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Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:30 Date: 23/10/2016- exalted Catholic

High lights:

(1) Why the strings of the guitar should not be too tight or too loose,to get the correct sound?
(2)How to balance exalting with humbleness?
(3) When you don't know 100% of reasons, for the action of others, Can you judge anyone?. Then how to Live in society?
(4) Why praying daily rosary is important to your life? Who set the best example for humble life?
(5) How God exalts mary, in recognizing her humble life?

Are prepared to spend about 7 minutes(0.5%) out of 1440 minutes of today. Then pl listen!

Reflection for 23rd October 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 30th Ordinary Sunday mass,Inviting you to analyze danger of exalting yourselves and the value of being humble.

Exalt means to put you into high ranking position. When you exalt yourself,you tend to undermine other person creation or his ability, by judging others. Every human is created to carry out different task by God.

 Your failure in my eyes may,in God's perspective be an enormous success. How can I judge unless I know all factors?
Best remedy for exalting s to be humble.

In other words, Energy has to be balanced with tranquility. It is as if you are trying to tune the strings on a guitar. If too tight or too loose, the sound is not right.

How to manage exalt and be humility! Holy Mary set the ideal example. Lowliness and exaltation are one in her. Lowliness because judging herself to be unworthy of been the mother of Our Lord she took the vow of virginity,exalted because God,looking upon what mary believed her nothingness, once more created world out of nothing

How Quickly the great people in the world is forgotten and how few their names are remembered. With MARY law of forgetfulness is suspended in her favor and she prophesied before any Gospel was written. out of humanity of Mary. sprang the song of Magnificat, when she met Elizabeth. She said, every generation will call me blessed.

In order to analyze about further, let see the reality of your life.

Every human is coming to this world lonely and goes away from this world lonely. But during his life, he always depends on others or he is always interdependent, or he has to live in a society. With communication explosion this society has become a global Villege. With intercessionary prayers, saints in heaven too along with God, will become one global family. This is the today's society.

Though we come to this world alone, enjoy happiness alone, we cannot live in this world alone, we need a society. Society can be other humans which is visible, saints and God which is invisible. Basic unit of the human society is family. Without a family, there is no society. Family basic action is marriege, man and woman. Not unisex marriege. After all unisex marriege can go only one generation. That is why catholic church is against such uni sex marriages!.

 Every human,every day will undergo changes in his life, either, physically or mentally. While you change, your associated friends also changed. The changes may be entirely different to your change in life,under this scenario, how to manage and live happily?. That is why,it is difficult to have continuous long friendships with others.
That is why catholic church marriege cannot be divorced. Otherwise children will have many divorced parents. catholic parents main obligation is to train their children to follow God's Will, while each parent has to individually follow God will. Praying rosary will allow marriege partners to have a peace of mind and grace to cope with problems that will arise, While enjoying the life.

How do you manage your lonely life, in the platform of society? You may be married or single, how to convert your lonely life to enjoy with time?. What are the safest methods?. God has clearly shown the method: how to develop your faith, how to handle your worries, how to pray and today HE invites us to analyze, how to manage our ego!.

Today readings, church invite you to analyze!.

1st reading: Sir 35:12-14,16-18 says The lord, a God of justice,hears, the cry of the oppressed and the wail of the orphan.

2nd reading Paul write to thimothi from prison,he review his life and awaits his reward. Though abandoned by friends, the Lord stands by him

Gospel Lk 18:9-14 says "everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled while he who humbles  himself shall be exalted"

Today's readings summaries that pharisee thought that he was rich in God's sight and the tax collector knew that he was poor and in need of divine mercy. He went home justified, reconciled with God.

This is giving 2 clear messages to us.

 (1) that the 1st thing we need to do, while recognizing the good in our lives, is to recognize the sinfulness too and Pray for God mercy. That is the first thing church get us to do at Mass.
(2) Second thing that we need to do is to be morally modest. No moral high heels for us. That doesn't mean setting moral values aside. Values like justice,honesty, chastity, truth are to be celebrated and lived. To say that we should be morally modest is not the same as being in favor of fudge. Having the moral standards and convictions is very important for all of us. what Jesus is saying that none of us can afford to feel morally superior to others.
My sin may not be your temptation. Your struggle will be greater than mine. Your failure in my eyes may, in God's perspective, be an enormous success. How can I judge unless I know? Why should I judge when I have my own sins to sober me up?. Four lines of verse sum it all up very nicely.

Do not find fault with the man
Who limps or stumbles along the road
Unless you have worn the shoes he wear
Or struggle beneath his load.

In conclusion:
Let us summerses today's reflections:
1)develop your morality,but don't think you are superior to others
(2)always identify Your sinfulness & don't judge others are bad
(3)always think God has humbled,to become human & underwent most crucial death at the cross
(4)without oil&water,though you have petrol, your car cannot be driven.
(5) Similarly,developing pardoning-oil & not to judge others-water,has to be practiced to live happily
(6)Holy Mary ideally set example of leading humble life and you will see, how God exalts her
(7)With praying daily Rosary,you reflect all above+help you to cope up your life problems+Holy Mary will help you for new wine to be produced in your life!.

Thank you!
God Bless You!

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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