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3rd Lent Sunday Uncontrollable Catholic(4-3-2018) - in summary

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(1)Human & animals are both carry out tasks, but human can do that for a purpose, where as animals cannot. Why U say when Ur purpose of Ur action is bad, Ur below to an animal?

(2)Human have unlimited Will power,where animal does not have WILL but Instinct. Why U hv to develop self control? Why animals does not wear clothes?

(3)Why U hv to worship only God?.why U hv to follow 10 comms+avoid 7 vices?.

(4)If Ur not trained for self control, is it same like driving Ur car, without breaks?

(5)Freedom is Not what U can do, but U ought to do. Why Freedom is always subject to law?. What is catholic freedom?

(6)If U don't know 7 ethics of catholism, is it same like Ur driving Ur car, without knowing traffic rules?

(7)How to lead a happy life, as guaranteed by God?

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What is the difference between human and animal?

Reflection for 4th march 2018, celebrating 3rd Sunday mass of lent season,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to analyze, how to introduce change in our life and improve our self discipline, to enjoy the God given happiness in our life.

Why we have to develop control and self control?


-in management means setting standards,measuring actual performance,& taking corrective action or To make it in a way that U want it to work.

But Self control is defined as the ability to manage your actions,feelings &emotions. Ex: Of self control is when U want the last cookie but U use Ur willpower to avoid eating it because U know it isn't gd for U.

Control, is the ability to regulate one's emotions,thoughts,&behavior in the face of temptations & impulses. As an executive function,self-control is a cognitive process that is necessary for regulating one's behavior in order to achieve specific goals.

During lent,U develop ability to resist short term temptations to reach long term Goals. This is for Ur own health&happiness.

Be clear about 7 vices,then decide how to control ur will power to overcome your weakness, which will affect your Health &which will undermine God's will for U. Will is only for humans.

Make it your way, that you want it to happen, is anther method of control. Which you may like, where the other may not like. Listen to others appears to be most difficult situation when you grow old. When you grow old you are carring wealth of experience, which may cause you not to listen to others. In a system where you don't know 100% outcome for your action, how do you know who is correct. At times we want to follow God's will, but Without asking HIM,or forgetting HIM, we try to carry out our own Will and say we are following God's will. When you are following the God's Will, first you have to be very clear about 7 vices and avoid that!.then for every others opinion or suggestions, you have to face with open mind, always asking God for help, otherwise God cannot act thru' you. You may try to control others, which genuinely you feel good, but in actual situation only God' knows which is good!

about how to control our Will and be transparent with God!

examples set by Mary and Jesus:

Mary's last recorded word in scripture is abandoned to the Will of God. "DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU" (JN 2:5). The last word of Jesus on the cross was the free surrender of His life to His father's Will:"Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit" Mary surrenders to Jesus, and Jesus to His Father. To do God's Will until death, that is the inner heart of all Holiness. Here Jesus teaches us how to die, for if he would have his Mother with Him in the hour of His great surrender, then how shall we dare to miss saying daily " Pray for us sinners, now, and at the our death. Amen"?

The heart of Jesus and the heart of Mary were made one on Calvary, in their obedience to the Father's Will. Everyone in the world has a cross, but no two Crosses are identical. Our Will is the only thing that is absolutely our own. Hence it is a perfect offering we can make to God.

God's Will

Christianity,is to follow the will of God. The order of God's law requires that we should brought to him thru Mary.

In the Bible,Mary is quoted:

1) When Adam & Eve disobeyed God, HE said to Satan that "you cheated a woman and one day a woman will crush your head"

2)During the Annunciation

3)Visiting Elizabeth

4)Birth of Jesus in Bethlem

5)Presenting Our Lord in the Temple

6)Mary escaping to Egypt with Joseph & Baby Jesus

(7) Jesus lost in the Temple at12years

(8)1st miracle- wedding in Cana

(9)when Jesus declared who is my mother..etc

(10)On the Cross,Jesus words to Mary & john.

11) Jesus dead body on lap of Mary

(12) On the Pentercost Day.

From (8)-(12) God's direction to treat Mary as our own mother!

C.Today's reading:

Exodus says(Ex:20:1-17)" the law was given through Moses"

Paul says(1cor 1:22-25)"Christ is the power and wisdom of God.."

Jn says(2:13-25)"destroy this sanctuary,in 3 days I will raise it up.."

7ETHICS to follow;

(1)10 COMMs; Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me/Thou shall not take the name of Lord thy God in vain/Keep holy Sabbath Day/Honour thy father&mother/Thou shalt not kill/Thou shall not commit adultery/Thou shall not steal/Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor/Thou shall not covert thy neighbour's wife/Thou shalt not covert thy neighbours goods

(2)7SACRAMENT-Baptism/communion/confirmation/confession/last rights/matrimony/holy orders


(4/5)practice7CORPORAL/SPIRITUAL MERCIES{feeding hungry+giving drink to thirsty+clothing nacked+welcoming stranger+visiting sick & imprisoned+burying death}+ {counselling doubtful+instructing ignorant+admonishing sinner+comforting sorrowful+bearing wrong patiently+pray for living&dead}



Additionally Church Rules(ex: artificial birth control, abortion, Euthanasia..)


Catholic life is simple to lead. No restriction on food. Follow 7 ethics. Go for confession+receive Holy Eucharist, as a spiritual nourishment for your life. As a professional catholic,you can then




You will lead a happy life,as directed by God!.

Catholic life is based on 4 pillars (1)belief(2) worship(3)payer(4) morality. It is like. Tires of our life vehicle. During lent, we should remove these 4 tyres, to verify whether the brake pads are good. Due to earth bound cravings, we might deviate from these 4 pillars. Then we should know how to drive our life vehicle knowing traffic rules (7 ethics) and using break, ie self control.

Lent is a golden opportunity to verify about our life, adjust life accordingly towardS jesus teachings, to enjoy God guaranteed happiness in our life.

Thank you

God Bless you!

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