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Ever Learning Catholic Sunday 13/11 Brief Version

(1) Knowledge and learning is it same?

(2)When You get to know that God exist, how you further your knowledge and start learing who is this God?

(3) What you eat will be converted to blood,for you to be live, without your effort(done by God). Why don't you make an effort to convert your knowledge of God, to learn about HIM? What are the methods?

(4) You cannot store food in your stomach,you have to eat every day. Can you complete converting your knowledge about God to learning or your trust about God to be converted to Faith overnight?

(5)Why catholic church has made sunday mass as obligatory?

Reflection for 13th november 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 33rd Ordinary Sunday mass,(one sunday before the last of this cycle) Inviting you to analyze,3 major actions that you should carry out daily in you life,
(1)how to follow God's Will with everyday learning thru' prayers and
(2)increase your faith every day, by practicing. 7 ethics of Catholicism
(3) How to lead a happy life by following catholic religion.

First we will analyze how to enjoy learning everyday.
Every day until you die, you will have access to information or knowledge, thru' other humans, radio,Tv,face book,internet and many public media systems. Once you are interested about a subject, you start practicing the knowledge that you have and start learning on that subject. When you want to specialized on that subject, you keep on gathering information or knowledge on that subject and keep on practicing the same subject and increase your learning every day. This learning process will never stop so long you are interested on that subject and beauty of God's plan is you get everyday, something for you to learn. Hence this learning is always dynamic and never static,so long you are interested about that subject. However earth bound learning will have limitations, before end of your life, you might have to stop due various reasons!

Same theory applies for God also. When you want to learn about God, you have access to knowledge thru Bible, church traditions +chuch rules. When you practiced About your gathered knowledge every day, by following 7 ethics(10 commandments, avoid 7 vices, Administer 7 sacraments,practice 7 each merciful+corporal mercies+pardoning+love),you will convert your knowledge to learning. Then you will learn, how merciful God is into your life. To Achieve this learning process, catholic church has beautifully organised sunday readings and by reciting personal daily rosary.

So there are 4 steps for you to adopt to learn about God,in your life. Daily you have to do it.
(1) Gather knowledge(2) practice 7 ethics(3) learn about God(4) review your knowledge.

Sunday mass is obligatory for Catholics. Why? It allows you to establish connections with God, as a highest form of prayer.
There are 3 sets of sunday readings which cover in 3 yeas for you to gather knowledge. Every Sunday reading carries 3 types of readings coming from old (testament, coming from early church and part of Gospel. The beauty of these readings are they are always dynamic not same from one sunday to another sunday. You can reflect on the these 3 readings during the week while you recite daily rosary. This will help you to convert your knowledge to learn about God.
The difference between learning about God is that spiritual learning you can continue until end of your life.


When you Are learning about God, you can convert your trust to faith. How?
 Thru' prayer life. Prayer is of 4 categories
(1)Adoration (2) Contrition(3) petition(4) thanks giving

Every day thru' your prayer life you increase your faith.


Then you are ready to follow the normal management cycle of your life. PLAN your activity, then implement it, then observe you results then again you review your activity, then follow the same management cycle with modified plan.


So in day to day life, you have major 3 process to follow:
(1) Convert your knowledge about God to learn About Him.(Always go thru' Bible: church will guide you, otherwise, you will find ambiguity about intercession prayer, about saint and about purgatory, about confession with priest etc). Since knowledge has to be dig by yourself with proper guidance that is why church identified Pope as the final interpreter) this is one of the trivial part of any person to gather knowledge about God. You know that God exist, since you don't know 100 outcome of any of your actions, but to learn about Him, you have to get the assistance of catholic church. This is not a easy task, it involve many work, like any study of our society.

Reminds that you re ready to learn about what God said but fail to practice what he has told. Most of us, like to listen, then we carry out action for our convenience, Without practicing, depriving converting our knowledge to learning. Without knowledge we have harden our mind.

Let us analyze Today's reading:

Mal 3:19-20 says when the end comes,evildoers will be punished, but for the just the sun of justice will arise with its healing rays.

2 thess 3:7-12 Paul urges the thessolonians to work hard, and he wants those who are unruly"to earn the food they eat"

Lk 21:5-19 say" jesus foretells the destruction of the temple and the end of time. But those who are faithful to Him should not fear.

In order to reflect today's reading, let us analyze with a story
The president of a big company decided to give a "better management award" to the best achiever in the company. At the board meeting,he announced that the 1st award will go to Christopher Columbus because,
(1) He started out not knowing where he was going
(2) On Arriving he did not know where he was
(3) On returning to spain he did not know where he had been!

On one side when we forget God, we also follow like columbus. On the other side when we learn about God, build faith on HIM, we get to know that there is a purpose of our life, not like columbus, we know where we are going. We know why we are here? To carry out God's given plan for each of us. So purpose of our life is known to us.

Our life will swing from these 2 states. Without God, uncertainty of our life and with God, we know where we are going, why we live.

So readings tells us that when we don't develop learning about God, we will not develop faith on HIM, resulting, for us to move in dark.

In conclusion
Today church invite us to be practical in our life. You gather knowledge every day until you die. When you eat,it will convert to blood & circulate to your whole body for you to live. Similarly,knowledge has to be converted to learning for you to enjoy your life.
To produce blood,you have to eat.Similar to that your knowledge has to be practised for your learning. When you want to praise God& play a hymn with guitar,God will not automatically tune your guitar. You have to tune it 1st,then praise God.Holy Spirit will not develop your learning unless U practise knowledge of the revealed truth of God (in Bible,church traditions &laws) .

Trusting God will help you to reach the happiness what God has promised in your life. You cannot store food(for days)in your stomach. Food will always digest.Similarly,U need spiritual food like daily Rosary & reflecting Sunday readings which are essential for you to develop faith(spiritual learning)& enjoy HIS guaranteed happiness in life

Thank you
God Bless you!

For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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