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Sunday (27/9) disciplined Catholic(brief version)

IF YOUR FOOT IS CAUSE YOU TO SIN CUT IT OFF- shows how much we have to be careful to avoid sins both mentally and physically for us to have God's Grace!

Last sunday we are reminded how to achieve our goals(mainly happiness in this life), by praying and surrendering our will to God. Today we were told to be more disciplined about our self not to commit Sin.

Today's reading!

Book of numbers says(Nb 11:25-29)"..Lord..cloud..spoke..Moses..Spirit..70 elders..they prophesied..not again..Eldad..medad..spirit came..not gone..tent..prophesying..camp.."My Lord Moses stop them"..jealous..whole people..Prophets..Lord gave..Spirit..

St james says(Jm 5:1-6)"..answer..rich.. Crying..weep..miseries..coming..wealth..rotting..clothes..eaten..Gold..silver..corroding..Your own sentence.. burning.. fire..stored..treasure..on earth..life..comport and luxury..you..condemn..innocence.."

Mk(9:38-43.45. 47-48) says"John.." Master..man..not one of us casting devils"..to stop..Jesus said"..not stop..anyone..not against for us.."..cup of water..to christ..He will certainly not lose ..your..foot..cause..sin..cut feet.."

Reminds: before criticising others, we should be double careful, whether we follow the catholic rules properly.

Always we remember "in the name of father......"  What does this means: God the Father-has given us 10 commandments to follow.
The Son- ask us to pardoned each other and love each other
The Holy Spirit- runs the church with church rules-(more dynamic) ex: you cannot form cast, no need circumscised,no artificial birth control, no abortion, follow 7 sacraments..etc
When we don't follow the above rules given by Father,Son and Holy spirit, we sin. Sin causes you to be unhappy during this life.  To day James talk about, the value of eternal Happiness, and compares your conditioning of your mind for your sole convenience, deveiating the Church Rules. Mark reminds the importance of your action, to understand what is sin, and painfully even not to sin.
Book of wisdom says that not to judge others, but be disciplined your self!

With the present day technology of information explosion, internet, telephones,facebook become very influential to day to day life. The contactibility of people become more easy and past.

This creates more disagreements to grow, more conditioning to grow, more illicit affairs to grow, without much knowledge. This will hamper, the main focus of a family. Today reflection is very much pertinent, to consider how to disciplined our self, to form a  happy society!


 For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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