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20th Ordinary Sunday Cycle 1: Cannonite Catholic(20/8) - in summary

Cycle 1:season: Ordinary Sunday No:20 Date: 20/8/2017 cannonite Catholic

High light:

(1) Was Jesus having a bad day, to be rude to Cannanite woman,specially when she was having her daughter seriously ill?.Are U shocked?

(2) Was Mary Shocked to hear that 'who is my mother?'MT 12:48

(3) What is the difference between BELIEF,TRUST & FAITH?

(4)Why trust does not come automatically?why It MUST be tested,tried &proven & established over a period of time?

(5)U believe something, but why when U don't have trust,U'll not apply same in Ur life?

(6)Why Faith DOES NOT have to be tested,tried or proven. FAITH is the total & complete confidence/allegiance.why trust always take you to faith?

(7)Why belief is instant, trust take a long time and faith,does not need any reasoning?.Why U can develop faith only with God?

Pl listen for 6 mts:


Reflection for 20th august 2017, celebrating 20th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to reflect 3 major points:

(1)how to develop faith in our life. What is the characteristic of Faith

(2) salvation is not only limit to the people who receive christ

(3)God's concern about rejection of Christ by HIS own people.

Let's first analyze about Faith

Would I be right in saying that you were a little bit shocked by todays Gospel?.and if you were,what is that shocked you? Wasn't it the way Jesus behaved towards the cannonite women?. At first, HE refused to talk to her. When HE did talk to her, HE seemed downright rude. 'It s not fair to take the children's food.'HE said' and throw it to little dogs?(Mt 15:26). Sure a man that had any manners at all would not suggest, even by implication, that a woman was a dog, especially when she had a daughter who was seriously ill,indeed Jesus was so deaf to her entreaties earlier on, so dismissive apparently that HIS disciples implored HIM to say something to her, even if it was only to tell her to' clear off'. The way Jesus behaved in this slightly ill tempered encounter seems to be entirely out of character. I suppose most charitable construction you could put on to it to say HE was having a bad day!.

Why God the son, wanted to show this story to us?. For that we have to be clear to the difference between Belief/Trust/faith

In order to understand the difference, let us follow a story:

A man famous for tight rope walking across Niagara Falls,performed even pushing a wheel barrow on the rope. He then wished to walk across on the tight rope pushing a wheel barrow with a person in it! He asked the crowd if they believe he could do it.

They yelled'YES',so he asked for a volunteer. NOBODY CAME.

Distinction between TRUST & BELIEF,is that they believed he can push it with a person,but they did not trust him enough to put their lives on it.

Trust is acquired over a period of time,which in time will eventually lead to Faith. Trust does not come automatically. It MUST be tested,tried &proven & once it is established over a period of time, faith will overtake trust.

Faith DOES NOT have to be tested,tried or proven. FAITH is the total & complete confidence/allegiance.

So cannonite women, in this story, should have develop faith, following the process of belief and Trust, though the story doe not reveal anything about this!

Similar incidence you might have notice with Holy Mary in Mt 12:48, where Jesus was talking about who is HIS mother! But Holy Mary never appears to be considered the statement! Why because her faith. Imagine if it happens to your mother with respect to you, you will big drama!.

Faith can be developed only with God. God and saints are ideal persons. You can trust any human. But of you is ever changinmg your characteristics with repect to time, leading you not to develop faith with any body!.

Today's reading:

Prop Isiah says(IS 56:1.6-7)"I will bring prisoners to this Holy mountain"

Paul to Romans(RM 11:13-15.29-32) sAyS" With Isrel God never take back HIS Gifts or revoke HIS choice.

MT (15:21-28) says" Women you have a great faith"

Today' gospel Jesus changes HIS mnd. How is that possible twice I'm matthews gospel,Jesus limit HIS ministry to the lost sheep, of the house of isrel.(Mt 10:6.; 15:24) in today's story however, a very fiesty woman,clearly not a daughter of Abraham,With her urgency and witty Report, brings Jesus to recognize needs of those beyond the ethnic confine of jews people. They are ordinary human beings too, just a much in need of the good news of the kingdom,as anyone else.

Today 2nd reading paul remnds us, that he glorifies in his ministry to gentiles, although he deeply regret the rejection of christ by some of his own people,the jews. And God will not give up on them either. In the Gospel, Jesus at first seem to go alone with the exclusiveness of the Jews." My mission is only to lost sheep of the house of Israel. But cannonite women refuse to be put off. "Help me Lord" she cries. And HE gives in." Woman you have a great FAith, your wish will come to pass" ONE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF THE CHOSEN PEOPLE IN ORDER TO HAVE FAITH AND BE SAVED.

In conclusion today's Gospel mainly reveal how to develop faith in your life. First you have to experience the trust with God and HIS love to you, then only you develop Faith, where what ever the outcome in your life, you will not discouraged and always depend on HIM

The last point to derive is no one is lost except by his own free, deliberate and malicious choice. God's Wills the salvation of all people not only Christians!

In conclusion God shows mercy to all! Are you jealous?

Thank you


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