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Season:ordinay 1: Sunday no-1 Feast: Epiphany of the lord: 8/1:2017 Sleep walk catholic

High lights
(1) According to science, U sleep walk when U r sleeping. How? Without Ur knowledge, U travel 30KM/sec right round sun and U rotate by Ur self 1/2 km per second. How can you see this?
(2) According to science: Isac newton says EVERY ACTION HAS A REACTION. Enemy,who make Ur life miserable, U see God is supporting him, without breaking his leg!. As a Catholic can U fathom this? Is catholism scientific?
(3)After seeing& worshiping baby Jesus, why kings went back in a different road? Is it good PR with Herod,who supported them?
(4)Are U Sure about 100% out come Ur action? Why people meet with accidents and stay at hospital?
(5) In year 2017, how to go above science, to avoid sleep walking?

Spend about 7 minutes to listen to this
(Pl note the date of voice cut to be changed to jan 8th)

Reflection for 8th january 2017, celebrating 1st Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1.Today church invite you to analyze, about the last feast of Christmas season Epiphany and to morrow 9th Jan church will celebrate the baptism of Christ,which normally the 1st sunday in ordinary times. Both these feasts you are invited to reflect, the factors needed to be active as a catholic.

Some human's lead their life like Sleep Walking. Without much analyzing.

The great Socratise says "unaware life is not worth for living." They sleep walk until they die!.
According to science, you sleep walk when you are sleeping. How? Without your knowledge, you travel 30KM/sec right round sun and you rotate by your self 1/2 km per second. How can you see this?

Earth's circumference is approximately. 40000km &it takes 24hrs to completely rotate around its own axis(0.5km/sec).While doing so,Earth also travels approximately 940Million km around sun/year(appr.30km/sec).Without your knowledge God make you to travel, 40000km/day thru' rotation of earth+940Mkm/year right round sun.

When you are 25yrs,you have traveled 23500Mkm around sun+365Mkm around earth totalling 23865Mkm.your own travel in this globe,is therefore comparably negligible to what God make you travel. You can observe within earth how God make U travel,by looking at the movement of stars but you cannot see how you travel around Sun(much faster/longer than your travel on earth) unless you go to space. When you don't identify the greater influence of God in your life,it is like only seeing your travel in this world(negligible) and not realizing how far you have traveled in reality!Then you sleep walk in you life. Today feast invite you to Reflect beyond earth to see how God make you travel,in this 2017!.

SIGHT- Seeing and it's relationship to our life!
 Sight is arguably one of the most human senses. The journey begins with electromagnetic radiation(light), where visible light occupies wave lengths between 400 to 750 Nano meters. Wave length is important to the people, as how to sense light. Colors are having different wavelength.

Similarly, as human, you can master a subject by focusing more on that subject. You can see more clearly if you devote more time, with continuous analysis, you will be seeing more wave lengths-more colors. Religion is common subject for many human beings. There are more than 1 billion catholics in the world. They are supposed to focus more on Jesus teachings. They will start focusing on christianity to see different wave lengths to be applicable to their own life to reach happiness in this life.

Mystery of any subject is no longer going to be a mystery, if you focus more on that subject. This knowledge that you can acquire from the learning process. Catholicism has allowed any adult to convert, the root less faith they develop at school, to a full pledge faith, by attending sunday mass, specially following and reflecting on the sunday gospel reading alone with other 2 readings. Sunday Mass is the weekly banquet of God, where your reflection is equivalent to the proper cloth that you should wear for that banquet.

Let us see Today's reading:

Prophet Isaiah says(Is 60-1-6) says" above you the glory of the lord appears"

Paul says to Ephesians(Ep 3:2-3,5-6): it has now been revealed the pagans share the same inheritance.

Mt 2:1-12 says"we saw HIS star come to do the king homage "

Reflect: In our deepest selves, each of us is a mystery: where do I come from? Where am I going? Why am I here? How should I live the risk in our present culture is to sleep walk thru' life, to be satisfied with merely material existence. But the human "project" is much greater. Each of us is really on a pilgrimage, a quest to become my true self, in image and likeness of God. My true self is found by being open to God, in whom we live and move and have our being. By following that star,by listening to our conscience and our inner selves, we come home to God.

In old days Epiphany means kings, manifest themselves to their subjects in style.

(1)3 kings worship baby Jesus & went back in different path, showing the relevance,
(2)when you meet God,you change your life pattern &go in different path. What is this change or different path you will experience?
(3) What is the change- you love your enemy/
identify God's presence from your birth upto now, this is the reality you can experience in Christianity, Which is going to be above science.
You start to follow God's Will.
(4)in order to do that identify 3 kings-means Theopany-worship of the Magi/Christ baptism in Jordan/His 1st miracle in cana-

with Baptism,you are supposed to worship only God&follow7ethics

(6)when you satisfy merely with material existence,life become a mystery: where do you come from?Where you are going?Why you are here? You tend to ignore the answers to these questions.

(7)then you sleep walk thru' life,ignoring that it is a pilgrimage.
But human"project"is much greater. By following THAT STAR&listening to your conscience,you come home to God.

In conclusion:

According to science, Isaac newton says EVERY ACTION HAS A REACTION. However, it seems that evildoers succeed most of the time and it seems that they never get punished! As a Catholic can U fathom this? Is catholism scientific. When you meet God, you will see all action of yours were guide by God, from your birth. Then you will notice, the enemy, who created problems to your life, has done something good, for your Present happy life. Then you can love your enemy. This will make you more healthy, since anger make your blood to boil and create health problems to you. So you will see though newton says every action has an opposite reaction, Christianity sees that every action in God, there is no opposite reaction, when you start following God's will.
Thank you
God Bless You!

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http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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