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Cycle 1: Season: Ordinary Sunday No:26 Date: 1/10/2017 Procrastinate Catholic - in detail

High lights:
(1) What do you mean by procrastination? Why in your life,certain actions you want to do? But you tend to postpone. Why? Whose fault?
(2)Can you identify priorities in your life without support of God?.Do you know 100% outcome for your action?If You don't carryout your action under the umbrella of God, will you easily get frustrated for your achievement?
(3)Why you always keep on postponing your action? Common symptom is not today but tomorrow! Tomorrow also same story why? Do you need the support of MAry and saints to do it today?
(4)Who knows, whether your postponing of your action is for your own good?how to prioritized your actions today?.what is the most safest way?
(5)Though you like to be independent, why you want to know somebody is watching your actions? Can you get appreciation from other person? Will it frustrate you? When you do action for the love of God what ever the outcome will you get frustrated?
(6) When you follow God's will, are you occupied in whole day?. Have You get work to do?
(7)Why idling life is always unhappy? What are the things you should do,to identity the God's will for you?

Pl listen:


Reflection for 1st october 2017, celebrating 26th Sunday of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to analyze:(1)what actions you should do to understand God's will in your life(2)you may be church going but fail to reflect more on God. Why?(3)why you are lazy to read small book of Gospel or
reflect on sunday readings?(4)without gaining knowledge can you follow unknown God? (5) can you enjoy your life as guaranteed by God, when you don't follow God's will

Our understanding about catholic as a baptized and confirmed person, you agreed to understand God's will for you, but you keep on postponing listening to him
for your own convenience, may be without your knowledge.

Think about a medical doctor. He has learned biology at school.Will that be enough for him to practice as doctor and give you medicine. He keeps on studying the subject till his death, while treating you. Otherwise you will not go to him for treatment.
Similarly you have to study about unknown God,when you reflect and practice what HE has asked you to do, you get to know HIM, not only that you are guaranteed by HIM to lead your life Happily. How to understand HIM, HOW to listen to HIM,without having a habit of reading Gospel, can you know what HE has asked you to do?. Is it same action HE will ask everybody to do?.No. So it is essential to understand and find out what are the basic concepts behind old testaments and Gospel with other new
testament readings.

God trained people to show and how to lead your life, when you are given full freedom to use your will. Old testament having big
volume of writting reveals, how God the Father train jews thru'prophets to show. How to live, with full freedom. He gave 10 commandments with eye to eye principle to adopt. Why eye to eye, why you can take a revange?. God showed, when God is acting direct,you can easily find out what is truth thru' HIM.

But then Jesus came as God's son, why? Just to practically show how to live when God become indirect. How to manage your free
will?. This too HE showed to jews. He followed judaism culture such as circumspect and not eating pork. HE introduced 10 commandments instead of eye to eye operating principle,HE changed that to Turn
your other cheek, showing that always we should pardon others and love others or respect other human being. Why? When God become indirect, you don't know who is correct or what is the truth, since you are not avail of 100% information for a particular judgement.. HE introduce basic concept love thy neighbor. And showed us as how to follow God's will in your life, how to
mangae mental+physical agonies in your life.HE used cross to show to us the end of HIS life.Why? In leading life with God indirect, you cannot find out what is thruth and you don't know who is correct, under this difference of opinion with other people become inevitable. So when you respect other you start carrying a cross.
He showed by HIS death at the cross, to respect other person and to love other, always you encounter disagreement or crosses. So Jesus introduce cross and respect with other person!
After Jesus, why Holy spirit came? Did HE change 10 commandments?
Or love other? NO then why HE came and guiding even now us?
We know God's kindom is not only outside this world but including this world. The message how to manage your free will is
for whole humanity not only for jews!. On the other hand this world exist until the end. We don't know at what time that this world
finished. Until such time there are generations to live. Is the way of living that is paradigm of people same from one generation to other is same? No. If my son is having the same life pattern of mine, these generations not become dynamic. So God's change the paradigm of people by technological advancements. Yerstaday you
travel by bullock cart, now in motorised veihcle to morrow by droner, similarly yersterday you post a letter, now you send an email. You can sight many examples as how God changes the technology
to make generation dynamic. So Holy Spirit will manage this paradigm change, thru' church, thru' popes infallibility,
as how people Should manage this paradigm change. Ex church rules give you not to go for artificial birth control or abortion etc. In
addition to paradigm change, Holy spirit has make the good news suitable for all humans by forming church that is cast less and remove the resrictions of circumscsion+eating pork. Church became cast less with love to every human whether he is catholic or not.

Having understood the concepts behind all these 3 eras, how to get knowledge of God's word. God has not written any books. Only book available for you to get direct message of God is Gospel.

There are 4 gospel writers who has written about life of Jesus. Each book is around 30 pages. You can read one book within 1 hr.
The best way to know what God wanted you to do to recieve HIS will for you is to reflect more oftenly the Gospel's. We know now we
live in a busy world. Our mind is filled with many things,sometimes proritising your time to go thru' Gospel may be difficult. So other best method is to follow sunday 3 readings.
While you are leading your life with following 7 ethics of catholism, have a habit develop atleast to reflect the Gospel on daily basis for few minutes. Sometimes non catholic may be started t read Gospel, though as Catholics we might forget the importance of reflecting the same.

Today's reading:

Prophet Ezikiel(EZK 18:25-28) says"when the sinner renounce the sin, he shall certainly live"
Paul to philippians says(ph 2:1-11)"in Ur mind u must be the same as christ Jesus".

mt 21:28-32) says"He thought better
of it and went.prostitue and tax collectors are making their way into kingdom God before you"

Reminds: in today's parable, the offence is to be found in the blindingly obvious answer to the question jesus set. The application is then very sharp. Those who seemingly never have experienced sin and conversion(who are they!) are quick to judge others, who come to God thru' failure and fracture. It is like 99 who have no need of conversion - we may doubt that they ever really existed

Today church invite us to reflect why we keep on procasting our actions. What do you mean by

Procrastination is keep delaying work that needs to be done,often because it is unpleasant or boring.It typically implies blameworthy delay especially through laziness/apathy(lack of interest,enthusiasm or concern).
We know science cannot control climate or produce human blood.This can be done only by God.
To enjoy the understanding of a subject,we must 1st study/reflect on it.When we hv the information of God(who has created us),we hv to convert that information to knowledge,by reflecting Who HE is &what HE has asked us to do.When we follow God,HE assures Happiness for now & forever.To get to know about God,we have to read mainly Gospel or sunday readings)Although we are informed of what to do,thru our laziness we tend to postpone the actions that HE asks us to do! We say'yes'but postpone!Next Sunday, Jesus today talks about such Catholics compared to non-catholics.

If you are not with God, who knows that postponing an action may be good for you!
 today Gospel invites us to first seek the God' will for you(HE is inviting you to carry out work) for that don't postpone on reflecting on HIM.
For this hand over your fear to holy mary and saints then you will be brave enough to carry out action Without postponing!.

In conclusion: Christ came to forgive sinners, we are all in need of God's forgiveness and it was for this reason that Christ came, bumling Himself to accept death on the cross. Don't delay to renounce sin so that you will truely live and be grace with God. We are all called to put the needs of others before our own, and never to take our place in God's Kingdom for granted.

Thank you
God bless you!

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http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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