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1/1/2015 Solemnity Of Mary,the Holy Mother Of Church(general version)

1/1/2015 Solemnity Of Mary,the Holy Mother Of Church(general version)

To days readings summarises as follows:

All readings for all cycles1,2,3 are same
Book of numbers(nb:6:22-27) says"...may the Lord uncover His face to you and bring His peace........."
Paul says(Gal4:4-7) says"......God sent His son....God has sent the spirit of His son into our hearts....l

LK 2:16-21 says" the Shepard hurried away to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manager............As for mary she treasured all these things and pondered in her heart......"


(1)With Jesus a new method has been introduced.

(2)Jesus spirit means His words and actions, to be reflected in our lives to understand the new method. It is not history alone. The parables given in the gospels are good examples, which prevails for last 2000 years, parables has not become outdated even it is applicable today. Gospel is the only book which you can dynamically read, since it's reflection are going to varied from person to person!

(3)Value of holy Mary remind us to experience Jesus in to our lives and keep all such experience to identify how God is eager to help us to be happy. So Holy Mary led her life happily, though she experienced many difficulties/fear/sorrows, with reference to normal earth bound way. She set an example for us how to carry the God's will happily, like a boat sailing in misty weather(normal for every human)

THAT IS WHY CHURCH IDENTIFY MARY AS A GUIDE LINE FOR US TO FOLLOW THROUGH OUT THE WHOLE YEAR. In addition God in His own wisdom assigned mary to look after our happiness. Happiness means you get worries/sorrows/disagreements in your life temporarily and Holy mary will support you to get the God's will for you to make all your fears/sorrows converted Happiness!.

Wish you a Happy new year 2015.

For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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