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Gifted Catholic Sunday (29/1) Brief Version

High light:
(1) Can U get money,out fish mouth? Can U convert water into wine? Can U
get to know, what are the action of other person, in advance?
(2) Is Jesus actions,converting water into wine or producing coins,to pay
caesars tax or many other- goes above natural or Government law?
(3) What Jesus try to show from these actions?
(4)In order to own a gift, first You should receive it. How to own God's
gift in your life?
(5) When you don't know(a)100% out come for your action(b)what is happening
inside your body(c)how to read the other person's mind: how to live
happily?Do you need the God's gift to live in this society? For that what
you should do?
Pl spend 9 minutes to listen to this!

Reflection for 29th January 2017, celebrating 4th Sunday mass of ordinary
season,of cycle 1, when you follow God's law, how you are going to enjoy
your life superseding both natural and Government law: how you are going to
own the gift of happiness from God? In order to own a gift first you should
receive it. how you are going to experience impossible things are making

When we analyse Jesus life, we face with following 2 questions:

(1) Can U get money,out fish mouth? Can U convert water into wine? Can U
get to know, what are the action of other person, in advance?
(2) Is Jesus actions,converting water into wine or producing coins,to pay
caesars tax or many other- goes above natural or Government law?

In Jesus life you will  see 3 major characters
(1) Certain impossible things has happened: have you ever heard somebody is
making wine out of water?. Scientifically this is not possible. This shows
that when you follow what God asked You to do, you can see miracles, where
science cannot give reasons
(2) Certain unpredictable things happened. You know certain happenings, are
virtually difficult to achieve, very low probability to achieve. Such
things are finding a donkey, for him to travel/finding upper room for last
super/etc. This shows the major outcome of Christianity. For a required
output amazingly you get support to achieve. This kind of happenings you
attribute to your fortune, but as catholic you know it is God's work.
(3) Certain unlawful things happened: like getting coins from a fish.
Incident is having very low probability, and unlawful to produce coins.
This shows, for a need sometimes you might go deviating the law.

When you are leading your life, you see how difficult to achieve the
required goal in your life. There are many unknown factors, with very low
probability to achieve, sometimes going above the government law, yet you
achieve. You have two options to attribute  such outputs (1) you bypass God
saying, it is to your luck, that it has happened Or otherwise you say the
God help you. What is most scientific answer? Science should provide
logical reasoning. God is the most scientific answer for such kind of

Under such circumstances, how God says, that HE has created you to lead a
happy life?
How can you own the gift of happiness from God. First let us analyze, what
you mean by

owner ship:

is an elusive concept,as it implies a permanent state of possession. Yet
all things,even life itself,are only loaned to us. Jesus demonstrated
ownership in all things,whether was a donkey to carry him,an or upper room
to pray,or wine for wedding,or coins to pay caesar's tax.

ownership to create goods HE needed. Many times what HE needed was
delivered thru' generosity& willingness of those who served. In the garden
of Eden God told Adam&Eve"I GIVE U ALL THIS,TAKE CARE OF THIS"HE told
ABRAHAM "ALL OF THIS LAND IS URS".Whole universe is HIS&HE knew it. That is
why people called HIM KING.JESUS knew that all FATHER had was HIS.HE"owned
it". Look at heavenly deeds written in your name. In order to OWN A GIFT
1st U MUST RECEIVE IT. How can u receive GOD's gift?easiest way is follow 7
Ethics:(follow 10 comms,avoid 7 vices, administer 7 sacraments, practice 7
corporal and merciful actions, practice love and always pardon others. then
supernatural things become natural to you.


The modern world rewards for high achievers. You are success in life if you
gain high position in financial,political and business world. You know who
you are,and every one else does too. But do you really know "who am I?"
What is the meaning of life? These are basic questions that everyone faces
and has to try to answer at some time or other. Our world reply" you are
what you achieve?.life means the satisfaction, the fulfillment, of all your
hopes and ambitions. Somehow or other, these answers do not seem to satisfy
for long. Some of the world unhappiest ,most dissatisfied people are those
who were the most successful according to accepted standards.
Try to find the meaning of life,what we accomplish is useless effort. The
only way to find the meaning of life and once own identity,is in trying
always to do the will of God. It is only in emptying the self of self will
that we really find out who we are. We are precise in God's eye not because
of what we accomplish,but because of who and what we are,beloved by Lord to
such degree,HE sent His son Jesus to live and die for us.

Let's go through today's reading:

Today's reading:
Zephania says(ZP 2:3;3:12-13)"In Ur midst I will leave a humble and lovely
PAul says to corinthians( 1 cor 1:26-31) says"God chose what is foolish by
human reckoning" Gospel MT(5:1-12) says"How happy are the poor in spirit"

As catholic we should have different out look on our life. Gospel provides
a blue print for that outlook.  For example, Mathew gospel has been written
as a particular community or church in mind. In this sense it is a
community book. It provides the basis on which a community a group would
built its life and structure. It also allows the members to develop an
understanding of the relationship develop between past, the present and the

Today it gives us a blue print for that out look. It gives us a set of
values from the mouth of Jesus HIMSElF. The Beatitudes describe the process
of conversion to that new outlook. A new catechism tells us that the
Beatitude do not represent 8 classes of people, but that they all apply to
one and the same group. They are not the summary of virtues. They have in
view people who have nothing to hope for from this world but who look for
God for every thing, who are wholly open to God,full of expectations. In a
word they are men and women who's lives resemble the way of submssivenes
and loving service for God.
The Beatitude may seem like an impossible dream to many people. Well, they
are a dream but not an impossible one, for they represent Jesus dream for
HIS followers, and HE invites us all to help HIM make the dream come true-
if not in our world , but atleast n our lives. We begin by striving and
praying for the spirit of submissive ness and expectancy that characterized
HIS and HIS Mothers Life, placing more emphasis of being human than on
having greAt possessions.
Picture of limit

In conclusion:

(1)in your life,u get to know limitation of(a) science(you cannot control
climate)(B) Government law enforcement. (You cannot get 100% correct
decisions)(c)ability to read other person's mind(you don't know what other
person will do)
(2)when you trust God created you & all out comes of your actions,HE
knows,you will realize,following GOD'S WILL for you is the safest way to
lead a happy life
(3) this will lead to realize,limitation of(1.B) & you become God centered
(4)when you sin,with REPENTANCE+CONFESSION with priest,u hv to be with
Grace with God
(5)then you will understand the limitations&know how God support your
(6) before enjoying happiness,you should receive that gift from God
(7)then happiness with time, will be enjoyed by you.

Thank you!
God Bless you!

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http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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