemplate on this!.

(2)Last sunday summary:
Not to have our own ways to follow God. Church is led by Holy Spirit.2 types of commandments:
(1)what Jesus has told
(2)what church formed.
Know these clearly.
Don't change according to your conveniences
(1)are U worship only Eucharist or parents?
(2) Do you follow 7 sacraments?

Hence  understand clearly,operation of the church. Why Papal infallability is needed? Why church rules are also important?. Many dogma's has been established under papal infallability such as
(1) universality of church(castless society)
(2)no restriction of food-u can eat pork
(3)no circumscion
(4)Immaculate conception+assumption of Mary
(5)restriction on birth control & abortion(6)Euthanasia are few to mention. There are popular current topics like unisex marriages are yet need decision. All these factors are needed to enjoy U'r life.

(3) Today, it will further address treating human differently, will block God's Will to you! Human is one family.

Concept of catholism!

You cannot decide from which parents you should come to this world.Only God decides.God created you according to His image.Hence your actual father is God, making whole humanity as one family with Father as God. As one family,you cannot differentiate any other human,as Poor, rich,country wise etc. You cannot live in this world alone. You need support of another person!. A loaf of bread on your table,is a result of around 350 humans. When you need another person's support,you have to love him.
Basic operation of Catholism is
(1)God created you
(2)You have to love each other.

Formation of any cast money/power/etc vice,is going against God's will to be blocked to you. When your name implies a hidden cast or when we built churches according to casts,it is going against baptism or church principle of cast less society and anticipated happiness will deprived from you.Cast conscious mind introduced deafness to God's Will for U!. Ephphatha!


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