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Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:32 Date: 6/11/2016- dual Catholic

High lights:

(1) To get the correct sound from a guitar, is it necessary to tight the string too tight or too loose?
(2) You are alone for your own happiness,at the same time you are interdependent with other. How to manage this duality?
(3)When God is there, why Mary or Saints? Why this duality?
(4)How to express your gratitude, to your departed loved ones? Why Holy Spirit has introduced Purgatory? Why this duality?
(5)Is it easy to manage Duality, in married life? Or with society: Without spiritual support?

Please spare little time to listen this!


Reflection for 6th november 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 32nd Ordinary Sunday mass,Inviting you to analyze, how Much you are dependent on others, for you to live

Society has become beautiful, due to inter dependency from one to other. Can you grow wheat, get flour and bake a loaf of bread, if you try to do everything by yourself,you will eat only bread. In contrary, society has become more dynamic, when you depend on others, for you to live. Teacher will teach students, nurse will look after patient: priest will preach you how to live. This is the 1st aspect you should be aware about Society in relation to you. When you know that you have to depend on others, you should love others or at large the society or other human being. As catholic, you have more reason, Why you should love your neighbor, is that you know, you cannot decide your parents to come to this World. You know only God decides. This is true for every human. That is why all humans are belongs to one family, God as father. This reason gives you, as catholic to love your neighbor, in addition to dependency that you have with others.

Let us analyze Duality of life

On one side you are dependent with other, but on other side you have to live, independent to others. That is you should train yourself how to lead a happy life, independent of others activities. The only way that you can do is to understand who is God and follow HIS revealed truths.

When you want to know the reality of God,further, you will see, how God has created this blue earth, for you to live happily.
You can walk on ground, but you don't see the invisible gravitational force. You need oxygen for you to live. You inhale 30 Times/minute.(Around 21000/day) You don't know, what is happening inside your body, after you eat. There are so many things that you will realize how much you depend on others for You to live. When you reflect about your life, you get to know about all these unknown things to you.
When you try to do all these things by your self and control all these things by yourself, you realize how little that you can do or how little that you know!.

So while you are in your own family or society you live with interdependence with other, but enjoy happiness individually. This is the reality of life.

So how to live happily, when your marriege partner troubling you, or when your children or when your neighbor troubling you? Though you are dependent, you have to live independently. Catholicism gives you clear path of achieving that. It summarize to 7 ethics you should follow in your life.

Today's Gospel invites you to Analyze the dependency and interdependence of your life.

To day's Reading:
1st reading:
2 macc 7:1-2,9-14 says". The 7 jews brothers demonstrate their loyalty to God by suffering death rather than violate one of God's laws.

2nd reading : 2 thess 2:163:5 sys" Paul prays that Jesus will strengthen the thesslonians, and he asks them to pray for his continuing missionary efforts.

Gospel Lk 20:27-38 says" Jesus refutes the Sadducees' refusal to believe in the resurrection with his words, " God is not the God of the death but of the living, all are alive for Him"

Readings aiming to 3 points to follow in your life.
(1) Follow 7 ethics, Specially 10 commandments
(2) Carry out missionary work
(3) Understand you are independent person, whether you are married or not: challenges of your life is to carry out your obligation to your family+society

Let us analyze the basic of carrying out 7 ethics and the influence of Mary and saints into your life!
This raises the question whether
God Enough/Why Saints?
You can't cook good meal without a process. Jesus has shown methods to follow HIS Kingdom. HE started his public mission at Cana&showed;
1)Why Mary realized wine was depleted even when HE was present?
2)Why Jesus made superior wine than what they used?
3)Jesus could have made wine from nothing,but Why HE asked people to fill jars with water?
4)Did Mary know that HE is bothering people to fill water, at this difficult time? No.

All factors aiming that you are supposed to request treatment for worries(not for your sins)thru'Mary & Saints. Then you will get MUCH MORE than U requested,provided you HAVE WATER with you to fill. Meaning 7ETHICS- follow 10 comms, administer 7sacraments,Avoid 7vices,7 mercy's (Corporal&Spiritual), practice Pardoning &Love. God shows that saints are essential for human to get to know God's Kingdom. You worship only God & respect saints. This is Christianity1st lesson. Identify your favorite saint&learn more of him.

Here also you see Duality of knowing God. God in His own wisdom showed us, to know more about HIM, come thru' Mary and Saints.

The 1st reading shows us the importance of following the process, where God has shown us. The 2nd reading Paul request us to publicized the methods that God proposed.

In order to analyze today's gospel reading, let us further analyze of Inter dependency

You are leading a lonely life in a platform of a society. But your life always need support of another human to live. Challenge of life is how to lead your life happily with the support of others, where the other person may not react according to your wish (even if you are married).

This situation become complex with time, as every human’s physical & mental characters are changing & you don't know the 100% outcome for your actions.
In order to achieve your goal, you need the support of other humans & God thru' Holy Mary, Saint.
You love humans who has supported you. When they die, are you going to forget them? Gratefulness is when you will remember them until you die. Concept of purgatory gives you that opportunity. you can pray for them, carry out indulgence activities in return of their support. Though you’re interdependent, you’re alone for your own happiness.

Here too you will see the duality of life: the human who supported for your own happiness, how you are going to be grateful for them?.

Holy Spirit has given you saints & purgatory, for your own benefit, to lead a grateful, stress free life.

In conclusion: you will see that;
If a guitar’s string is either too tight or too loose, you won’t get the correct sound.

Similarly, enjoying your happiness alone and inter depending with others, have to be balanced. Challenge of life is the balance enjoying your happiness while maintaining healthy interdependence with others (even if you are married). You need the support of heaven to achieve that, since you don’t know 100 % outcome for your actions. Also you don't know ALL the information about others behaviors. Always invoke support of saints for your every action to see the will of God.
Finally you have to note 3 major questions U should always know
1) You cannot live alone, you have to live in a society.
2) You don't know 100% outcome of your actions.
3) You can walk in this world but not in the moon (due to invisible gravitational pull).

Practical answers for these are to understand
1) Invisible God and saints;
2) Follow what God has revealed you to do (follow church rules & reflect Sunday readings);
3) Know about Mary & Saints, and associate with them as normal worldly friends.

During first few days of this week, alone with this sunday reflections, church invited us to reflect: about the reality of your life and how far you are going to be attached to your family and society:

Thank you
God bless you!

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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