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Cycle 2:season:Christmas sunday:no1-28/12/2014 familied Catholic (feast of Holy Family) in detail

A. Back ground:
In advent we studied how to give birth to jesus in our lives. For that what actions we should follow. In christmas season, christmas day we reflected about Jesus Birth. The idea behind crib, carols and christmas tree to represent incidents about Jesus Birth. Today we are invited to reflect about the faith that should develop by us, in following God's will,as against our earth bound will. Catholic church has developed concepts of immaculate conception and about patron of church of holy mary and St joseph only after around 1850 years. Hence it is important for us to reflect about Holy family, with the newly formed dogma's for us to understand how holy family follow the God's will!.

B.1 importance of mary!
The divine and human natures of the person of christ lived in the womb of mary, God and man made one. In no person in this world was there ever such unity of God and man as Mary experienced within Her during 9 months in which she bore Him whom the heavens could not contain. Mary who was already one with Him in Body, as love reached its peak in mothering the wandering word!.

B.2 The role of St Joseph:

A belief that permeates the old testament and extend a major influence in Joseph's life is the existence of an invisible- spirits of world of angles and demons. 1st angelic apparation " angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream(Mt1:20) to resolve his mental anguish over mary inexplicable pregnancy. The 2 nd recall of angelic al activity was. Night of saviors birth,hearing the chorus of angels for the newborn king- first ever christmas carols.Meanwhile fallen angels were taking the active hand for aiding and abetting king Herods murderous plot to liquidate the new born king. Again angle appeared in a dream(3rd time) to him to flee immediately with mary and jesus to Egypt.
The 4th time an angle appeared to excile Joseph, asking him to return to homeland. Finally he was favored with 5 th recorded dream vision, the angel directed him to return to Galille instead Judea! Due to threat posed by Herods son.

Lessons for us to reflect:
(1)Mary did not took the upper hand, about giving messages to Joseph, rather than Her!
She trusted Joseph's directions!, though she is the starting point with Jesus.
(2) Joseph's mind was so clear to understand and receive the God's message
(3) Mary and Joseph overcame the practical fear and sorrow developed thru' the circumstances and never blame God in providing complex situations rather they both clearly accepts the God's will

The lessons Mary and Joseph shown us were applicable to our lives. Now there are no angles, no dreams, you are along with your family. How to find the God'S will for you?
Whether your wife will agree or children accepts? Very complicated story!

There were no records of disagreements with Joseph and Mary. How to lead a life without disagreements! Specially in a married life, where 2 different people with 2 different conditioning, with 2 different free will's try to follow 1 God's will, in a family will be much difficult than a single life!.

B.4. Delay in establishing dogma's
 of Mary & Joseph in Catholicism!

8/12/1854,dogma of Immaculate Conception was defined by pope Pius 9. Why did it took so long? In the course of history of church, this had been the object of some disagreement. Sources of these are 2 fold.1st was universality of original sin taught with such vigor by St Paul in his letters& universality of Redemption in which it seemed impossible to exempt one sole creature,even if she was mother of God. Council of trent shed light on this 1st point when it declared that it did not intend"to include Blessed & immaculate Virgin Mary in decree relative to original sin" with regard to 2 point,church introduced distinction between Redemption of victims of original sin&antecdent "Preservation" accorded to Virgin Mary in view of future Redemption. Despite these reservations this,feast spread gradually thru out church!.

8/12/1854 Pope Pius 1X proclaims the dogma of the Immaculate conception.25/3/1858 Mary gives her name"I am the Immaculate conception"to Bernadette at the16 apparition.8/12/1870 same pope declares St Joseph as the patron saint of universal church. In 1955 pope PiusX11declares St Joseph as "patron of workmen".why so long!. Christianity envisage to accommodate the technological advancement. Earlier we use horse carts, now we use motor vehicles, resulting an efficient method of traveling. Earlier post now e-mail. Similarly new concepts are being explored by the church as given in mat:9:14-17.

B.5 How mary protect humanity?

Miraculous medal

On27/11/1830,as a novice to become a sister, Catherine Laboure,witness Our Lady, with her feet crushing the head of a serpent. Mary introduced the oval shaped Miraculous Medal,On it were these words:'O Mary,conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!On other side of  medal,a letter "M"(Mary's initials)was surrounded by the cross. Below there were2 hearts, one heart pierced with the sword (for Mary)& the other heart crowned with thorns for Jesus,12 stars-apostles(to symbolise our Faith & church).Mary said' HAVE A MEDAL WORN AROUND THE NECK, great graces will be given to all who wear it WITH CONFIDENCE'. At elevation time in Holy Mass, she PHYSICALLY SAW CHRIST at the HOST.She died on 31/12/1876 & beatified on 28/5/1933, after 57yrs of her burial, it was found to be completely incorrupt(now Rue de Bac PARIS).

B.6 Evidence of Mary's protection for humanity

Mary's support to humanity is clearly visible from the presence of 2 uncorrupt bodies of St catherine and St bernedethe. They are the present day witness to show mary's Immaculate conception. Immaculate conception is followed by the bodily assumption of mary.

Apparition of fatima (1917 may to october) clear shows, how she is being assigned by God, to look after the humans!

C. Today's readings:
Book of genesis(Gn 15;1-6:21:1-3) says" the word of the lord was spoken to Abraham in a vision," HAVE NO FEAR, ABRAHAM,I AM YOUR SHIELD;YOUR REWARD WILL BE VERY GREAT.....SO SARAH BORE A SON.......ISAAC..."
Letter to the Hebrews says(Heb11:8.11-12.17-19)" it was faith by Abraham obeyed the call....he set out without knowing where he was going.....it was equally by faith that Sarah......to conceive,she believed....It was by faith that Abraham, when put to the test offered up Isaac........."

Gospel(Lk2:22-40) says"when the day came for them to purified .......two young pigeons....named simeon....Now master your servant go in peace.... You see this child: he is destined to fall and for the rising of many.......Anna.......serving God night and day .....to praise God.

Reminds the importance of faith on God's message to lead a Happy life. Mary and Joseph has given good examples of leading our lifes in great faith of our creator God.


Understanding about mary and Joseph is very important to lead a happy life as catholic. Jesus clearly shows how we should manage mental disagreements(Gethsemani) and physical sufferings(at the cross) that we will encounter, in leading our lives. This concept has been well established among christian denomination, without giving much consideration to Holy Family. The role of Mary and Joseph, allow us to develop faith to God,and essentially they set an example of leading our life according to God's will. As discussed in the advent: there are 4 steps to be followed for us to understand the God'S will. Peaceful,worry less & finally reach a happy mind is essential to achieve. Then you start converting your talents to energy for the benefit of the society- to show the grace of God in creating you. In this process, developing a worry less mind is very important and the example set by Mary and Joseph is very important. The delay in establishing  necessary dogma's with regard to Mary and Joseph, may have a negative influence to reach worry less mind among humans. Never too late, today catholic church has developed such dogma's, Hence anybody who wants to reflect more on Holy Family can constructively do so. Unfortunately our other christian denomination are missing this part, since they have departed much earlier than these dogma's are established!.


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