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17th Ordinary Sunday Cycle 1 Difficult Catholic (30/7) - in summary

High light:
(1) What is the goal of a catholic,during his earthly Life? Why st anthony lived only 36 years? Why peter or paul(other saints)martyred happily?
(2) Why we say'God saved me'. Is it scientific? When you understand God is there,why you forget to study about HIM?
(3)Why 7 vices leads to unhappiness even in this life?
(4)Root cause of unhappiness, starts,with when U think, only Ur view is correct (infallible),then U try to force others to implement Ur action(selfish),then U develop Ego. With Ego why envy automatically come to Ur life?
(5) Why Catholicism says respect others and carry your cross?.
(6)Why you become'Difficult' person? Who is correct?
(7)Why you don't have wisdom of carrying an action, independent of achieving earth bound cravings such as Money, power & desires?.Is it good for Ur health?
Pl listen 6 mins:


Reflection for 30th July 2017, celebrating 17th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite you to analyze how not to become a difficult person, and be a valuable person, to yourself as well as to your living society. For that you have to understand about yourself not anybody else.

 Whether I am infallible? Is the primary question to raise!. My truth may not be the real truth, for that always you have to verify with God. Before you verify, you have to be friendly with him, that means you have to develop faith with HIM. Without faith how can you ask HIM?
Then you have to think, whether you are selfish?. Whether you force others to carry out your will?.
Then you have to analyze, whether you are above the other human beings(they also God creations)? That means whether you have developed Ego in your life?

Lastly you have to analyze whether you are developing envy towards others?

Infallibility, selfishness,Ego, envy leads you to become a difficult catholic, who will deprive enjoyment even in this life. You may be church going, praying, avoiding lust,gluttony,avarice, but with your infallibility your life will become unhappy and you become difficult person!.

Difficult person may be a person, who will continue the same childhood actions with adulthood. Child hood you(1) you follow parents will(2) carry out childish actions(3) enjoy competitions. These you have to change to when you become adult (1)instead of your will to carry God's Will(2) avoid childish actions(3)avoid competition, carry out action according to your wisdom.

Today's readings:
Book of kings(1K 3:5.7-12) says" you have asked for a discerning judgment for yourself"

Paul to Romans(Rom 8:28-30)says"God intended us to become true images of HIS son"

Mt(13:44-52) says"HE sells everything HE owns and buys the field"

Our conviction is that God loves us Wholly, in the double sense that HE loves us fully and completely and HIS desire is that grace should touch every dimensions of our lives. Anyone Who has made the discovery of faith, like the merchant in search of fine pearls, will know what is meant. It is so wonderful that it leads to a disciple ship costing not less than everything. It can be daunting of course, but it leads to life in abundance(JN10:10).

Value means that you can sacrifice all other things. A value is the ground of our being. it is the heart of our life.
One gift solomon, asked from God is understanding heart. What he was really requesting was a share in God's power heart.  He wanted a heart, that would help him perceive the ideal relation ship of God's lordship over all of life. He also wanted to know the right relationship he should have with his fellow humans,With possessions etc. HE Wanted deep understanding over HIS laws, His wisdom in scripture.

Unfortunately solomons value was only temporary in his life. His understanding heart give away with lust and tyranny. God was no longer the Lord his life. His own will replaced the will of the lord. What happened to solomon is most valuable lesson and warning to every one. We all need to be aware about the danger of losing our values including the greatest value and priority of all, namely, Jesus and our relationship, our intimacy with HIM and our relationship with others.

We acquire our values from variety of sources,parents,teachers,peers, our culture and environment,television, books, people we admire and looks up to. The greatest source of all is Holy scripture, above all the life and preaching of Jesus. All other priorities has to be measured according to that best of sources.

How can you change your unit of measurement?
We are slaves to our ideas.Concepts that give us success,drive us.Jesus constantly said?IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN...BUT I SAY".HE changed the measuring unit of HAPPINESS;for entering into God's presence &to measure the GROWTH & WORTH in human race.

It may not be about volume of PRAYERS,it is about the DEPTH of them.It isn't about how good U look. It is how U treat the lilies.It is the VALUES & PRIORITIES that determine the way you live your life. A man find treasure buried in the field.He sells all  he has & buys the field.A merchant find a pearl of great value.He puts up all that he has to buy it. You can convert the'easily verified info'to knowledge &then to wisdom-under God's will.
U may be'NET WORTH'more than Billion Rs.Is that more than a child who has one Rs in his pocket?Can U redefine unit of measurement from MONEY to some other for SUCESS,PROGRESS or HAPPINESS?what action DRIVES in your Life?

 Always remember how to find your wisdom. Convert your verified information to knowledge with the help of God. Then identify few actions, which you feel that is important to carry out. It s better to select atleast one which will not benefit you to earn money,power or desires, which is earth bound cravngs. This is your wisdom. Develop your wisdom for the love of God! Then you may not become a difficult person in the eyes of God.

Thank you

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http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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