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Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:22 Date: 28/8/2016- humble Catholic

High lights:
Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:22 Date: 28/8/2016- humble Catholic

(1) Are you proud about your self? Is it against humility?
(2) Why you have to be humble in your life?
(3) What is humility?/Are you the source of your own greatness?
(5) Self sufficient with materials heading for what?

Are prepared to spend about 7 minutes(0.5%) out of 1440 minutes of today. Then pl watch!

Reflections of this sunday readings:

Church invite you to analyze how to remove pride from your life and become humble, and develop humility.

Humble, humility and pride has to be clearly understood by any human.

What is Pride
Our 1st parents wanted to be more than they were, and they wanted to be like God. Their pride was beginning of wide stream of evil to which we all contribute when ever we sin.

Proud person is self centred NOT God or people centered. He cannot be told anything b'cos,he has all answers. He is completely satisfied himself & dissatisfied about other people lives. He never wants to receive anything from others. He will give not out of generosity but to gain control on others. DESPITE APPEARANCE TO THE CONTRARY HE IS INSECURE &TRIES TO MAKE UP HIS INSECURITY BY BOASTING & VAINGLORY IN ALL ITS MAIFESTATIONS!.
Check& correct U'self if U'r Proud.

How to overcome PRIDE &become humble?

A humble person knows his strengths and weaknesses. Humble person seek to develop strengths and talents he possesses.
In accepting truth about him self: he give the credit to God who endowed him with talents and give him the obligation of developing. And using them for the good of others. He may certainly take pleasure in work well done. so long he realized that very impetus to do the work comes from God.

So ,be who you are and what you are, no less. and yet never be satisfied with your knowledge, especially about Jesus
With you ability to love, your generosity and spirit of service.

While understanding Pride and humbleness, how to develop Humility?

What is humility? It is the knowing and Appreciating truth, about yourself; it is integrity, sincerity, honesty. It neither over estimate or underestimate your self, your talents and abilities.

Now  let us reflect today's readings:

1st Reading:
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29 gives worthy religious Advice about our need for humility and being attentive to God's Word

2nd Reading
Paul to Hebrew Heb 12:18-19,22-24 says for the author of Hebrews, mount Zion(Jerusalem) is an image of the heavenly Jerusalem to which we draw near without fear

Gospel LK 14:1,7-14 says: Jesus illustrate true humility and hospitality; invites those who cannot return the favor:

The 1st reading says the greater you are, the more humble you should behave, and then you will find favor with the lord.(Si 3:18)
In the Gospel Lk14:11 says Every one who raises himself up will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be raised up.

All of us have a rough idea of what is humility?. It is not pride. But neither it is pretense. It is not a case of pretending to be worse than you are!. Nor should it prevent you from legitimate pride in your own achievements. If we do something well, we are entitled to please about it. Humility is not negative virtue at all. It should not undermine confidence or enterprise or buzz you get when some projects goes well. Humility is a very +ve virtue. If it is not about having your nose in the air, it certainly about having your foot on the ground.

In fact the latin word of humus, from which humility comes means ground or earth. So. Humble person is down to earth- no airs and graces,feet firmly planted, things in proper perspective. If we practice humility, you are no longer of losing the run of ourselves or getting too big for our boots in our dealings with others and with God

Although humility is a lowly virtue, it has very high origins. It starts up with God. What we call the incarnation. God becoming flesh. God becoming man. God coming down was the greatest exercise in humility, the world has ever known. The 2nd greatest  exercise was the manner in which Jesus lived himself. Born in a stable, lived in an obscure Villege, working in a carpenters shop, traveling the road without roof over his head, mixing with publicans and sinners, crucified in complete nakedness on a cross. It is extraordinary, when you think about it.


There are 2 obvious ways in which we can fail to imitate Christ in His practice of humility.

The first with dealing with others: should be careful to humble on others,because they are poor,because we think their accent or their address is not quite posh as ours. Our ambition in life is not to impress others, but to serve them. We should be careful in talking to others; egotism,my friends, my connections,my possessions,my back ground, me ego etc

 our ambition in life should be to make people conscious their own dignity their than our own importance."Love one another just as I have loved you" Jn 13:34. OUR HUMALITY MAKES US FEEL FREE AND MAKE OTHERS FEEL GOOD.

The 2nd obvious way in which we can offend against humility is in our dealing with GOD. And if humility is to mean anything here, we need strong and abiding sense of creature hood. It is to God that we owe our very existence. Every breath, we breath, every moment we live, every gift we have is God's. the humble person is aware of that and grateful for it.
Could it be true, I wonder, that the more self sufficient we become materially,the less we depend on God.
In the second reading says developing humility, make you to be close with
God without any fear.

In conclusions today, church showing us,Not merely willing to be humble. HUMILITY is a work of life time. learn from your failures& mistakes,be patient with your self,as God is. Otherwise you will be mechanical catholic,depriving your own happiness.

God Bless you!

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or
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Humble Catholic Sunday 28/8 Brief Version

High lights:
Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:22 Date: 28/8/2016- humble Catholic

(1) Are you proud about your self? Is it against humility?
(2) Why you have to be humble in your life?
(3) What is humility?
(5) Self sufficient with materials heading for what?

Today 28th august 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 22nd Ordinary Sunday mass,
Showing you how to remove pride from your life and become humble, and develop humility.


Humble, humility and pride has to be clearly understood by any human.

What is Pride
Our 1st parents wanted to be more than they were, and they wanted to be like God. Their pride was beginning of wide stream of evil to which we all contribute when ever we sin.

Proud person is self centred NOT God or people centered. He cannot be told anything b'cos,he has all answers. He is completely satisfied himself & dissatisfied about other people lives. He never wants to receive anything from others. He will give not out of generosity but to gain control on others. DESPITE APPEARANCE TO THE CONTRARY HE IS INSECURE &TRIES TO MAKE UP HIS INSECURITY BY BOASTING & VAINGLORY IN ALL ITS MAIFESTATIONS!.
Check& correct U'self if U'r Proud.

How to overcome PRIDE &become humble?

A humble person knows his strengths and weaknesses. Humble person seek to develop strengths and talents he possesses.
In accepting truth about him self: he give the credit to God who endowed him with talents and give him the obligation of developing. And using them for the good of others. He may certainly take pleasure in work well done. so long he realised that very impetus to do the work comes from God.

So ,be who you are and what you are, no less. and yet never be satisfied with your knowledge, especially about Jesus
With you ability to love, your generosity and spirit of service.

While understanding Pride and humbleness, how to develop Humility?

What is humility? It is the knowing and Appreciating truth, about yourself; it is integrity, sincerity, honesty. It neither over estimate or underestimate your self, your talents and abilities.

Now  let us reflect today's readings:

Today's reading:
1st Reading:
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29 gives worthy religious Advice about our need for humility and being attentive to God's Word

2nd Reading
Paul to Hebrew Heb 12:18-19,22-24 says for the author of Hebrews, mount Zion(Jerusalem) is an image of the heavenly Jerusalem to which we draw near without fear

Gospel LK 14:1,7-14 says: Jesus illustrate true humility and hospitality; invites those who cannot return the favor:

The 1st reading says the greater you are, the more humble you should behave, and then you will find favour with the lord.(Si 3:18)
In the Gospel Lk14:11 says Every one who raises himself up will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be raised up.

All of us have a rough idea of what is humility?. It is not pride. But neither it is pretense. It is not a case of pretending to be worse than you are!. Nor should it prevent you from legitimate pride in your own achievements. If we do something well, we are entitled to please about it. Humility is not negative virtue at all. It should not undermine confidence or enterprise or buzz you get when some projects goes well. Humility is a very +ve virtue. If it is not about having your nose in the air, it certainly about having your foot on the ground.

In fact the latin word of humus, from which humility comes means ground or earth. So. Humble person is down to earth- no airs and graces,feet firmly planted, things in proper perspective. If we practice humility, you are no longer of losing the run of ourselves or getting too big for our boots in our dealings with others and with God

Although humility is a lowly virtue, it has very high origins. It starts up with God. What we call the incarnation. God becoming flesh. God becoming man. God coming down was the greatest exercise in humility, the world has ever known. The 2nd greatest  exercise was the manner in which Jesus lived himself. Born in a stable, lived in an obscure Villege, working in a carpenters shop, traveling the road without roof over his head, mixing with publicans and sinners, crucified in complete nakedness on a cross. It is extraordinary, when you think about it.


There are 2 obvious ways in which we can fail to imitate Christ in His practice of humility.

The first with dealing with others: should be careful to humble on others,because they are poor,because we think their accent or their address is not quite posh as ours. Our ambition in life is not to impress others, but to serve them. We should be careful in talking to others; egotism,my friends, my connections,my possessions,my back ground, me ego etc

 our ambition in life should be to make people conscious their own dignity their than our own importance."Love one another just as I have loved you" Jn 13:34. OUR HUMALITY MAKES US FEEL FREE AND MAKE OTHERS FEEL GOOD.

The 2nd obvious way in which we can offend against humility is in our dealing with GOD. And if humility is to mean anything here, we need strong and abiding sense of creature hood. It is to God that we owe our very existence. Every breath, we breath, every moment we live, every gift we have is God's. the humble person is aware of that and grateful for it.
Could it be true, I wonder, that the more self sufficient we become materially,the less we depend on God.
In the second reading says developing humility, make you to be close with
God without any fear.

In conclusions today, church showing us,Not merely willing to be humble. HUMILITY is a work of life time. learn from your failures& mistakes,be patient with your self,as God is. Otherwise you will be mechanical catholic,depriving your own happiness.

Thank you
God Bless you!

Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29 gives worthy religious Advice about our need for humility and being attentive to God's Word

2nd Reading
Paul to Hebrew Heb 12:18-19,22-24 says for the author of Hebrews, mount Zion(Jerusalem) is an image of the heavenly Jerusalem to which we draw near without fear

Gospel LK 14:1,7-14 says: Jesus illustrate true humility and hospitality; invites those who cannot return the favor:

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Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:21 Date: 21/8/2016- Mechanical Catholic

High lights

(1) What do you mean by quality of your Life?
(2) Is it only Catholics, can lead a quality life?
(3) How non Catholics become pleasant in the eyes of God?
(4)How to make your life to React less and Act more?
(5) Is it necessary to increase the number of name sake Catholics in the world?

Are you prepared to spend about 8 minutes(0.6%) out of 1440 minutes of today. Then pl listen!



Today 21st august 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 21th Ordinary Sunday mass,
Inviting us to analyze, about quality of your catholic life. (rather than be happy about number of Catholics)

Quality means you expect something and qyou experience same thing. You expect to be peaceful and be happy in your life. Are you experiencing the same?. On the other hand what God's expect from you. Are you leading a quality life,by your self or in the eyes of God?. Today church invited to reflect about quality of your life!

Today's readings:
1st reading:
Isa 66:18-21 says Isaiah foretells the universality of God's saving desire

2nd reading:
Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 says we are not to lose heart because of trials, for they are the lords way of disciplining us

3rd reading:
LK 13:22-30 says: If you are not prepared to enter the kingdom of God, thru' the narrow road,you may become last,but others will become first.

In reflecting today's readings, first we analyze What God expect from all humans?

Reading 1 says: God's Universal Will to save all people."I come to gather nations of all language;they shall come and see my glory. God gives us all sufficient grace to be saved, that Jesus died for the salvation of all and if any one is lost, it is because he or she deliberately and maliciously resist God's saving will.
Jesus today tells us being a catholic is no guarantee of salvation. That would make salvation too Mechanical,and you will not achieve it

It is a problem that troubles a lot of Catholics?
There are some fundamentalist christians who says,you will not be saved unless you are Christian. Is it true. Today reading tell us the answer is No.

You should first identify the Changing nature of your life?

Scientifically, you are each a new creation everyday. Many of your body cells replace themselves on daily basis. Therefore what appears today,may not be same to morrow. You are like a person driving a car. You do not want to loose consciousness of the car. It is all right to day dream but not to lose consciousness of your surroundings. You MUST ALWAYS BE ALERT. It is like mother sleeping; she doesn't hear the planes roaring above the house,but she hears the slightest whimper of her baby. She is alert, she is awake in that state.
Your life is always changing. Clouds come & go. Some of them are black & some white. Some of them are large,others small. when you forget who created you,what HE has asked you to do,thru out your life, you become last & others become first.

 For you to manage change as a catholic& be alert
(1)reflect sunday readings
(2) have confession with priest
(3)receive Eucharist
(4) do merciful actions.

 Then you will lead a quality life with happiness, otherwise you become last? And become Mechanical, just name sake Catholics

How other people Non Catholics over ride you?

Almost all religion in the world shows, how to  make a good living without harming society, as a bee takes its nectar and flies away without harming the blossom, its color nor its fragrance.

Hence all of them says 4 major points:

(1)Love Each other
Because, every body understand the inter dependency of your living. You need another person's support for you to lead a happy life

(2) Don't Sin
Though the definition of sin, or set of guide lines or rules you have to follow, is different from religion to another religion
They promote human values to become calm,and peaceful in your life.

(3) Effect of Sin.

Almost all religions say, that Sin will cause suffering to your life. In addition God fearing religion says, God can change your life, by a way which you may not be happy, and this will further cause suffering for you. Hence suffering become God's will for God fearing religions! Not merely the effects of sin. Today's 2nd reading elaborate this theory further.

(4) Remedy for sins:
Almost all religions gives a process how to remove the effects of sin in your life. Mainly they advocate, Repentance for sin and carry out merciful actions.
Catholicism advocates that sin will cause 2 effects to your life. Guilt and punishment.
Guilt you can remove by Repentance(real sorry of your sin, identify your sin clearly
But not imagining your sin), then go to priest and have confession). Then in reducing the punishment of your sin, within 2 weeks from confession, receive Eucharist and carry out suitable merciful action, which you might think fit). Most of the religions, they have repentance and carry out merciful actions, to reduce the effects or punishment of sin.
Almost all religions, does not give the real relationship to your merciful action to how much you are going to reduce the punishment or suffering in your life. God fearing religions relates those merciful actions to love of God & allow God to decide your happiness.

In catholicism, to treat punishment is call indulgence activity. Catholic catechism 1471 to 1479 and 1498 summarizes indulgence as remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven. The faithful christian who is duly disposed gains the indulgence under prescribed conditions for either himself or the departed. Indulgences are granted thru the ministry of Church which, as the dispenser of grace of redemption, distributes the treasury of the merits of Christ and the saint.

For example how many Catholics are aware about the indulgence activity administered by Pope Francis during this mercy year!. Going thru the mercy door!. If you have not gone thru' please study what is this and go thru' mercy door before 20th nov 2016.

In summary all religions in the world, gives a process how to love others, while you lead a happy life. But one should be clear about the 4 points that he has to follow in his own religion, while not judging the other religion.
These 4 points I repeat
Love each other, don't sin, Sin will cause you to suffer in your life and process followed to reduce the punishment of you sin

As Catholic, it may be easier and you know it is truth, to adhere these 4 points, without much trouble in your life whether you live in north pole and south pole of this world. That is why you became Catholic.

Today's reading warns you about your own ignorance in refusing to reflect on these 4 points, and become last in the salvation process, leading a un happy life, though you are a church going Catholic and trying to increase the number of Catholics in the world. First understand and open your hearts to listen what God asked you to do. Then from your life example God and Holy Mary with saints will do the rest

God Bless you.

For more pl visit:
http://weeklycatholicreflection.blogspot.com Or
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Mechanical Catholic 21/8/2016 Brief Version

High lights

Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:21 Date: 21/8/2016- Mechanical Catholic

(1) What do you mean by quality of your Life?
(2) Is it only Catholics, can lead a quality life?
(3) How non Catholics become pleasant in the eyes of God?
(4)How to make your life to React less and Act more?
(5) How to increase the number of Catholics in the world?

Today 21st august 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 21th Ordinary Sunday mass,Inviting us to analyze, about quality of your catholic life. (rather than be happy about number of Catholics)

Quality means you expect something and qyou experience same thing. You expect to be peaceful and be happy in your life. Are you experiencing the same?. On the other hand what God's expect from you. Are you leading a quality life,by your self or in the eyes of God?. Today church invited to reflect about quality of your life!

Today's readings:
1st reading:
Isa 66:18-21 says Isaiah foretells the universality of God's saving desire

2nd reading:
Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 says we are not to lose heart because of trials, for they are the lords way of disciplining us

3rd reading:
LK 13:22-30 says: If you are not prepared to enter the kingdom of God, thru' the narrow road,you may become last,but others will become first.

In reflecting today's readings, first we analyse What God expect from all humans?

Reading 1 says: God's Universal Will to save all people."I come to gather nations of all language;they shall come and see my glory. God gives us all sufficient grace to be saved, that Jesus died for the salvation of all and if any one is lost, it is because he or she deliberately and maliciously resist God's saving will.
Jesus today tells us being a catholic is no guarantee of salvation. That would make salvation too Mechanical,and you will not achieve it

It is a problem that troubles a lot of Catholics?
There are some fundamentalist christians who says,you will not be saved unless you are Christian. Is it true. Today reading tell us the answer is No.

You should first identify the Changing nature of your life?

Scientifically, you are each a new creation everyday. Many of your body cells replace themselves on daily basis. Therefore what appears today,may not be same to morrow. You are like a person driving a car. You do not want to loose consciousness of the car. It is all right to day dream but not to lose consciousness of your surroundings. You MUST ALWAYS BE ALERT. It is like mother sleeping; she doesn't hear the planes roaring above the house,but she hears the slightest whimper of her baby. She is alert, she is awake in that state.
Your life is always changing. Clouds come & go. Some of them are black & some white. Some of them are large,others small. when you forget who created you,what HE has asked you to do,thru out your life, you become last & others become first.

 For you to manage change as a catholic& be alert
(1)reflect sunday readings
(2) have confession with priest
(3)receive Eucharist
(4) do merciful actions.

 Then you will lead a quality life with happiness, otherwise you become last? And become Mechanical, just name sake Catholics

How other people Non Catholics over ride you?

Almost all religion in the world shows, how to  make a good living without harming society, as a bee takes its nectar and flies away without harming the blossom, its colour nor its fragrance.

Hence all of them says 4 major points:

(1)Love Each other
Because, every body understand the inter dependency of your living. You need another person's support for you to lead a happy life

(2) Don't Sin
Though the definition of sin, or set of guide lines or rules you have to follow, is different from religion to another religion
They promote human values to become calm,and peaceful in your life.

(3) Effect of Sin.

Almost all religions say, that Sin will cause suffering to your life. In addition God fearing religion says, God can change your life, by a way which you may not be happy, and this will further cause suffering for you. Hence suffering become God's will for God fearing religions! Not merely the effects of sin. Today's 2nd reading elaborate this theory further.

(4) Remedy for sins:
Almost all religions gives a process how to remove the effects of sin in your life. Mainly they advocate, Repentance for sin and carry out merciful actions.
Catholicism advocates that sin will cause 2 effects to your life. Guilt and punishment.
Guilt you can remove by Repentance(real sorry of your sin, identify your sin clearly
But not imagining your sin), then go to priest and have confession). Then in reducing the punishment of your sin, within 2 weeks from confession, receive Eucharist and carry out suitable merciful action, which you might think fit). Most of the religions, they have repentance and carry out merciful actions, to reduce the effects or punishment of sin.
Almost all religions, does not give the real relationship to your merciful action to how much you are going to reduce the punishment or suffering in your life. God fearing religions relates those merciful actions to love of God & allow God to decide your happiness.

In catholicism, to treat punishment is call indulgence activity. Catholic catechism 1471 to 1479 and 1498 summarizes indulgence as remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven. The faithful christian who is duly disposed gains the indulgence under prescribed conditions for either himself or the departed. Indulgences are granted thru the ministry of Church which, as the dispenser of grace of redemption, distributes the treasury of the merits of Christ and the saint.

For example how many Catholics are aware about the indulgence activity administered by Pope Francis during this mercy year!. Going thru the mercy door!. If you have not gone thru' please study what is this and go thru' mercy door before 20th nov 2016.

In summary all religions in the world, gives a process how to love others, while you lead a happy life. But one should be clear about the 4 points that he has to follow in his own religion, while not judging the other religion.
These 4 points I repeat
Love each other, don't sin, Sin will cause you to suffer in your life and process followed to reduce the punishment of you sin

As Catholic, it may be easier and you know it is truth, to adhere these 4 points, without much trouble in your life whether you live in north pole and south pole of this world. That is why you became Catholic.

Today's reading warns you about your own ignorance in refusing to reflect on these 4 points, and become last in the salvation process, leading a un happy life, though you are a church going Catholic and trying to increase the number of Catholics in the world. First understand and open your hearts to listen what God asked you to do. Then from your life example God and Holy Mary with saints will do the rest

God Bless you.

For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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