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Sunday (7/12) Renewed Catholic

Sunday (7/12)  Renewed Catholic(brief version)

Christmas reminded Birth of Christ.

In Advent you reflect how christ is born in your life!(2nd coming).

You should know catholic practise of Belief/worship/spirituality/behave which leads to happy mind.

Today's reading!
Prop: Isaiah &Paul reminds of  new path Jesus introduced. Mk (1:1-8) says..MAKE HIS PATH STRAIGHT..I HAVE BAPTISED U WITH WATER,BUT HE WILL BAPTISE YOU WITH HOLY SPIRIT"reminded about change introduced by Jesus for straight path to Happiness!.

Jesus changed
(1)direct action of God to indirect
(2)10 commandments: to act 'eye to eye was changed to 'turn your' other cheek' principle

(3)introduce new concept(A)have a peaceful+worryless+happy mind to receive God's will
(B) convert your talents to energy to serve your living society!.Now there are no prophets or angels to tell about future.

Now there are no prophets or angels to tell about future.

Human weakness(blame game)
(Blame game or conditioning yourself)

Adam and Eve disobedience changed everything.They wore pig leaves to cover their nakedness,(explain why we should wear clothes).They heard sound of God walking in garden. They hid themselves(reminds first game of HIDE&SEEK)Peculiar question God asked "WHERE ARE you" (does God not know).God doesnot ask question to gain knowledge,but to give opportunity "COME CLEAN". Adam came clean.When God asked why?,he said" women whom you gave me to be with me,she gave me the fruit and I ate!".his words means-He not only blames women, but in case that's not going to get him out of Hot water,he says"Whom YOU gave me"God ask Eve-She realising how this game is played,passes the buck once more."SERPENT TRICK ME and I ATE" this Blame Game can only go so far and beginning with serpent,God declares HIS judgment against each of guilty parties. For serpent-scrolling on ground and eat dirt. Eve-Pain in child birth,Adam-pain of labouring field.
From that day onwards human always try to conditions themselves, to see what they are doing is correct, and always keep the blame on to another. Catholic confession will help you to overcome this.

God Will direct your life if you accept to receive HIM. Unhappy mind blocks reception of God's Will & purpose of Baptism is lost!.

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