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2nd Lent Sunday Cycle 2 Transparent Catholic - in summary

High light:

(1) U wan
t to access internet,but when wify is not working, U cannot access the same. How U react under that situation?

(2)Ur life(Y) is always interdependent with society{f(x)}.Y=f(x).rate of change Ur life wrt to change of society is called differentiation!{d(y)/d(x)}.when U follow God's Will, d(y)/d(x) is near zero. Otherwise it will reach maximum and U get anger. When Ur life become transparent to God,why U don't get anger?

(3)Will U become healthy, when U get anger in Ur life?. When Ur angry how God can guarantee Ur happiness?

(4) Leading life with Persistent anger is similar that Ur driving Ur car, with hand breaks ON. What will happen to 4 tyres in Ur car, when U drive like that?

(5)What are the 4 tires, U should know about Catholicism?

(6)What ever the problems Ur mother gets,why she always hide that show you, how to be happy. Is she transparent?

(7)Why U hv to be transparent in Ur life?.when U know God created U to lead a happy life?

Pl listen:


Reflection for 25th feb 2018, celebrating 2nd Sunday mass of lent season,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to analyze, about how to control our Will and be transparent with God!

What do you mean by Transparent?

If a substance/object is transparent,U can see thru' it very clearly.How?Allowing light to pass thru'so that objects behind, can be distinctly seen or easily to perceived or detected.

Why use water for baptism?Is it a hassle?Clear water is transparent. U allow God to pass thru' Ur life with Ur OWN WILL.Then U become transparent to God.

There is much more wider meaning for transparency.

In computer software an action is transparent, if it takes place without any visible effect(Hence U shout when having a wifi delay).Transparency is usually considered to be good quality of a system, because it shields the user from the systems complexity.

Regardless of pressure &demands of life,in the face of which most us fail,our mask become transparent & we exhibit anger, impatience & frustration. During Lent, we're supposed to revisit controls of life (fasting, physical exercise,charity etc) with transparent to God &then society will see U as a lovable person!

Transparency is always connected to aim of your action, or ulterior motive of your action.

You can maintain your garden, to be valued by your friends or you can do it, for the God, to be pleased to HIM. One action but 2 purposes!. But when you do it for God, your chances of getting disappointed is much less probable.

So transparency is connected to the purpose of your action. When the purpose become for God, the outcome you see is happiness, love and pardoning

Similarly look at a mother, who look after her sick child, she absorbed all uncertainties and show Love to her child.

Value of fasting to your own health

last sunday we were reminded about fasting. fasting is not starving. In Fasting you remove toxin in your body, where starving lead to death. Identify the 7 vices, find out which area you have to develop fasting.

Today, it talks the importance of regulating your will!. Unless you are trained to regulate your will it will be difficult for you to fast, with a happy face.

To achieve,fasting,as well as regulating your will, you should be clear and convinced that God created you to lead a happy life, even in this world. In fasting you remove toxins in your body without killing yourself. To do that you should develop Will power. Christianity will tell you as how to develop your will power, and surrender that Will power to God. Today we focused the main characteristic of christianity-meaning of Transfiguration

Of Jesus!

how Catholicism originated?

Christianity came from Judaisms. Judaism does not believe Christ as the savior. Path to Catholicism, is up to christ, 2000years before, how God has planned and prepared the human, to lead their life happily, with a new concept. This concept is having 3 basic steps

(1) God planing thru' prophets(Elija)(history)

(2) Under God's direct supervision, human was given a law for their behavior with eye to eye principal(Moses)(old law)(history)

(3) God became indirect, with jesus message with same law 10 commandments, and now changed to turn your other cheek principle

(New law- today for you to practice)

Under the new concept, the most vital organ your body become Your WILL, where even God doesn't interfere.

New concept request you to lead your life according to the God's Will.

In a society, where there is no direct instruction from God, how we know what God thinks and expect from us, to obtain our own happiness!. This is Catholicism!

Importance of your Will under new theory!

After Jesus resurrection there are no direct messages from God. When there are no direct messengers,angels,dreams, stars to tell you about God's will for you, how to identify His Will for you. This is an individual instruction!.

Abram got the message, to sacrifice his son, God tested his will, he was successful!. Even now we get similar situations!.


The strength of the Soul comprises the faculties,passions, and appetites. All this strength is ruled by the Will. When the Will direct these faculties, passions and appetites towards God, turning away from all that is not God, the soul preserve its strength for God, and comes to love him with all its might(ascent III,16,ii)

The Will is the final arbiter and governor of the whole human person. Our actions, in as much as they are fully human actions, differ from those of the animals precisely because they are the acts of the WILL. The work of the WILL consist of governing the passions and holding in check the natural appetites through the light of the memory and intellect.

The term "WILL" can refer to the distinct aspect of human person. There is the' WILL AS ACT', which refers to desiring, resolving,determining,choosing, etc. All these are forms of Willing. ' Will is the power which a person can direct his thoughts and actions and influence those of others. 'Will' as faculty of power within the person that tends towards acts of Will. ' Will' as a subject is the person himself 'Who Wills'. The human will is an amazing thing. Time after times it has triumphed against unbelievable odds. Even most intelligent animal does not have this endowment. They are programmed by instincts. Because of this endowment we can train ourself, study, write and make new programs for ourselves. That is why animals capacity is relatively limited and man's is unlimited.

The Will always tends towards good. It takes in and reacts to the information supplied by the intellect. The Will inclined towards an object when the object is good and recedes when it perceives the object dangerous. It is an effective attraction or repulsion. The will is the constituent of the human personality, for it represent the seat of an intelligent commitment to, or rejection of some value, or the attraction towards or repulsion from some object. It implies a distinctive kind of rapport with the object than that of intellect, such as loving,intending,desiring, consenting,enjoying or suffering.

The whole human functions under the direction of the Will. Stimuli from objects are transmitted to the intellect through the external senses, for rational evaluation; the Will depend upon the evaluation before it can act further. Hence the soul's arbiter, the Will, directs appetites,passions,and affections, and the whole attitude and activity of the total human person.

The object of the Will is the good and it is the good that moves the Will. SINCE GOD ALONE IS THE UNIVERSAL GOOD, HE ALONE CAN FILL THE WILL'S CAPACITY AND ELICIT THE LOVE WITH WHICH IT LOVES NECESSARILY. But this only occurs when God is seen by the intellect as HE is in himself. It is the nature of the Will tends towards good and to Will it. All the objects presented to it in this life are limited goods so that its infinite amplitude cannot be filled but BY GOD!.

Moses(1526-1406 B.C) and Elijah (875-848B.C) adoring Jesus,has shown to his favorite disciples PETER, JAMES and JOHN (in32AD)at mount TABORE. Jesus face shown like Sun & His garment became white as snow. Voice of God once again declared Jesus as His only Son!.

Moses on Sinai,has received OLD COVENANT,while JESUS received NEW!. Elijah too have received many special signs of intimate confidence of God!.

These 2 prophets,similar to Jesus has ended their earthly life,without their bones in the world.

There was a strong resemblance between miracles of Jesus to Elijah, people thought that Jesus is Elijah himself returning to earth. Jews believed that Jesus called on Elijah for assistance at the cross!.

LAW & PROPHETS were represented by these 2 prophets.

C. Today's reading:

Genesis( 22:1-2. 9-13.15-18): the sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith,

St paul says(Rm 8:31-34):God did not spare HIS own Son.


This is my Son, the beloved

Jesus' main message for us, is to develop our own Will and train to surrender into God's Will.

Elijah &Moses represent era of God's direct intervention with people and can be summerised as follows:

(1)fore telling Jesus coming

(2)previous behavior of 10commd:with 'eye-eye. With Jesus,God has become indirect,making your' Will independent& behevior- same law with pardoning

What Jesus did?

(3)following God's Will,thru' regulating your' own will!(ability to resist short term temptations in order to meet long term Goals)

Today, it talks the importance of regulating your will!. Unless you are trained to regulate your will it will be difficult for you to fast.

To achieve,fasting,as well as regulating your will, you should be clear and convinced that God created you to lead a happy life, even in this world

Finally, you become transparent to God, which can be summarized as follows

1)If a object is transparent,U can see what is behind that object by allowing light to pass thru'

(2)U become transparent with God,when U follow HIS WILL.Then what U can see thru ur life;Happiness/Love/pardoning others.

(3)when U carry Ur Will only,result in7 vices(anger,sloth,pride, envy,lust,glutonny,avarice)i(4)In computer software an action is transparent,if it takes place without any visible effect.Transparency is usually considered to be gd quality of a system,because it shields the user from the systems complexity.

(4)when U forget 7 Ethics of catholism,U lose transparency with God

(5)when U follow God's will,HE will give U courage to manage U complex problems,without losing Ur happiness

(6)saints are examples

(7)Ur transparency Love/7vices?

Thank you!


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