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Cycle 1: Season: ordinary 1: Sunday no-4 Date:29/1:2017 gifted catholic

High light:
(1) Can U get money,out fish mouth? Can U convert water into wine? Can
U get to know, what are the action of other person, in advance?
(2) Is Jesus actions,converting water into wine or producing coins,to
pay caesars tax or many other- goes above natural or Government law?
(3) What Jesus try to show from these actions?
(4)In order to own a gift, first You should receive it. How to own
God's gift in your life?
(5) When you don't know(a)100% out come for your action(b)what is
happening inside your body(c)how to read the other person's mind: how
to live happily?Do you need the God's gift to live in this society?
For that what you should do?
Pl spend 9 minutes to listen to this!

Reflection for 29th January 2017, celebrating 4th Sunday mass of
ordinary season,of cycle 1, when you follow God's law, how you are
going to enjoy your life superseding both natural and Government law:
how you are going to own the gift of happiness from God? In order to
own a gift first you should receive it. how you are going to
experience impossible things are making possible?

When we analyze Jesus life, we face with following 2 questions:

(1) Can U get money,out fish mouth? Can U convert water into wine? Can
U get to know, what are the action of other person, in advance?
(2) Is Jesus actions,converting water into wine or producing coins,to
pay caesars tax or many other- goes above natural or Government law?

In Jesus life you will  see 3 major characters
(1) Certain impossible things has happened: have you ever heard
somebody is making wine out of water?. Scientifically this is not
possible. This shows that when you follow what God asked You to do,
you can see miracles, where science cannot give reasons
(2) Certain unpredictable things happened. You know certain
happenings, are virtually difficult to achieve, very low probability
to achieve. Such things are finding a donkey, for him to
travel/finding upper room for last super/etc. This shows the major
outcome of Christianity. For a required output amazingly you get
support to achieve. This kind of happenings you attribute to your
fortune, but as catholic you know it is God's work.
(3) Certain unlawful things happened: like getting coins from a fish.
Incident is having very low probability, and unlawful to produce
coins. This shows, for a need sometimes you might go deviating the

When you are leading your life, you see how difficult to achieve the
required goal in your life. There are many unknown factors, with very
low probability to achieve, sometimes going above the government law,
yet you achieve. You have two options to attribute  such outputs (1)
you bypass God saying, it is to your luck, that it has happened Or
otherwise you say the God help you. What is most scientific answer?
Science should provide logical reasoning. God is the most scientific
answer for such kind of things.

Under such circumstances, how God says, that HE has created you to
lead a happy life?
How can you own the gift of happiness from God. First let us analyze,
what you mean by

owner ship:

is an elusive concept,as it implies a permanent state of possession.
Yet all things,even life itself,are only loaned to us. Jesus
demonstrated ownership in all things,whether was a donkey to carry
him,an or upper room to pray,or wine for wedding,or coins to pay
caesar's tax.

of ownership to create goods HE needed. Many times what HE needed was
delivered thru' generosity& willingness of those who served. In the
garden of Eden God told Adam&Eve"I GIVE U ALL THIS,TAKE CARE OF
THIS"HE told ABRAHAM "ALL OF THIS LAND IS URS".Whole universe is
HIS&HE knew it. That is why people called HIM KING.JESUS knew that all
FATHER had was HIS.HE"owned it". Look at heavenly deeds written in
your name. In order to OWN A GIFT 1st U MUST RECEIVE IT. How can u
receive GOD's gift?easiest way is follow 7 Ethics:(follow 10
comms,avoid 7 vices, administer 7 sAcraments, practice 7 corporal and
merciful actions, practice love and always pardon others. then
supernatural things become natural to you.


The modern world rewards for high achievers. You are success in life
if you gain high position in financial,political and business world.
You know who you are,and every one else does too. But do you really
know "who am I?" What is the meaning of life? These are basic
questions that everyone faces and has to try to answer at some time or
other. Our world reply" you are what you achieve?.life means the
satisfaction, the fulfillment, of all your hopes and ambitions.
Somehow or other, these answers do not seem to satisfy for long. Some
of the world unhappiest ,most dissatisfied people are those who were
the most successful according to accepted standards.
Try to find the meaning of life,what we accomplish is useless effort.
The only way to find the meaning of life and once own identity,is in
trying always to do the will of God. It is only in emptying the self
of self will that we really find out who we are. We are precise in
God's eye not because of what we accomplish,but because of who and
what we are,beloved by Lord to such degree,HE sent His son Jesus to
live and die for us.

Let's go through today's reading:

Today's reading:
Zephania says(ZP 2:3;3:12-13)"In Ur midst I will leave a humble and
lovely people"
PAul says to corinthians( 1 cor 1:26-31) says"God chose what is
foolish by human reckoning" Gospel MT(5:1-12) says"How happy are the
poor in spirit"

As catholic we should have different out look on our life. Gospel
provides a blue print for that outlook.  For example, Mathew gospel
has been written as a particular community or church in mind. In this
sense it is a community book. It provides the basis on which a
community a group would built its life and structure. It also allows
the members to develop an understanding of the relationship develop
between past, the present and the future.
Today it gives us a blue print for that out look. It gives us a set of
values from the mouth of Jesus HIMSElF. The Beatitudes describe the
process of conversion to that new outlook. A new catechism tells us
that the Beatitude do not represent 8 classes of people, but that they
all apply to one and the same group. They are not the summary of
virtues. They have in view people who have nothing to hope for from
this world but who look for God for every thing, who are wholly open
to God,full of expectations. In a word they are men and women who's
lives resemble the way of submssivenes and loving service for God.
The Beatitude may seem like an impossible dream to many people. Well,
they are a dream but not an impossible one, for they represent Jesus
dream for HIS followers, and HE invites us all to help HIM make the
dream come true- if not in our world , but atleast n our lives. We
begin by striving and praying for the spirit of submissive ness and
expectancy that characterized HIS and HIS Mothers Life, placing more
emphasis of being human than on having greAt possessions.

In conclusion:

(1)in your life,u get to know limitation of(a) science(you cannot
control climate)(B) Government law enforcement. (You cannot get 100%
correct decisions)(c)ability to read other person's mind(you don't
know what other person will do)
(2)when you trust God created you & all out comes of your actions,HE
knows,you will realize,following GOD'S WILL for you is the safest way
to lead a happy life
(3) this will lead to realize,limitation of(1.B) & you become God centered
(4)when you sin,with REPENTANCE+CONFESSION with priest,u hv to be with
Grace with God
(5)then you will understand the limitations&know how God support your happiness.
(6) before enjoying happiness,you should receive that gift from God
(7)then happiness with time, will be enjoyed by you.

Thank you!
God Bless you!

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or
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Gifted Catholic Sunday (29/1) Brief Version

High light:
(1) Can U get money,out fish mouth? Can U convert water into wine? Can U
get to know, what are the action of other person, in advance?
(2) Is Jesus actions,converting water into wine or producing coins,to pay
caesars tax or many other- goes above natural or Government law?
(3) What Jesus try to show from these actions?
(4)In order to own a gift, first You should receive it. How to own God's
gift in your life?
(5) When you don't know(a)100% out come for your action(b)what is happening
inside your body(c)how to read the other person's mind: how to live
happily?Do you need the God's gift to live in this society? For that what
you should do?
Pl spend 9 minutes to listen to this!

Reflection for 29th January 2017, celebrating 4th Sunday mass of ordinary
season,of cycle 1, when you follow God's law, how you are going to enjoy
your life superseding both natural and Government law: how you are going to
own the gift of happiness from God? In order to own a gift first you should
receive it. how you are going to experience impossible things are making

When we analyse Jesus life, we face with following 2 questions:

(1) Can U get money,out fish mouth? Can U convert water into wine? Can U
get to know, what are the action of other person, in advance?
(2) Is Jesus actions,converting water into wine or producing coins,to pay
caesars tax or many other- goes above natural or Government law?

In Jesus life you will  see 3 major characters
(1) Certain impossible things has happened: have you ever heard somebody is
making wine out of water?. Scientifically this is not possible. This shows
that when you follow what God asked You to do, you can see miracles, where
science cannot give reasons
(2) Certain unpredictable things happened. You know certain happenings, are
virtually difficult to achieve, very low probability to achieve. Such
things are finding a donkey, for him to travel/finding upper room for last
super/etc. This shows the major outcome of Christianity. For a required
output amazingly you get support to achieve. This kind of happenings you
attribute to your fortune, but as catholic you know it is God's work.
(3) Certain unlawful things happened: like getting coins from a fish.
Incident is having very low probability, and unlawful to produce coins.
This shows, for a need sometimes you might go deviating the law.

When you are leading your life, you see how difficult to achieve the
required goal in your life. There are many unknown factors, with very low
probability to achieve, sometimes going above the government law, yet you
achieve. You have two options to attribute  such outputs (1) you bypass God
saying, it is to your luck, that it has happened Or otherwise you say the
God help you. What is most scientific answer? Science should provide
logical reasoning. God is the most scientific answer for such kind of

Under such circumstances, how God says, that HE has created you to lead a
happy life?
How can you own the gift of happiness from God. First let us analyze, what
you mean by

owner ship:

is an elusive concept,as it implies a permanent state of possession. Yet
all things,even life itself,are only loaned to us. Jesus demonstrated
ownership in all things,whether was a donkey to carry him,an or upper room
to pray,or wine for wedding,or coins to pay caesar's tax.

ownership to create goods HE needed. Many times what HE needed was
delivered thru' generosity& willingness of those who served. In the garden
of Eden God told Adam&Eve"I GIVE U ALL THIS,TAKE CARE OF THIS"HE told
ABRAHAM "ALL OF THIS LAND IS URS".Whole universe is HIS&HE knew it. That is
why people called HIM KING.JESUS knew that all FATHER had was HIS.HE"owned
it". Look at heavenly deeds written in your name. In order to OWN A GIFT
1st U MUST RECEIVE IT. How can u receive GOD's gift?easiest way is follow 7
Ethics:(follow 10 comms,avoid 7 vices, administer 7 sacraments, practice 7
corporal and merciful actions, practice love and always pardon others. then
supernatural things become natural to you.


The modern world rewards for high achievers. You are success in life if you
gain high position in financial,political and business world. You know who
you are,and every one else does too. But do you really know "who am I?"
What is the meaning of life? These are basic questions that everyone faces
and has to try to answer at some time or other. Our world reply" you are
what you achieve?.life means the satisfaction, the fulfillment, of all your
hopes and ambitions. Somehow or other, these answers do not seem to satisfy
for long. Some of the world unhappiest ,most dissatisfied people are those
who were the most successful according to accepted standards.
Try to find the meaning of life,what we accomplish is useless effort. The
only way to find the meaning of life and once own identity,is in trying
always to do the will of God. It is only in emptying the self of self will
that we really find out who we are. We are precise in God's eye not because
of what we accomplish,but because of who and what we are,beloved by Lord to
such degree,HE sent His son Jesus to live and die for us.

Let's go through today's reading:

Today's reading:
Zephania says(ZP 2:3;3:12-13)"In Ur midst I will leave a humble and lovely
PAul says to corinthians( 1 cor 1:26-31) says"God chose what is foolish by
human reckoning" Gospel MT(5:1-12) says"How happy are the poor in spirit"

As catholic we should have different out look on our life. Gospel provides
a blue print for that outlook.  For example, Mathew gospel has been written
as a particular community or church in mind. In this sense it is a
community book. It provides the basis on which a community a group would
built its life and structure. It also allows the members to develop an
understanding of the relationship develop between past, the present and the

Today it gives us a blue print for that out look. It gives us a set of
values from the mouth of Jesus HIMSElF. The Beatitudes describe the process
of conversion to that new outlook. A new catechism tells us that the
Beatitude do not represent 8 classes of people, but that they all apply to
one and the same group. They are not the summary of virtues. They have in
view people who have nothing to hope for from this world but who look for
God for every thing, who are wholly open to God,full of expectations. In a
word they are men and women who's lives resemble the way of submssivenes
and loving service for God.
The Beatitude may seem like an impossible dream to many people. Well, they
are a dream but not an impossible one, for they represent Jesus dream for
HIS followers, and HE invites us all to help HIM make the dream come true-
if not in our world , but atleast n our lives. We begin by striving and
praying for the spirit of submissive ness and expectancy that characterized
HIS and HIS Mothers Life, placing more emphasis of being human than on
having greAt possessions.
Picture of limit

In conclusion:

(1)in your life,u get to know limitation of(a) science(you cannot control
climate)(B) Government law enforcement. (You cannot get 100% correct
decisions)(c)ability to read other person's mind(you don't know what other
person will do)
(2)when you trust God created you & all out comes of your actions,HE
knows,you will realize,following GOD'S WILL for you is the safest way to
lead a happy life
(3) this will lead to realize,limitation of(1.B) & you become God centered
(4)when you sin,with REPENTANCE+CONFESSION with priest,u hv to be with
Grace with God
(5)then you will understand the limitations&know how God support your
(6) before enjoying happiness,you should receive that gift from God
(7)then happiness with time, will be enjoyed by you.

Thank you!
God Bless you!

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or
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Cycle 1: Season: ordinary 1: Sunday no-3 Date:22/1:2017 Convert catholic

High light:
(1) What is the difference between REPENTANCE and CONVERSION?
(2) How to convert your sorrow/fearful life to happy life?
(3) How to convert your trust with God to faith with God?
(4)What is the basic unit of society?how to convert unhappy society to happy society?
(5)Why people say church management model is best operational model of the world? What is the basic characteristics of that model?. How to apply that model to you and to your family?
Pl spend 11 minutes to listen to the following:

Reflection for 22nd january 2017, celebrating 3rd Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1, inviting us to know the basic actions of Catholicism, in order to lead a happy life. When you were baptized you were given a flower seed. You plant this seed in the soil, that is your living society. You treat the seed every day like manuring, watering to see the growth of the seed. You protect the tree from diseases it is like sin. Then you will see, every day you will get flowers.

For that we as catholic, know that we have to please the God. In order to please Him, we should know what HE has asked us to do. This we analyzed last sunday, the laws that need to follow. 10 comms,avoid 7 vices, follow church rules, which we believe  given by Holy Spirit. When we go against these rules,even by thinking, it is a Sin. Then when you sin, is there Any process to clear the effects of sins?. When you understand that you have sinned against God, you have a guilty feeling or called guilt and punishment for that sin. Catholicism gives very simple
Method to how to treat these 2 aspects. To remove guilt, Repent about your sin,determine not to do it again,go to a priest and confess your sins(at least once a year you have to do this). Once you do this you can forget of your sin, when advising specially children. For example you have stolen money from your fathers pocket, when you are young: but you have confessed these sins and stop stealing: now you see your young son is doing same. when you advice your son, you can pretend that you have not done stealing in your life. This will avoid, others to find an excuse to against God. Once you repent and clear the sin, you convert your life to please the God. Then by doing merciful acts you can reduce the punshment for that sin.
In repentance, you clearly identify what is your fault without any ambiguity. For example when you believe in karma, when a problem comes to your life, you know it may be due to a fault in your previous or present life. But naturally, you tend to excuse the present life and tend to attribute that fault to previous life. Then you don't know which previous life or which birth or what is the exact sin that you have done. Christianity believe only in one life,since Jesus has risen from death not as a baby!, hence it is easy for you identify your sin, and repent and decide honestly not to do it. Once you are clear what is your fault, you have to confess to a priest and determine not to do it again, then only you can be converted as a new person.  One can argue why you need a priest. Christianity process given by Jesus in Jn 20:23 is clear. This is how you convert your repentance to change to a happy life.

Every person in this world will have fear and sorrow embodied into their life. How to manage this situation to lead a happy life is the method shown by Jesus Christ.

What is the treatment for fear and sorrow from Catholicism?
When you are sick, you go to a medical doctor, to recover. When there is worm in your stomach, you take a pill to kill the worm. Always you depend upon 3rd party to recover yourself. Similarly God in His own wisdom, has introduced Mary and saints for us to hand over our fears and sorrows, so that those saints to intercede with God, for our happiness. Holy spirit will introduce saints to the society. There is a clear beautiful process for that. This process will have dual effect. (1) introduction of saints for profession wise, so that faithful can learn about the life of saint and take examples of his life, for you to follow.(2) this process is dynamic towards end of this world. In cana (jn 2) jesus clearly shows the importance of intercessionary prayers to produce happiness in your life or to produce new wine in your life.
When you are worried with life problems and when you don't have much solutions, you cannot think about life progress. Then God's Will cannot be implemented! In your life.

When you follow what God has asked you to do with handing over your problems/sorrows to Holy Mary and saints, you start with converting you talents. When you are born, why they have put a saint name to you?. When you grow up,as an adult, you get enough spiritual support to lead your life thru' your patron saint.

Let us summarize Today's readings:

Isaiah 8:23-9:3 says" a people in darkness see a great light which will shine on those in a land of gloom.

Paul says to corinthians(1 Cor 1:10-13.17)" make up the difference between you instead of disagreeing among yourself.

Matthew 4:12-23 says"HE went and settle in Carpernaum in this way the pro percy of Isaiah to be fulfilled.

The heart of Jesus proclamation is given in today's gospel. As is often noted the word Repent is always followed by "Convert"
It really means a new way of looking at every thing,or new mind or outlook. It may of course include being sorry about the past, but the real energy is towards the future." Convert and put your trust in good news" We could put it like this. From what we are called to conversion is important, more importance is towards what are being called!. In summary Repentance has to be followed by conversion. If you don't repent and change your life, there is no conversion.

Most difficult sins, that needs lot of will power for real repentance and conversion will be lust. Sin against flesh, is normally misunderstood as love. Unless you, yourself identify, having illicit connection with opposite sex, is against going God's law, and try to avoid such yourself,in your life. It will be difficult to get God's will for you, since this kind of illicit love, will occupy majority of your mind.

How you convert your trust to faith with God.
Once you control yourself, to follow God's law, you develop a peaceful mind. With peaceful mind when you practice handing over your worries to Mary and saints, you develop worry less mind. when you develop worry less mind, it will attract God's will for you. Then God will convert your talents to energy to serve His Will to society. Then you get to know your happiness and achievements in society is solely due to God; that means you have converted your trust to faith with God.

Once you develop happiness within yourself,it is easy to develop happy society. Family is a basic unit of a society. When you are happy,all your family members most probably follow you, so that your family will convert to happiness. Like wise it will convert to a happy society.

In conclusion: you should be aware, that you don't know 100% outcome for your actions, you don't know what is happening inside your body,you cannot read the other person mind. Under this situation, any sensible human will develop fear and sorrow in his life. This will create un healthiness within yourself. What is the solution for this. Catholicism gives you, clear short cut answer. See how the catholic church operates.

 Let us analyze how God formed the Church

Jesus has started this new management style by forming a team. He showed the strength of developing knowledge
(2) strength of developing actions
(3) strength of developing relationships. Jesus commenced work,by gathering disciples. Mt(4:12-23)Jesus worked with a staff{(illiteral,poor background,fractious feelings- bad tempered/difficult to control & cowardice- lack of courage:)that was totally human NOT divine. He trained 12 humans who so influenced the world,that time itself is now recorded as being before(B.C)or after (A.D)-Amino Domini

HE showed good ideas, noble intentions,brilliant inventions & miraculous discoveries GO NOWHERE unless somebody forms a team to act
Even HE knew HE cannot change world alone,He formed a team(CHURCH) to achieve a goal(extend God's kingdom till end of world).


It all depends upon how successful the  team operate!.

One of the most important keys to success of a team work is AGREEING TO AGREE!.As a church we agree to follow Cannon law(ecclesiastical law that governs the church),Catechism(the teaching of the church),Roman Curia(bureaucratic & orgernisational infrastructure), laid down!. It provides how the current church is moving forward!.

What is the Mission statement of Church.

Success of a team will depend upon simple, unambiguous mission statement. For example America's mission statement is Freedom. For Christians mission statement is LOVE!.

What is LOVE?

Paul reminds success of team is LOVE-means carrying out a job happily without waiting others to do(complaining)unlike Martha/Maria(Lk10:38-42). This story doesn't mean that Since Maria is listen to the Jesus she is wiser!. It means that Martha was not having Love for Jesus, hence she complained!. Jesus statement indicate that if you don't have LOVE, you are worried about your contribution,start judging others & start complaining! Under LOVE if both Maria & Martha invited Jesus for a meal,one should talk & other should cook! Otherwise no meals
God will not drop' Manna' in the new testament! But He will multiply your talents, if you work out of love(multiplication of loaves)

 God has revealed. Thru prophet isaiah (700 BC) formation of church to bring happiness to all people!. Finally, in your life identify how to manage (1) knowledge (2) fnancial(3) discipline. For this (1) reflecting sunday readings (2) developing your life thru charitable activities (3) identify your sins and always follow pardoning process. Identify a mission statement for your life. See that God is active in your life.

Thank you!

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or
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