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Sunday (13/9) Renouncing Catholic(brief Version)

Renouncing God from your life!
(Renounce: To publically says that you will no longer keep something, or stay an important position, because you no longer have the right to it.)

Today, you are told, that when you follow Commandments+church rules, you can manage any worries stemming in your life, Since Holy Spirit will support you.

 Today's reading
Isaiah says(Is 50:5-9)"..Lord..opened my ear..I..No resistance..I offered my back..who stuck me..Lord comes..my help.."

James says(Jm 2:14-18)"..brothers..never done..good act..claims..faith.will..save him?..if good works do not go with it..quite dead.."

Mark says(Mk 8:27-35) "..Jesus.. questioned..'Who do people say I am?'..Peter 'You are..Christ'..Son of man..destined.. suffer..put to death..after 3 days..rise.. Peter..remonstrate..He rebuked..'Get behind me Satan..you think not God's way but man's..to be a follower..renounce himself..follow me..who loses..life..my sake..save.."

Reminds: That, after Jesus Christ God has given full freedom to human. Before HE trained humans through Jews, how to use our free will(Freedom),in enjoying happiness.
With Freedom, you are having a free will to take any decision of your actions. BUT 100% out come of your action is not known to you. Only God knows.

Unless you lead your,actions or life, with God's direction, you are not certain about out puts to your actions. For most of your success, you can praise God. This is the remedy for avoiding 7 major vices(such as Sloth,Anger,Pride,lust, envy, Gluttony,Avarice).

Happy life!

Catholicism provides a very short method to lead a happy life. For that following factors has to be understood properly.

(1) God created Human to lead happy life, using full freedom. Always freedom is subject to law. But failure to adhere to law, creates fear,sorrow and disagreements among humans
 (2) God selected Jews, to train how to reintroduce freedom, through various prophets, talking directly with humans. In this process, like Master/Slave operation. This phase concluded after John the Baptist. In this phase 10 commandments with eye to eye operation was introduced.
(3) God came as Son, to the same Jews, and practically showed, how to exercise our free will, in managing fear and sorrow. He clearly showed our life will swing from Gethsamani to Golgotha. He reintroduced 10 commandments, now with' turn your other cheek'.(Since HE is not direct, you don't know, whether you are correct or Not) HE mainly showed following important points.
(A)With full freedom given to human,out come of any action, human cannot predict 100% outcome. God has retain that functionality.
(B)more you become Slave to God's Will, your happiness is more probable. Hence follow all commandments, identifying God in every action.
(C) certain actions, human way of thinking may interact. Sometimes for our human mind we think it is not practical. But God's ways are different. Imaging how mother Theresa started serving poorest of poor.

 (D) Risen Jesus shown importance of controlling 5 senses(mouth,ear,nose,skin &eyes) since He has risen with 5 wounds not with other wounds.
(F) Role of human, starting with Holy Mary was shown, with regard to handling worries of any human. This has been extended to all saints.
(G) Jesus has risen from death, within 3 days, why 3 days?, just to indicate your can erase your sorrows/worries within 3 days, with catholic principles.

(4) After 10 days with ascension of Jesus, on pentecost day, God shown how to enjoy your freedom, with formation of church by Holy Spirit. Church is having following major characteristics
(A) Cast less society, to treat all human as 1 family, loving each other/ not restricted only to Jews
(B) laws to be introduced(how to handle morality deriving from technological/scientific advancement)by Church, to exercise the freedom, to lead happy life,
Infallibility of pope become prominent and belief of direction of Holy spirit through Pope is essential factor. Under this function, catholic church become more dynamic, resolving the day to day problems that arises.
For example other than major doctrinal dogma's pertaining to Holy mary, many other decisions have been taken with regard to restriction on food, circumcision, artificial birth control, abortion or Euthanasia. This will go on till end of the world.

A good Example of mother Theresa

Born in Albania(26/8/1910)& baptised as Agnes,She is the founder of Missionaries of Charity (1950–1997), who serves poorest of the poor.Their mission is to care all unwanted & unloved in society,as carriers of CHRIST Love in the Slums.On the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,22/8/1952,she opened her1st home for dying,named "nirmal Hriday"(pure heart) at Kalighat.
She saw,over 20000 people dying.One of them said"I have lived like an animal in the street,but I am going to die like an angel,loved and cared for"1971she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.She died on5/9/97in India,beatified by JP2 in 2003.Church recognised the healing of an non christian Indian woman in 2002,who had a huge abdominal tumour.Her Motto was'WE DO IT FOR JESUS'.

Mother Theresa, was living example, to show the reality of today's reading.
She died on September 5, 1997 (aged 87)
Calcutta, India.


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