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Searching Catholic sunday 30/10 (brief version)

High light:
(1) Why zaccheus has to climb tree to see Jesus?, do you know who is God?
(2)Do you need to go to Church to pray?
(3) What is praying? What is highest form of praying?
(4) Is there any relationship with faith and knowing God?
(5) When you are faithful, do you need to climb the tree of global family to see God?
Charity and missionary work,is it essential for you!
(6) Are you resembling Zacchaeus?

Please spare little time to listen this!


Reflection for 30th October 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 31st Ordinary Sunday mass,Inviting you to analyze, how to see invisible God,physically in your life. In order to do that, value of charity and missionary work in your life?

You will see that there are 5 Basic factors of Catholicism
(1) How to develop faith from trust with God
(2) What is your life and how to establish connection with invisible God.
(3) What is the importance of Sunday Mass, catholic traditions to pray and increase you faith with God?.
(4) Is there any limit to faith?. Can you say I have enough faith, no need for me to further increase that?
(5)With  faith, how you should climb the tree of society and yourself, what actions that you should take for you to see God physically to your life?

You have to address the above questions with a free mind, or you have to climb the tree, that means from your normal busy life, take few minutes, be quite,and try to analyze the questions about life by yourself.

When you analyze your life quietly, you will see
(1) You live alone in a platform of society and main aim of your life is to find peace and happiness with time
(2)When you live in this World you are always subject to invisible gravitational pull towards earth, that why you can stand on the ground. If you are on the moon you cannot stand on the ground, due to less gravitational pull towards moon earth. Similar to invisible gravitational pull, you have to understand the invisible God's power towards you. Gravitational pull is uniform to all humans in the world, irrespective of their morality. Similarly God is waiting for you to provide much needed peace and happiness to your life, when you reflect on Him and follow his instructions.

To understand God, easiest way for you to know is that God has decided your parents, not any body else: the second important logic is that you cannot control climate; have you ever heard people who are going for astrologers, consulting them to predict climatic condition of your country?. There are many aspects when you analyzed little deep in your life, you will see unknown God, known to you.

(3) Then it is better for you to know more about HIM. First thing is to trust him, then develop faith on Him. This means you treat HIM, as master, While you, yourself accept as servant. Then when you treat him as master, you have to follow HIS revealed truths. His revealed truths are of 2 parts. One is what HE has given from church traditions + given in the Holy Bible. The second part is what Holy Spirit will give you from church rules. Catholicism is a dynamic religion, while it keeps morality ie no change in 10 commandments, dynamic God or now Holy Spirit will give you instructions as how to manage with the dynamic changing world.
For example: how to manage artificial birth control or Euthanasia or abortion or unisex marriages etc. God changes the paradigm of the world, in order to make dynamism with new generations to have new paradigms.

Analyzing revealed truth and follow the instructions are essential part to develop your life and it is most complex part of any religions. In catholicism, more you analyze and practice, you keep on increasing your faith with God and enjoy the wisdom of God, While you will get mental peace and happiness, and courage to cope up with the life problems. So throughout,your life time, you keep on increasing your faith. There is no limit to develop faith, in any human's life, since to know God, there is no limit, for the human mind.

(4) To know the truth of any deity, you should be highly dependent upon the Holy documents available for you to read. These documents may consist with large volumes and may need some authority to explain the meaning given in certain trivial statements. Catholic church has beautifully organized as how to explain Bible, with ultimate authority of interpretation lies with the pope. While you may get the general interpretation by reading the scripture, you may not get the whole meaning, if you don't read the correct concept in your mind. Good 2 examples are john 2, implies the intercession of Mary, while one might conclude by reading John.14.6 implies no intercession. similarly Mat 9:43 says" If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off". You never do that!.

(5) As a catholic, individually you should develop faith and hope while practically lead a charitable life, with the society.
How to develop faith, first you should know  what is there for you to learn everyday. Church has structurally organized all such study in 3 yearly cycle for you to learn. This is sunday readings and it is obligatory: Each sunday, you are invited to read 3 different readings for you to understand a life topic. These 3 readings mainly aim to a message given in the Gospel, while how early church implement that message and how God the Father has revealed that message, much before to Jesus Christ.

Let us summerise today's readings:

Todays readings:
Wis 11:22-12;1; says all things belongs to God, the lover of souls and God overlooks the sins of the people that they may repent.

Paul says to thessalonans(2 thess 1:11-2:2; they believed that Jesus would be returning soon and paul beg not to be agitated or terrified.

Gospel Lk 19:1-10 says" Jesus invite himself to spend a day with Zacchaeus and depends himself when the people murmur that he is a guest at sinners house.

When we analyze today's readings, we find

Zacchaeus is a hated tax collector for the Romans, a public sinner who has become rich in his position. But he wants to see Jesus. Why does he want to see HIM?. Might be he has heard that Jesus was a wonder worker, a most extraordinary man. So naturally he is curious. But there is more in him than human curiosity. He respects every people who has ever lived!. Of course he has everything that most people desire and work for: wealth, security, a nice home, and all that he needs to sustained himself. BUT HE IS NOT SATISFIED. He wants, and he needs more, so he climbs that tree and waits for Jesus. Jesus is the more, that his hungry heart had desired.
And Jesus does not disappoint him. He looks up and see the sinful tax collector. "Zacchaeus hury down" Jesus said." I mean to stay at your house today. Zacchaeus joyfully obeys. The hunger in his heart is already become satisfied. Full satisfaction will come when he eats with jesus, listen to him and makes up his mind that in this man that all his human desires and hopes are fulfilled.

The pharisees, of course are shocked" HE has gone to a sinners house as a guests. They complain. They hardly realize that they could not have said anything more complimentary,more beautiful and more descriptive of Jesus, the God's man. Jesus depend himself"today salvation has come to this house, for this is what to mean to be a son of Abraham. The son of the man has come to search out and save what was lost.

In conclusion: let us look at today's Gospel again: see how active Christ was. He stopped under the tree, summoned Zacchaeus by name and invited himself to the house. In his person and conversion, HE provoked the little mans conversion. No body was more conscious than Jesus Himself."The son of the man came to seek and save the lost' says Lk 19:10. Jesus stood under the tree as savior. His whole being called out Zacchaeus sinner. Zaccheaus conversion was not easy. It cost him too much. By giving half to the poor and making restitution 4 times over, He went far beyond the requirement of law(Lv 5:20-26). He was giving up not fruits of corruption but corruption itself. It was a brave decision. It puts him among the 'poor in spirit" whom we reflected on last sundays Gospel.
Conversion will be equally difficult for us: what will it cost to us?. We are afraid to think about it. It is so difficult to deny our past, to deny what we have become, Yet God calls. He is shaking the tree. Won't we come down?

Thank you
God bless you!

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http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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