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Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:23: Date:6/9/2015 deaf Catholic:

A.  Back ground: In Catholicism you are allowed to digest God, into your body with Holy Eucharist. In order to have meaningful digestion you are supposed to follow rules given by church. Then we analyzed how God extends His kingdom towards end of the earth thru' 2 sacraments matrimony and holy orders.
Last sunday we analyzed in detail, the rules that has to be followed.
This sunday we focused about the deafness created by human. Specially due to cast formation. You may be following the commandments, avoiding 7Vices and practicing 7 sacraments but if you lead your life in forming any form of cast, today it says, God's Will, not come to you.

In action serving only to your preferred people may lead you to serve only to a cast. This too will be going against to receive God's will to you, as all human belongs to one family.

B. Preamble for todays reading:

B.1 deafness:
What is the difference between blindness
And deafness?
When you don't have the knowledge of Catholism, then you are blind. When you cannot receive God's will, you are deaf. These 2 are interconnected. When you are blind you form your own imagination.

A man born blind comes to me and asks" what is this thing called color green?" How does one describe the color green to someone who was born blind? One uses analogies. So, I say"the color green is something like soft music,"oh" he says"soft music". "Yes" I say. So the second blind man comes to me and asked "what is the color green?" I tell him it is something like soft satin, very soft and soothing to the touch. So the next day I see that two blind men bashing each other, over the head with bottles. One is saying it is soft like music and the other is saying "it is soft like satin"and on. It goes.. Neither of them knows what they are talking about. Because if they did, they will shut up.

This is true even for catholism. You form your own religion. Catholic church has organized each Sunday 3 readings, which will cover in 3 years, for us to gather knowledge of characteristics of God's kingdom. When you fail to reflect and gather knowledge, you form your own religion for your own convenience. This is what is happening to our own church going catholics. There is a spiritual blindness.

B.2 One Family

You cannot decide from which parents you should come to this world. Only God decides. God created you according to His image. Hence your actual father is God, making whole humanity as one family with Father as God. As one family,you cannot differentiate any other human,as Poor, rich,country wise etc. you cannot live in this world alone. You need support of another person!.A loaf of bread on your table,is a result of around 350 humans. When you need another person's support,you have to love him.
Basic operation of Catholicism is

(1)God created you
(2)You have to love each other.

Formation of any cast money/power/etc vice,is going against God's will to be blocked to you. When your name implies a hidden cast or when we built churches according to casts,it is going against baptism or church principle of cast less society and anticipated happiness will deprived from you. Cast conscious mind introduced deafness to God's Will for you.

B.2 forming of cast:

Main form of Cast is considered as fixed unchangeable social class in to which people are BORN. Your great,great grand father were farming, where as mine was fishing,today we both are teachers doing same job,(may be same blood group),but we differentiate each other from cast. Cast conscience person will lead to hardheadedness(form of pride),where he take practical decisions without letting his emotions affecting his judgment. You tend to forget, that God has created you and every human is God creation & you have to look for friendship irrespective of cast. Cast dilutes the ability to appreciate,human achievements unbiased way,thus harming your self of deprived knowledge. There are many other forms of cast based on ancestral villege/based on your job position. All casts are heading towards selfish motives,while coordination between one cast to another is very poor depriving to achieve common goals of society!. Pope Francis send clear signals of having a cast less church.

Cast has become cancer in the developing countries. People prefer to show their cast in their name, just to get undue preference, from others(for their own selfish motives).
Priests in the church are also instrument in forming casts. Parish priest, other congregations, other clergy are forming various casts, and coordination between each cast become extremely difficult, causing negative outputs of church!

B.3 how God's Will be known to you!
Catholic life can be divided into 2 parts:
(1)Basic life: to lead a peaceful +worry less life
(2)Secondary life: To lead your life according to the God's Will
When your life is not peaceful and worry less, you are leading your life according to your will. You may pray, but your own conditioning and your lack of knowledge of God, may lead your life, according to your wish. For slightest thing if your getting angry, is a common symptom of this life. So first analyze, why you are getting anger, check whether, your life is leading with 10 commandments+ adhering to sacraments. Then you have to verify, whether you receive Holy Eucharist, with proper preparation. This does not mean, whether you eat 1 hour before, but this means, whether you are having Pride+envy, mind is tune to casts,whether you have enemies certain other conditions we contemplate on few sundays during this cycle ordinary time.
Finally, you should hand over all your worries to Holy Mary and saints, for them to intercede with God for you. They are the people(Holy Mary+saints) who were successful, in handling worries, in this life.

(2) When you are not happy, it will block God's will for you. You can lead worry less life, still God's will not come to you, if you are not happy. When you forget, God is omni potent, omnipresence and omni scent, your life will be attracted by 7 vices without your knowledge. These are anger, sloth, pride,envy, lust, avarice and gluttony. These can be overcome by practicing, how to regulate your will, keeping in mind that God has created you to lead a happy life!.

C. Today's reading:

Isaiah says(Is 35:4-7)"Say..all hearts..Do not be afraid..God is coming..save you..blind.. opened..ears..deaf unsealed..dumb sings for Joy.

St James says(Jm2:1-5)"..brothers.. not..combine faith in Jesus..making.. distinctions..classes of people.

Mk says(Mk7:31-37),"..Jesus..deaf man.. HE.. put HIS fingers..man's ears..touched his tongue..spittle..'Ephphatha'..his ears..opened..HE makes..deaf hear..dumb speak"
Reminds formation of any cast will introduce deafness into you. You are barring God's will to you.
You may be a priest, forming group of priest as superior, will block God's Will for you!.

D. Conclusions:
Forgetting that you are created by God,and whole humanity is one family, makes us to form cast in various forms. Today we are reminded, to avoid any form creating cast among people. This will avoid to introduce  God's will for you!


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