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Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:20 Date: 14/8/2016- Burning Catholic

(1) Most of the time Jesus talk to bring Peace to you, but today why HE talks contrary?
(2) How to follow God's Will and develop your passion?
(3) Mother thresa's Experience of developing passion and experiencing disagreements!.

Are U prepared to spend around 7 minutes/out of 1440 minutes(around 0.5%) of today: to listen:

http://www.sinhalagospel.lk/ sundayreadingAudio/ Sundaaudmsg.html

Reflection of this sunday readings:

To day, Church invites us to analyze,How to develop passion in your life.

Passion in general (from the Greek verb πασχω meaning is to suffer) is a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something. In Catholism, it means how to develop passion, be happy in this life to serve God

How to develop Passion For A Cause

Old testament indicates 3 ways that you are called to passion.


(2) Burning Bush is the kind of call that Moses had. It is a surprise approach to get others attention,he was called to leadership by seeing a miraculous burning bush.

(3)Burning House is the kind of call that queen Esther had. By revealing her identity she saved Jews.

 Jesus was neither Worrier nor Royalty. HE not only came from wrong side of the town,but came from wrong town. This carpenter king showed you,how to lead your passion for the love of God.

Let's summaries todays readings:

1st reading:

Jer 38:4-6,8-10 says: Jeremiah is cast into cistern, but Ebed-melch pleads for his rescue and the kings grants the prayer.

2nd reading:
Paul says( Heb 12:1-4) putting away sin, we are to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus who inspires and perfects our faith

Lk 12:49-53 sys:
Jesus predicts that he will be a cause of division among his followers.

Last. 2 Sundays we reflected how to develop calm mind & how to be Ever Ready to meet God.

Today readings invite us to develop burning love for God. How to convert your earth bound priorities to God's Priority,when you do this you might come across many disagreements with your family or friends.

For that recall what happened in the 1st Christian. pentacost!. According to(Acts 2:1-4); The disciples are first gathered in one place and" suddenly from up in the sky,there came a noise like a strong driving wind..tongues of fire appeared, which parted and came to rest of each of them. All were filled with the Holy Spirit.;

This was a fulfillment of Jesus to light a fire on the earth. HE just wanted to start a flame in their(and our) hearts, we recall how the apostles reacted. They rushed out to city to spread the good news of Jesus' love with fired up hearts and some 3000 were added to the fold, according to the Acts: 2:41)

Our chief task in life is to keep the divine fire burning bright in our hearts. How" by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus"who inspires and perfect our faith and by receiving into our hearts the word of Jesus shares with us.
My sheep hear my voice
I know them
And they follow me(JN 10:27)

I am not proposing that we all rush out into the city and start preaching on street corners. May we just be what jesus has called us to be: an assembly of hearts on fire with love for God and one another, hearts burning with desire of Christ for the spread His Gospel.

Now let us analyze how disagreement comes:
Do you remember our Lord saying in the upper room after His resurrection: "Peace be with you" Jn 20:19.  Do you remember him saying earlier on, when HE was promising to send Holy Spirit: ' Peace I bequeath to you
,my own Peace I give you, a peace which the World cannot give, this is my gift to you Jn(14:27). But here in Today Gospel saying" Do you suppose that I am here to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division Lk 12:51 is it contradictory?.

One who recites catholic teachings and does not practice what they recite, is like a shepherd who guards a herd of cattle belonging to another.

A stone in middle of the river divides the flowing water, not because it wants to but because it's there. I am not comparing you to a stone now, except in the sense that if you stand firmly and stubbornly for Christian values, you are going to meet opposition and cause divisions, even in their own families or societies. It is very sad when it happens but it does. For example in 3rd world, worship and respect are mixed up. Another point human is a animal. Christian principle is that you can worship only God. Also human is not an animal. You become like an animal, when you carry out actions without any purpose.

Another good example of Recent  realization of today's reading is mother Theresa

Mother formed Kalighat home,near to sacred temple ground in Calcutta,for homeless destitute,sick,starving,those dying on streets. Group of young people said,"mother was converting people to christianity at centre of Hinduism". One Politician told young men that he would get her out. He visited place,to see miserable emaciated bodies,sunken eyes,sisters washing sores,feeding hungry,distributing medicines,giving injections,all in a gentle,loving Manner!.

When the politician came out He told"I promise I would get women out of here provided that you get your mothers & sisters to do the work these nuns are doing!.
In this temple you have a goddess in stone;here you have a living Goddess" that was the end of opposition.

Born in Albania(26/8/1910)She is the founder of Missionaries of Charity (1950–1997),who serves poorest of the poor. She died on5/9/97in India,beautified by St John Paul II in 2003 and scheduled to be raised to sainthood by Pope Francis on september 4th of this year 2016.

 today's readings invite us to analyze
(1) How to develop burning desire to serve God. For that you should leave your earth bounds needs to be handle by God/Mary and saints, while you concentrate how to develop your talents to be converted to energy to serve God, without achieving any ulterior motive to gain Money, Power, desires and health or not to go for 7 vices
(2) When you understand Christian principles and try to practice, it will cause division, even among Christians.

In conclusions,the good news of God universal desire to give Divine life and love to all the world and to reconcile whole world to Himself, cannot be spread, except a human hearts set fire for love of Jesus and with the desire and determination to share in HIS teachings and actions. Such fiery hearts are their own witness.

The fiery hearts jesus wants are not our own creation. Recall how essential the original pentacost was for the completion of Christ redeeming life, Work and preaching.
The Church would never have spread had it not being, for the fired up of apostles.

Identify one of your(out of 3) passion,to serve society,which will not benefit you for Money,power,desires& health. Perhaps you might experience conflicts with others Remember lk12-50"DO U SUPPOSE THAT I AM HERE TO BRING PEACE ON EARTH?NO". Don't discourage Go Ahead with your Burning desire.

God Bless You

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http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or

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