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3rd Advent Sunday of Cycle 2 Unknown Catholic(17/12) - in summary

High lght:

(1)Why U get 2 types of Baptism for initiation to church: one from water & other from spirit?.during child U saw light,but during adult,U know U see the light of bulb is a result of current. Why U cannot see current?

(2)What is difference between childhood to adulthood? Are U changing dependency from parent to God? For that how to study about HIM? And what HE asked U to do?

(3)Why God created U?.Why computer is having CPU(brain)+power supply(heart)+software(mind)as major organs?Why computer does not have equivalent of free Will of human?.

(4)Trinity has shown U,how to manage Ur soul(mind+free will)to lead a happy life:what is the book U hv to read to know about that?

(4) Bible: mainly having 3 parts: old+new testament+early church actions. Why sunday reading have 3 parts?. Why still jews follow only old testament?

(5) Why new testament,the life of Jesus has been written by 4 Gospel writers(in different times)? Why Holy spirit have not directed to accept only one book? Oldest book?

(6) Out of 4 gospel writers,why only John(last to write) written about 1st miracle at Cana?.Which indicate how to etablish intercession prayers,leading to hv spiitual family

(7)Why U cannot live alone? Why Ur intedependent to society?why spiritual society includes both eternal souls+earthly humans?

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Reflection for 17th december 2017, celebrating 3rd Sunday of advent season,of cycle 2.Reminding us to analyze:(1)what are the knowledge you should gain and action you should follow to lead a happy life,as authored by Catholicism.

In Advent

we are reminded as how to plant the Jesus birth in our lives. For that 1st sunday we were reminded the basic pillars of catholicism (4); our belief,our worship,our behavior and our spirituality

Last sunday we were reminded about difference introduced by Jesus, as against the earlier practices.(Judaism).(1) Earlier God was directly talking to human thru' various means, now God is indirect and to listen to Him,you should develop a Happy mind.(2)earlier 10 commandments were practice with Eye to Eye principle, now it is practice with Pardoning principle!.

Today it will further reminded the importance of reflecting new testament compared to old testament. People are happy to read the history but are lazy to reflect the theories shown by Jesus. Reflection of new testament need more concentration and there you can find many different ideas suiting your environment and allowing you to follow God's Will.

What is Bible

Bible has been atop best seller list ever since Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of printing press, ran the first copies some 500 years before. Since then it has been translated into more languages and sold more copies than any other book in history. Recent statistics indicate that well over 150,000 new Bibles are sold or given away each day.

Bible comes. From the greek word, ton bibilion, which means "the scroll" or "the book". And is a collection of books by variety of authors.

Hebrew and Christian Bibles:

Hebrew Bible and christian old testament are more or less similar. First 5 books of old testament has been written by Moses.

Hebrew Bible and christian old testament, the following are similar:


The following are in christian Bible:

HISTORY: Joshua/judges/Ruth/1& 2 Samuel/ 1& 2 kings/ 1&2 chronicals/Ezra/nehemia/esther.

POETRY & WISDOM LITERATURE: job/pslams/proverbs/ecclesiastes/song of songs/

THE PROPHETS-major prophets: Isaish/jeramiah/Lamentations/ezkiel/Daniel

MINOR PROPHETS: Hosea/joel/amos/obadiah/Jonah/micah/nahum/habakkuk/zephaniah/haggai/zechariah/malachi

THE APOCRYPHA: catholic & orthodox churches consider Apocrypha as apart of bible.


TOBIT:prayer of Azariah & the song of the 3 jews. JUDITH: susanna. ADDITION TO ESTHER: bel and the dragon: WISDOM OF SOLOMON: 1&2 Maccabees,ECCLESIASTICUS- 1& 2 Esdras, BARUCH-Prayer of manasseh,



The history of the new testament's composition is much briefer,it being written within a period of 50 to 75 years(as compared to 1000years for the Hebrew Bible).

The new testament consist of histories of life of Jesus/a history of early church-ACT OF APOSTELS/ letters written by leaders of early church apostle Paul & various other 1st century christians/ final book of new testament,REVELATION-called apocalptic literature, refering to end time prophecies.


HISTORY- gospels(life of Jesus) MATTHEW/MARK/LUKE/JOHN; LIFE OF EARLY CHURCH- acts of apostels; letters PAUL'S LETTERS; Romans,1&2 corinthians,galatians,ephesians,philippians,colossians,1& 2 thessalonians,1&2 Timothy,Titus,philemon,

General letters: Hebrews,James,1&2 peter,1,2&3 John,Jude

APOCALYPSE(future events)- Revelations.

Main message of Jesus

Main message of jesus has been written by 4 gospel writers Matthew,Mark.Luke and john. These writers has written about Jesus actions in 4 different angles. Each book is highly condensed so that one can read the whole 1 gospel in a matter of few hours. Each gospel contained about 30 Printed pages. Beauty of these Gospel's are that one can reflect and get many views about God's new plan of love in a given paragraph. Teachings of Jesus, can be read easily by a child, as well as very learnered person. It is a place where small bird can sip, while a big elephant can bathe.

Natural tendency

Unfortunately, most of catholics tend to follow the easy path of remembering the Bible stories in the old testament. They don't reflect the various messages given in Gospels and attribute the experience into their life.

For example take the jesus 1st miracle-converting water into wine at cana.

Reflection for

A child- to obey his mother

A youngster- miracle means- you cannot explain from the natural science. By following Catholism you can experience such miracles in your life

Matured thinker-The difference between old testament to new testament- water into wine


To reach happiness(wine) go to holy mary while(water) you maintain catholic behavior (10 commandments with pardoning)

So every action or miracles given in the gospels can be viewed in many angles and it is the only book, where a child can read,as well as an intellectual can reflect for hours!.

Miracles given in Gospel:

Out of 661 verses of Mark, the earliest and most authorative of gospel, no less than 209 verses deal with such miracles. Matthew and Luke develop the theme still further. It is true that they take some trouble to reject stories which seem unedifying or incomprehensible. Yet at the same time Matthew, though apparently without any source material on miracles beyond what Mark has processed, heightens this miraculous element even more imposing proportions. The gospel of John, whose proportion of narrative material is sparse, find room only for seven miracles. But he also indicates that Jesus in the presence of His disciples performed many other signs as well. "Which are not recorded in this book" and the 7 for which he finds room-perhaps derived from some special collection of miraculious stories, a "Book of Signs" are all of a stupendously supernatural magnitude.

Although in the Gospel 35 miracles are attributed to Jesus, though non- canonical sources reported a good many more.

Easy path of catholicism

One should be able to go thru' one book of new testament(30 pages) in order to understand catholicism.(1or2 hours reading). But the reflections to see the relevance of each passage of gospel to your life, you can get different, and varied messages out of that passage at different time spans to suit for your present environment. This is the beauty of reading the gospels. Best method to adopt such reflection at home will be reciting Rosary. Rosary gives you to reflect jesus life, while you say hail Mary's. It is a best exercise where you use mental+vocal+physical movements. Another easy path to reflect jesus messages are Sunday Gospel readings. Catholic church(pope st pius V-1570)has beautifully organized the gospel passage for us to reflect giving in addition the connected message foretold by God in the 1st reading + how early catholic church implement those (in the 2 nd readings) in general 1st and 2nd readings carry very less message than the gospel reading.(Compare shoe to shoe strap)

 Today's reading:

Prophet Isaiah {Is (61:1-2.10-11)} says "I exult(show or feel)for triumphant Joy in the lord;

Paul to thesolonians(1 Th 5-162) says "may U all will be kept safe spirit,soul& body for the coming of the lord;

Jn(1:6-8,19-28):there stand among U,unknown to U,the one who is coming after me: fore telling the arrival of Jesus.

Clearly indicates the value of reflection of Gospel rather than digging the historical views of the old testament. It is to show, how God indicates about Jesus coming and give elaborate practical experience observed by jewish people. Jesus give us the protective shoe that has to be worn by us, the strap shows the for telling of Jesus arrival to this world.


4 sundays of advent gives clearly the subject and practice we should know to plant Jesus birth in our life. This comprises 3 parts(up to 3rd sunday)

(1) Catholicism basic principles(4 pillars) and the out come in your life, you should experience{(peaceful+worry less+happy)mind}

(2) Basic change introduce by Jesus, introducing the concept of Trinity. With Jesus the action of God changes. We should be very clear about God's action and relative changes on our actions

(3)Judaism & catholism in general follows same old testament, while catholics extend reading on new testament. This leads to catholics to concentrate more on old testament forgetting the new testament. But catholism is mainly based on new testament and reflection of Jesus messages and actions are very important to lead a happy life. Hence early morning once you get up, without listening to radio/TV or looking at newspapers, one can reflect the Gospel passages, thru' reciting Holy Rosary!. You will really enjoy the God's message pertaining to you for a happy life!


(1)Ur life will move gathering knowledge & carrying out actions

(2)more U do,knowledge+action,Ur life will become happy like a water fall

(3)to gather knowledge on God(a)understand that Bible gives U,before to jesus 10 comms with'eye to eye(revange)& with jesus same 10 comms with turn to other cheeck(pardoning) principle(B)to manage paradigm change,holy spirit will guide U thru'popes infallability as how to manage(ex abortion,euthanasia)(C)read the Bible with keep in mind above(B)/(D)read a passage of Gospel(daily & reflect(5 mts each)(E)reflect on 3 sunday readings,how it relates

(4)carryout actions to support society,with developing 4 pillars of God faith(creed)/worship(7 sacramants)/behave(10 comms+love)/connection(lords prayer+intercessionary prayers thru' Mary+saints/(5)Always maintain worryless mind by handing over ur worries to Mary+saints

(6)Convert Ur talent to skills/attitude then to energy

(7)follow God's will,to enjoy happy life,with birth of Christ in U otherwise HE may be unknown to U.

Thank you!


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