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Cycle 2: Season: Ordinary(1) Sunday No:2 Date 14/1/2018 - Clean Catholics - in detail

High light:
(1)Why we always find excuse(EXCUSETIC) for not to do a thing? Or find a reason for our wrong doings?. Is this character comes from our original parents?
(2) Why Jesus say in Mt...." Come & SEE"? Is it analogue to U'r Baptism and confirmation"? 1st sunday why U spoke about baptism?
(3) Without practicing 10 comms,can U stay with HIM?.whom Ur worshiping God or elders (4) when Ur actions does not follow, what U have already agreed, what will happened to Ur mind?. What do U mean by conditioning?
(U say something-act contrary to that-find excuse tics for Ur contradicted action)
(5) God make U dynamic, U travel 30km/sec around sun. U rotate  wrt earth axis. U travel to see many things, why God make U to travel right round sun & rotate by Ur self?
(6)Why it is necessary to reflect honestly with God,what are Ur sins & have a confession with Priest?
(7)Why we say Sacraments are sacred rites? Why catholic living mainly centered on 2 sacraments,PENANCE,(their SINS can be erased),HOLY EUCRASTIC?

PL listen

Reflection for 14th January 2018, celebrating 2nd Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 2.Today church invite you to analyze, about how honest you are with God and with your neighbor and when how you are going to be like God Without your knowledge, then how your life is going to be conditioned.

Tendency to forget God!
In leading your life, you tend to value your own skills and energy. When you forget that those energy that you disseminate to others, is a gift of God, who created you, you tend to forget God and become proud yourself. This is what has happened to original parents adam and Eve. But subsequent to the forbidden action, how they react to God, is exactly what we do now!. Let us analye this come clean story:

Pride led Adam&Eve wish to be like God. Upon eating the forbidden fruit,they wore fig leaves to cover their nakedness(why U wear cloths)They heard,sound of God walking in Eden & hid themselves(first game of HIDE&SEEK perhaps?).God asked"WHERE ARE U".Does God not know?God does not ask questions to gain knowledge,but to provide an opportunity to"COME CLEAN".Adam said"WOMAN WHOM U GAVE ME TO BE WITH ME,SHE GAVE ME FRUIT &I ATE!"His words imply that he not only blames Eve,but in case that's not going to get him out of Hot water,he says"Whom U gave me".God ask Eve-She realizes how this game is played&passes the buck once more"SERPENT TRICKED ME &I ATE"When we forget that God has created us we become proud,thinking that we do not need him(atheism)or that we are like him!.we say we believe HIM,but we act contrary to what HE say!with many excuses(excusetics).Jesus inviting U,today"COME&SEE"U?

Major problem of human character is to carry out action that has already being agreed. In Catholicism, we follow the 10 commandments. For example, we must worship only God. But we may unknowingly break this commandment when we “worship” elders (bowing down to them)or when we “worship ourselves”, thinking that we don’t need a God (atheism). Although this may come as a revelation,it is not too late to change our habits. We must RESPCT elders & ourselves, not WORSHIP! Rather than blaming our traditions and habits, it is time to take responsibility for our actions! We must identify clearly the 10 comms, find our variations,repent & have confession with a priest,to follow God's will in our life!

One can visualize Catholic life is led by the shadow Trinity
Holy spirit,Happy mind(Father), behavior(Jesus- 10 commandments with no enemies+ avoid judging/blaming others).
Today, it reminds that our life is of 2 parts; worldly life+ heavenly life(consist-Eternal life). You are been given time from God to live in this world. You should maintain your body in accordance with the guide lines given by Jesus, if you go against, your are sinning against to your body. Specially sins against flesh!.

 Value of time:

You are not seen a dead body with a wrist watch? Why? It is not at all important for a dead body.
Time is important only for living human beings!.not for animals or trees. These living beings never count time!. With time, human beings carry out actions to reach Happiness in our worldly life.
We are borrowing time from God. Why God? God will decide how much time that you should live in this world!.

Compared to Eternal time your earthly time is negligible!

The life you lead on earth may be maximum of 100 years, but when you compare that time with infinity time, you notice that the time that you lead in this world is nothing compared to infinity. That is why we tend to realize that it is very important to behave ourselves good in this life, without much attachments to earth bound pleasures such as Money, power and worldly desires with respect to flesh!. Catholicism will give you the easiest path to reap happiness both in this world and out side this world. It gives much simplified process,shown by Jesus to follow!
Hence our borrowed time is not belongs to us, but belongs to God and we will give in return our life(including our body) when we are leaving this world in good conditions!.

Do you show constant behavior throughout your life?
 There are 3 major factors to be analyzed.

(1)Your cells in your body is constantly changing. Every day some cells die,while new cells generated. After 7 years your cells are completely changed.
 (2) Your brain consist of 86 billion neurons. It forms around 1 trillion networks. Neurons to work under normal circumstances, you should maintain a peaceful mind. Then you try to follow the normal networks. When you blood get hot, the networks that you follow in your brain are different, and harmful to your own health!. Catholism says your anger is equivalent to committing suicide. Your actions and thinking(behavior is such that it should not create anger in your body)
(3) Look at a river as it moves toward sea. It creates its own banks that contain it. When there is something within you that moves in the right direction,it creates its own discipline. So it is very important to develop good habits, so that you will Not change those habits when time passes, otherwise you will see what gospel says"first become last and last become first". Going to sunday mass is very basic habit, even God is asking us to practice. Similarly you can develop many habbits in your life where it is time dependent for example: early morning once you get up pray daily rosary, hand over your worries to Holy mary,drink water, do exercise etc. Also you can develop time independent habits such as (1) not judging others(2)not blaming others!(3) finally avoiding 7 vices!.

C. Today's readings: Book of

Samuel(1sam3:3-10.19) says"speak Lord your servent is listening".

Paul says(1 cor 6:13-15. 17-20)" your bodies are members making up the body of Christ"

Jn (1:35-42)"they saw where HE lived and stayed with HIM'

Reminds when U realize the happiness, living with God, u always stay with HIM. But earth bound desires will lead U to bring fear & sorrow in U'r life. Out of worldly desires, the major appears to be, When U sin against U'r own body,(Fornicate- word meaning to have illicit affair with someone who you are not married to) bar U to achieve spirituality with God,to reach Happiness in this world too!.

New season-ordinary time),it is important for us to analyze  about our life in this world!. Today we analyze, the limitation of our life. Time, Happy, Behavior. Time is given by God, from our behavior how to lead that time happily has to be anlysed. Specially our behavior to achieve our own happiness. Then when you are Happy, then only you can extend that Happiness to others!. Otherwise without your knowledge, you introduce fear and sorrow to others, deriving from your disagreements!. You are also Not Happy and you extend that un happiness to others by 7 vices-Anger,sloth,pride,lust,envy,avarice, gluttony.
Out of the Sins, major sin appears,sin against flesh-fornication. With the scientific development of birth control, this sin becomes more prominent in the modern society than the previous human paradigms!
Today paul reminds, that we have to be very careful about this sin, in order  that to be with God in this life, to reach Happiness!

In conclusion
We justify our wrong doings. Does this come from our original parents? Do we worship God or elders/ourselves? What happens when our actions does not follow what we have already agreed to? Hypocrisy is when we say something but act contrary, often justifying contradictory actions with excuses. God made us dynamic, we travel 30km/sec around sun& rotate wrt earth. But we may not be aware of how dynamic we are& therefore not reach our full potential. Why is it necessary to reflect our sins honestly with God, &have a confession with Priest? It is important to do that so that we COME CLEAN in front of God&in our own conscience so that we can focus on reaching our full potential, which is what God intends. Catholic living is mainly centered on 2 sacraments: PENANCE & HOLY EUCRASTIC. Do we use these “most valuable” yet “absolutely free” gifts?

In baptism our parents& God parents have already accepted Jesus on our behalf, into our life. In confirmation, we ourselves undertake to seek HIM and take responsibility of achieving our full intended potential in life. This can only be reached by being honest, while following God’s commands. We may get tempted to justify wrong doings & “bend the rules” at times. However, our conscience, which is the core presence of God in each of us, knows when we go against God. We have a choice to come clean (through confession)& thrive(Eucharist) or to dwell in sin. In which world(here or hereafter) do you want to be a rich man/woman?
At last, as catholic, we have to lead a clean life, honest to God!.


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