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Ever Ready Catholic(sunday 7/8/2016) Brief Version

Who is your God?

Remember 3 points.

(1) God has created you to lead a happy life
(2) Now God is invisible and you have to make him visible in your life by following what HE has asked U to do
(3) Though you don't know 100% outcome of your actions HE knows. Hence
throughout your life, you have to follow HIM not in childish way but in child like way.

What is the difference between childish and Child like ness?

God didn't create,baby Adam/Eve?

But,after original sin,HE introduced fear/sorrow/death&Childhood for human(Since they were childish to break law) and gave full responsibility to parents to guide them, during childhood.

Newly born,has to be name,provide food,baptized becomes parents immediate responsibility.

You become children of God,when you follow him,Child-like & not childish way.
Remember, when you were a child,punishment made for your childish work,by your parents,today, you will appreciate,with greater love to them.
Similarly, you should have noticed, your parents, did not give every thing you asked: why they did not give?. Because they knew it is bad for you. Though you were unhappy at that time, now you know it is for your own happiness.

Though you were not happy for punishment, or not giving what you want, now you understand why they did it.
Today Do you love& grateful to your parents despite their punishment and other unhappy treatment to correct you.

Relationship between God and you  operates in same principle. You should be able to remove your unwanted life priorities. Follow HIM in all your actions, similar to obedience of a child.

Is our God, similar to any other God, in other religions? No.

Because, we identify our God is in three person, where all other God fearing religions does not follow:
We follow the principle of water, where it can exist as vapor, liquid and ice.
In the basic difference:

Ultimate goal of God, was to guide human, how to use their free will, to lead a happy life and follow HIS Will. 2 phases HE introduced.

1 st phase thru' the tribe of Jews, Father introduced 10 commandments With eye to eye principle, and guided humans thru' prophets, last prophets being John the Baptist.

Then Jesus came Showed finally, how to use your free will,when God is invisible. He changed eye to eye principle by Pardoning and love,with same 10 commandments.

Then HE told us to wait until Holy Spirit comes, to start the Church, not only to Jews but to the whole world. Catholic means universal church.

Holy spirit era that is running now, church has introduced appropriate additions to the guidance given by Father and Son.

 For example:
(1) No circumcision, no restriction for food
(2) Many dogma's like holy mary's
 immaculate conception, about St Joseph, and declaring saints, existence of purgatory etc
(3) Many instructions to manage paradigm changes such as artificial birth control, abortion,euthanasia

Our present era is supported by many supernatural miracles like having in corrupt bodies as example St catherine or St bernedeth and many others,miracles on health issues, where under normal scientific theories you cannot explain.

So you will see our God is in 3 persons, where church is run by Holy Spirit with papal infallibility..

How to lead your life?

Your life is like a water fall, every time changing. You don't know 100% outcome of your actions, you are been at a very advantages position, where God who knows every thing and HE is behind you.
For that you should be in grace with God, (with Repentance, Confession with a priest) then receive Eucharist, followed by merciful actions.

So we have analyzed who is our God and How to follow HiS Will in our life!

Then it will be helpful for us to know

Who is the ideal Christian?
 The best example is Abraham. He left his old established life behind, as God has requested and stuck out for New land, starting Family at an advanced age, his wife been barren and almost as old he. God has promised Abraham, that he would be the father of the new nation, and abraham took God, at his word.

The best another example of great faith is Mary, mother of Jesus. God has promised that she would be the mother of messiah. Mary did not understand how it could happen; she simply believed, " I am the servent of Lord. Let it be done to me as you say" luke 1:38. Another good example is St Joseph, who followed God's Will, at any cost,

In conclusion today's readings invite us to analyze, how to be ever ready to meet God, for that
You should know
(1) who is your God Specially Holy Trinity
(2) How to please God, by practicing 7 ethics+church rules
(3) how to lead your life with God as centre (4) how to manage your physical and mental agonies without losing faith
(5) when you practice all these 4, you become aware the presence of God, so death will make you to physically see HIM. Interesting thing is no death person will come and tell you as what to do, like Jesus!.


For more details follow this links :
http://www.sinhalagospel.lk/Sundayaudio.html  ‬

Or for more details about Mary


1st reading wis 18:6-9 says that night(of exodus from slavery in egypt) was known before hand by the Jews fathers Abraham,Issac,and Jacob, and the people waited in faith for their deliverance.

2nd Reading: Heb 11:1-2,8-19
Says exalts the faith of the great leaders
Of the Jewish people and their decendents.

Gospel reading Lk 12:32-48 Jesus tells us that we know not the day or hour of the coming of the son of man;therefore we must  always be prepared.

Are you Ever Ready to meet God?.

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