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Bending Catholic Sunday(15/1) Brief Version

Bending Catholic Sunday(15/1) Brief Version


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(1) Why John(the last prophet said" jesus is the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world"?
(2)What do you,mean by sin?: according to Catholicism how do you sin?
(3) How 10 commandments were introduced. What is there in 10 commandments?. What are the other 4 categories of sins, catholic church has defined?
(4) What is the effect of sins to your life?
(5) Before Jesus,jews followed,10 comms with Eye to Eye Principle. Why Jesus changed operating principle to turn Ur other cheek?
Pl spend about 11 minutes to listen,to get the answers for above!.


Reflection for 15th january 2017, celebrating 2nd Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1.Today church invite you to analyze, how you should lead your life according to God's law and how much God is eager to forget your sins and help you to lead your life happily.

Today church invite us to analyze, what is God's law for us. For example, our original parents(Adam+Eve) were created by God
With full freedom to lead a happy eternal life. Always freedom is subjected to law or understanding. Unfortunately our original parents could not maintain that understanding,causing God to introduce worldly life+eternal life, with death, fear and sorrow,child hood to be introduced to worldly life. God planned to reintroduce freedom to human in 3 stages. First 2 stages HE has chosen jews to show, and instructed direct thru' prophets, as how to live to use full freedom, with 10 comms, with eye to eye principle. Jesus showed us,how to manage our mental and physical agonies, when God become indirect,using your Free Will to follow God's Will. During HIS public life, Jesus will encounter rejection,scorn,pain, agony,death. HE will accept it and transform it into an act of love, of salvation for the world. The cross on which HE will hang will be a sign proclaiming to all peoples that Love is stronger than death, that no evil, no violence, can triumph over love.

After Jesus, you have option to follow God's will or not, from your own conscience.
 After Jesus, holy Spirit formed the church, HE will advice all humanity not only jews how to use your free will, to surrender to God's Will, to enjoy God guaranteed happiness of your life

Let us analyse Today's reading:
Prop Isaiah (Is 49:3.5-6) says" I will make you the light of the nations, so that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth"

Paul says to corinthians(1 Cor1: 1-3)" may God our Father and the Lord Jesus send you Grace and peace"

Jn 1:29-34 says" Look there is a lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world"

Today( It deviates from Mathew to show the spiritual values from John gospel!).  from John Gospel Jn;1:29-34 connects meaning of Baptism spiritually!"LAMB OF GOD WHO TAKES AWAY SINS OF WORLD"reminds about SIN and how much God is willing to forgive us like a baby sheep(lamb). He is willingly accept Shepard ship. Shepherd means a person who herds, tends, and guard sheep. With a broad meaning, A shepard means A person who protect guides or watches over a person or group of people. HE asked you not to sin.
Sin is an offense against God thru 'dis obeying of HIS laws. You can examine your conscience calling to mind the sins you have committed,Most human weakness of present day is that you live, according to your convenience, by passing what God has asked you to do!.
You try to bend the God's rules,to suit you.


(1)You shall not have strange God's before me/
(2)You shall not take name of lord Ur God in vain/
(3)keep holy Lords day/
(4)honor Ur father & Mother/
(5)You shall not kill/(avoid artificial birth control,abortion, euthanasia)
(6)You shall not commit adultery/
(7)You shall not steal/
(8)You shall not bear false witness against Ur neighbor/
(9)You shall not covert your neighbor's wife/(10)you shall not covet your neighbors good.

there are 3 parts, comms 1- 5 God & you, com 6-8 deals personal to you, com 9-10 deals with you & society.
Why there is no Thou shall not Lie?. Because once you remove guilt of your sin, with Repentance and confession with a priest, you can forget your sin and when you advice others, you can pretend that you have not sinned. This is specifically applicable advising children or when you want to advice society, as not to sin.


You shall love your God/

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

(1)shall attend mass on sundays & on holy days of obligation & remain free from work/
(2) You shall confess your sins atleast once a year/
(3)You shall receive Eucharist at least during Easter season/
(4)You shall observe fasting & abstinence established by church/
(5)You shall help to provide needs of church.

 4.MOST GREVIOUS SINS( sins against holy spirit)
7 vices
Anger, sloth,Pride,avarice,lust,envy,gluttony
#Anger:  you have no control over what angers you, but you do have control over what you do after you become angry. The deadly sin of anger is the sudden outburst of emotion-namely hostility -sustaining thoughts about the desire for revenge.
Developing patience, is the virtue that allows you to adopt and endure evil, without harboring any destructive feelings, is the best countermeasure. For anger. When you give yourself the time and opportunity to cool off, anger dissipates and more practical concerns come to the front line.
#Sloth is laziness, particularly when it concerns prayer and spiritual life. It centers on doing nothing or trivial things. SLOTH ALWAYS WANTING TO REST AND RELAX, with no desire or intentions of making a sacrifice or doing something for others. It is an aversion to work- physical,mental, and spiritual. Slot inevitably leads to lukewarm ness and tepidity and then deteriorate into disinterest, discouragement and finally despair. Sloth breeds indifference, which prevents joy from ever being experienced. Church says that evil habit of being physically present but not consciously participating or being careless in fulfilling your religious duties is also a sin of sloth. You will get some idea if you go thru' Proverb 24:30-34;
Spiritual laziness can only be overcome by practicing the virtue of diligence, which is a habit of keeping focused and paying attention to the work at hand- be it the work of employment or the work of God. Diligent prayer and diligent worship make you more reverent. Diligence in all things ensures that you don't become idle and start daydreaming leaving reality for fantasy island.
#PRIDE:Great an admiration of oneself and has7evil consequences: boasting, love for publicity,hyprocrisy,hard head ness,discord,quarreling and disobedience leads to U'r EGOISM.
#AVARICE:U'r greedyness,leading to fraud,perjury, dishonesty,perfidy&harshness,with others
#LUST:Dis orientated love that seeks not other but personal individualistic pleasure& satisfaction in all U do.Desire for pleasure is good thing in life.Life would be sapless without it.What is dangerous is in ordinate craving for it. Jesus advocate a simple life & conscious of dangers of riches& money
#Gluttony:this follows from disorderly animal appetite, obsession with food and drink to point of LIVING TO EAT,RATHER THAN EATING TO LIVE.

5.SINS CRYING HEAVON FOR VENGENANCE (1)willful murder(abortion)
(2)sin of sodom
(3)oppression of the poor/
(4)defrauding laborers of their wage.

Basic set of rules: 10 commandments has been given to Moses 1600 B.C at mount Sinai. Jesus didn't change the law(constitution),he full fill it by changing the operational method from 'eye to eye' to 'turn your cheek'. There is a logical reason for this,since God became indirect after Jesus, giving us full freedom to choose HIS commandments or not.

B.3 background of 10 Commandments

Articles 1691 thru'2557 of the catechism of Catholic church look at, all 10 commandments as the spring board for moral teaching & ethical behavior for the believer! there is a difference in numbering between 10 comms; sited by catholics & lutherns, & the one cited by the other protesting traditions!. The Bible itself never assigns a number to any one of 10 comms; they are listed 2 times in scripture,in Exodus20:2-17 & Deuteronomy5:6-21).

St Augustine(354-430A.D), bishop of Hippo, was the first to assign numbers to the ten commandments.

Is there any remedies, for the actions which fall outside 10 commandments?

After following laws given by God, you have an Individual Rule: follow God's Will specific to you
This is very difficult: unless you are with Holy Mary+saints +have a Charity mind, it will be very difficult for you to understand God'S will for you.
Daily rosary + miraculous medal in your neck is very essential, to get the God's will for you. Since Mary has been assigned specially for this(ex: first Miracle at Cana+Jesus handing over us to Mary at the cross)

Importance of daily handing over your worries!

Daily we should hand over our worries+sorrows thru' Holy Mary to God!. This will help God to fill his directions to your mind. God will never intervene to your free will!. Worries means virus similar to computer software!.

major belief of catholism!
Unique Belief of Christianity is God can pardon SIN(with sacrament of confession) &relieve our sorrows with happiness!, which Paul&Isaiah both confirms.

This sunday we were reminded what is Sin in catholism & how to remedy for sin
Very important belief & action to enjoy the catholic life!

Sin will cause introduction of fear & sorrow into our lives. Once you are aware of the sin you committed, it will cause you the feelings of GUILT. Major difference of Catholism to any Religions is that  you can remove your guilt with Repentance & confession with a priest. Then by carrying out indulgence activities you can reduce the punishment. Once you remove guilt, you can completely forget your sin & act as if you have not committed it. That is why there is no "THOU SHALL NOT LIE" in 10 commandments. This is way of not allowing sins to be carried from one generation to another!. Enjoy your life

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