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27th Ordinary Sunday of Cycle 1 - Respective Catholic(8/10) - in summary

 High Light:

(1) What you mean by respect? Are U using this word without Knowing the real meaning?

(2)Can U really respect another person, without practicing pardoning and accepting that you may be wrong?

(3)Most ideal person in the world is GOD. For U to start respecting HIM, what U should experience?

(4)Why U experience many crosses to respect other? Why U need MAry and saints support for that?

(5)Why U worship parent and elders?. Why it is difficult to start respecting God?

(6)10 comms no1 says'U worship only God' & no5 says'U respect parents". Hv we interchanged Worship & respect now? Why we do that?

(7)Without God's experience in Ur life can U respect HIM? What U should do for that?. How to convert Ur respect to worship only to God?

U'll hear that everybody says' I respect U'. Can U believe that?. If U carry out my order I respect U!. Is it the real meaning of respect?.

What is the difference between treating another human & treating Ur pet dog at home?.Are U going to respect other,if he obeying U like Ur dog?. Respecting other involves many crosses to be carried by U,in addition developing pardoning quality in Ur life. Knowing how to respect other & practicing it lead to achieve good health in Ur life. For that Catholicism provides U unique guide line to practice.

Reflection for 8th october 2017, celebrating 27th Sunday of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to analyze (1)major underlining principle of Christianity I.e respect

(2)How often people use LOVE and RESPECT word to suit for their own convenience

(3)Why respect need to develop pardoning and avoiding your own selfishness

(4)Why john 12-20 says' God will respect U' why today Gospel parable 'owner

Of the vineyard says 'the tenant will respect his son?

(5)How often we confuse to respect to worship only by words? How often we interchange it?

Let us analyze what is Respect-

Having respect for someone means you think good things about who a person is or how he acts. In general,positively towards the person or their actions. We must respect others as well as ourselves. Respecting someone means we act in a manner that shows that we care about their feelings &well-being.

Caring enough for ourself implies that we don't do things we are certain of causing hurt. Do U know that we have more free time than previous generations due to technological developments?

This has lead to exercises to maintain our body and avoid illnesses.

 When we convert our information to knowledge on God,do U know that we have to read the Gospel & practice daily?

Otherwise,we become spiritually sick. Without these 2, we lose respect to ourself. Do you like 100% of your views to be carried out by others? If yes, would that be respecting others? Respect implies action rather than empty words. Today,God remind us of developing respect both spiritual and earth bound?

Without knowing how to respect one another, we cannot worship God. To do so, we must identify our prejudices, unconscious biases and conscious biases, eg. looking down on someone from a presumably lower cast and dis respecting them. We must identify how much negative incidences God has saved us from. We must value that & gratefully Thank HIM. We must develop a Thankful heart every Sunday, that is meaningful to us. Then our respect become worship of HIM. We must forgive others who dis respects us &start respecting them nevertheless. Because this is what God has revealed us to do, in creating us to lead a happy life!

 Todays readings:

Prop Isaiah(Is 5:1-7) says"the vineyard of the lord hosts in the house of isreal"

Paul says to Phlippians (Ps 4:6-9)"The God of peace will be with you"

MT(21:33-43) says"HE will lease the vineyard to other tenants"

Reflect: In the parable vineyard owner thinks that "they respect my son" means that we have been given full freedom to accept God by appreciating what HE is doing for you but you enjoy his support and be lazy to respect HIM, to know about HIM.

 There are 2 major actions with regard to Respect. Respect as applied with respect to yourself. That is you know your life and physical body is given by God. Every moment HE oxyganate your blood for you to live, so you have to maintain your God given body without laziness

Second aspect of respect is towards others, identify, how good others, and keep on appreciating them not only by Word but by your heart.

Most difficult part is to respect others whom you think their most of actions are good,but may be some other actions you don't agree. Under such case you have to hand over such disagreements to Mary/saints and start forgetting the disagreement and start respecting him. Then only you can really love him. Most of politician has develop this character, since they are depending on their votes. Though we might think they are doing for their own benefit, but they try to respect others and start developing pardoning.

Most easiest way to develop respect is toward God, since HE is the ideal person. You know HE is good, but to know yourself, you have to follow HIS WILL more respect towards HIM will ultimately end up only worship to HIM, since you know HE is the only ideal person.

You can think parents have to be worshiped, since they are the living God to you. But we should not forget that your parents creator also God. Parents who expect worship from their children, undermine what God has done to them and they give a bad example to their children to undermine God. That is why 10 commandments start With worshiping to God only and 5th commandment says respect your parents.

Respect and worship always carries with Actions. You cannot say, in my heart I worship but I never bow down to you. Also you cAnnot say in by heart I respect, but I bow to you. You should maintain by yourself how to differentiate by your actions respect to worship. You should decide your own suitable action to differentiate respect to worship. Next Sunday you are invited to analyze what do you mean by suitability.

In conclusion:

To respect your Self you need to appreciate your God given life, by maintaining your body both physical and mental. In order to do that you should know what God is asking you to do? Fr that daily reading a passage from Gospel cycle wise(continuity to be maintained) is necessary in addition to your physical exercises. Then you respect others by pardoning them or by handing over disagreement to Mary and saints. Then you parallel start respecting God, do what pleases God, finally, John(12-20) Says" God will respect U"

Thank you


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