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Cycle 1: Season: Advent: Sunday: No 1:date: 27/11/016- L Board Catholc

High lights
(1)You go out,thinking returning home,but you end up in a hospital?Why unexpected things happening in your life?
(2)What are the limitation of your free will,to take action for a particular outcomes?
(3)Why Jesus,came to this world? Before to Jesus,Why God,trained only Israelis?Now Why Holy Spirit guiding all of us?
(4)To get driving license, why you should sit for exam to test your knowledge? Why you need to show practically how to drive?
(5)To know About God,and practice what HE asked you to do to lead your life happily, why you should follow 3 years sunday readings?
(6) What is the difference between Miracle(Mt21:18) & parable(Lk13:6) about fig tree,& how many liturgical 3year cycles,have you gone to church?

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Reflection for 27th november 2016 we start a new liturgical Cycle, celebrating 1st Sunday mass of advent season,of cycle 1. inviting us to analyze how you can give birth to Christianity, how God revealed HIMSELF as humans, for us, to manage our free will,with using our full freedom. How God reintroduce freedom, that has been given to our original parents,before their betrayal. This advent season will have 4 sundays until Christmas day, the 25th of December. Today specially you are invited to
analyze, (1) how church has organized 3 year liturgical cycle With 5 basic seasons n each year(2)the purpose of these seasons to your life(3)why you need a religion,

Liturgical Cycle:

3 year liturgical cycle introduced by pope St Pius V, from 1563, has been revised by vatican II council, is a beautiful method of imparting knowledge about God, into your life.

Why church has introduced 3 year cycle to cover whole scripture with sunday reading, why not 5 years?,

The importance of following liturgical cycle, is clearly given in the Gospel. Your life is like the fig tree. God has created you to carry out some purpose to the society, according to HIS Wish!. Let us try to understand, What gospel says:

There are 2 major stories with regard to Fig tree in the Gospel, one is a miracle and other is parable, given in Mt 21:18) & Lk 13:6) respectively. Miracle indicated, when you don't convert your talents to energy, you are not pleasing God,and like the cursed fig tree, your life become unhappy. Instead the parable shows that for 3 years one farmer was waiting fig from fig tree and no fruits produced, so he is going to wait for another year with special attention to tree to bear fruits. These 2 stories tell you how much God is eager about your outputs towards the society. It is very coincidence that church has introduced 3 year sunday reading cycle for you to get full knowledge about God revealed truths.

Think about how many sunday masses that you haave already attended. How many liturgical 3 year cycles, you have followed Have you advance in knowing God? Are you satisfied?

In order to understand about converting your knowledge to learning let us analyze about
L Board you used for driving.

When you want to drive you need license. For that you 1st need to gather knowledge about traffic rules etc, then you drive with L board,before you get license,with that you can enjoy life by traveling in your vehicle. Similarly God,has assured you to lead a happy life.

For that1st you should get to know HIM. Church has beautifully organized 3 year sunday readings(each sunday mass you get 3 readings from Bible).Each year begins in november with 1st sunday of advent & ends with the feast of Christ the king.
Gospel readings matthew,Mark&luke are primary Gospel readings in each year respectively,while John gospel readings are taken in special sundays. When you follow all sunday's for 3 years you will get to know revealed truth of God.

In each liturgical calendar,you get 5 main seasons:
advent/christmas/lent/easter/ordinary times.27/11/2016 is 1st sunday of advent in cycle1.

Let us analyze the relevance 5 seasons of each liturgical year into our life:
(1)ADVENT/4 weeks before to christmas/how to give birth of Jesus in your life
(2)CHRISTMAS/12 days from christmas day(25dec)/How Jesus is revealed in your life
(3)LENT/40 days-ash Wednesday to Good Friday/how to manage your mental+physical agonies
(4)EASTER/40 days from easter sunday-the date of eater sunday varies, it is the 1st Sunday after 1st full moon that occurs on or after March 21/how to lead a happy life as catholic/
(5)ORDINARY TIMES/34 weeks with 2periods -epiphany to ash Wednesday,easter sunday  to next advent/
Reflect+practice revealed truths of God, in your life:

Now let us analyze

Today's readnigs:
Issiah 2:1-5 foresee a peaceful time, where house of jacob will come.
Paul says to Romans in Rm 13:11-14,time has come for you to wake up.
Gospel mt 24:37-44, Jesus reminded Noah's days,where he went to ark,most of others swept away &HE will test you like gold in the furnace. By trusting HIM, you will understand truth.

 (1) you cannot escape death,sufferings in this life, resulting for you to follow a religion.
(2) by converting your trust to faith on God, you will overcome the pain of those & be happy
(3) for that, you should give birth to Jesus, in your life
(4)Why God became flesh(human)?
God first trained Israelis how to manage his own free will,under the direction of God, then HE showed, practically, as a human, how to live, when full freedom is given, With the life of Jesus, then HE is guiding now thu' Holy Spirit, how to use our free will to follow his purpose of creation. The 3rd phase has beeing extended to Whole World, with the option whether you can believe God or not: we are following this era now.

(5) HE has reintroduce the lost human freedom due to sin,& show us a path how to manage our life
Church has introduced 7 ethics to lead your life, happily and to follow His Will. They are follow 10 commandments, Avoid 7 vices, practice 7 sacraments, practice 7 eAch corporal and spiritual mercy's, practice pardoning and love.
(6)Why the characters of Holy family is important for us to know about how God became flesh?
God has chosen Holy Mary to become human. Holy Mary has fully obeyed to God's Will, similarly Joseph showed how he followed god's will to brought up child Jesus. MAry and Joseph marriege is virginal. They shoWed us, they led pure life, keeping virginity. When you analyse their life, you will get to know, how to follow God's Will n your life

(7) why Holy mary has to be immaculately concept for her to give birth to God, as Jesus?
God is omni potent, omni sense and omni presence: to bear such person, n her body, God has to create holy mAry, as immaculately concept. This has being confirmed with the un corrupt bodies of St catherine and st Benedethe.

All these points has to be reflected, for you to understand, how God became human. There are 2 major points to analyze
(1) God has trained humans, thru' prophets, how to use our free will, then HE wanted to show practically, with the character of Jesus, how to use your freedom, independent to him, with your own choice,either by developing faith on HIM,or rejecting Him.

In conclusion starting of a new year, you have to look back and see what you have gain on previous year, and revise, your spiritual plan for the new liturgical year. Like today Paul says to romans:" let us give all things under cover of dark and walk in day light. For the forth coming liturgical new cycle, which will end in year 2019 nov. When you follow God's Will, you might get sufferings, like gospel today reminding that God will test you like Gold in the furnace. So today is a starting point of another 3 year liturgical cycle. Jesus is inviting you to follow HIM in this 3 years, develop knowledge and practice it for learning more about HIM. Many liturgical cycles you may be fortunate to live, but all these future periods,you will enjoy with novel reflections of sunday readings

Thank you!
God Bless you!

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http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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