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Why Early Baptism Is Necessary For A Child?

Holy spirit, formed the church. To become a member of church, you need to baptise. Why catholics are baptising newly born child, without waiting him to be matured,and for hm to understand what he is doing?

In answering this question, one can see, whether a person, understand the concept of Catholicism or not

Basic answer!

(1) Christianity not started from matured Jesus, but from baby Jesus. Though HE is God and Holy mary+ Joseph knew, they followed all rituals, a normal,Jew baby, should follow. This indicate primary reason, why we should baptize, newly born baby, to receive Holy spirit, to get rid of the original sin. Further adding to this point, one can notice, that a baby, cannot decide his name, parents has to do that. He cannot decide his food,parent has to select and carefully handle that. Similarly, parent's responsibility, is to wash away his negative spirit, deriving from the teachings from Christianity.

(2) Jesus was baptized at the age of 30!, why should we baptize, our newly born children ?

Jesus public life,clearly shows, How to manage our freedom, actually started from HIS Baptism.(HE need not to have baptism, because HE is God,but he set an example and John the Baptist, foretold, starting of the church with Holy Spirit) For a human, his life started from birth. Jesus clearly indicated the early Baptism, to be with God for any human, under the new concept.

(3) What is the responsibility of parent with regard to his child?. What God expects?
Basic aim of christian is to how to follow God's Will for him and enjoy happiness, present and future. There are 2 steps for this.

(1) during childhood, parents have to guide,maintain the child, on behalf of God. At the end of the childhood, when he become youth, parents/teachers should ensure that child is now stand alone to have a proper dialogue with God.
(2) After above(1) parents main duty seized and they should allow children to be a good human in the eyes of God. Not to interfere too much! Into their life is important, trusting that God will look after him.

4. Is it possible to give baptism and confirmation together to a child?
 When a child have not received Baptism, and he has sufficient knowledge, about commandments{ Father-10 commandment, Son-pardoning +love, Holy Spirit- church rules),as an adult he can receive baptism, irrespective of the pedigree of their parents. Once the Baptism received, then only he can receive Holy Eucharist. So you need sufficient time period, to practice as a catholic, you need to have sacrament of reconciliation-confession practise and ensure it's effects to your life!, hence it is not advisable to provide all these 2 together. These 3 sacraments are distinctly cyclic and cannot override. After baptism, you will receive Holy Eucharist, then you will receive Confirmation. After Confirmation, church ensure that the matured person is now fully dependent with God not with parent or teachers.

(5) Did Holy mary received Baptism?
She received Baptism twice.
(1) As mother of Jesus, when she conceived HIM, thru' the power of Holy spirit
(2)When the church formed, at pentecost day, she received, the fire of Holy Spirit. She witness our(mine and yours) baptism, at pentacost day, as our spiritual mother. Similar to Christ bearer, She intercede with Christ, spiritually, with God, during our life.

(6)What is the effect of Baptism?

When Holy Mary conceived Jesus, into her womb, she was overjoyed. That is why she visited her cousin, Elizabeth, to share her joy with her. With baptism you get spiritual Joy ness from Holy Spirit. To receive Holy spirit to your life, not only baptism, you have to actively participate, in adhering commandments given by father+son+holy Spirit, and practice sacraments of Holy Eucharist+confessions.

(7) What the lessons Holy mary taught us in Baptism?
Holy mary received, Jesus, before HE was born into this world. When She received, the following important characteristics she has shown.

(1)Love that refuses to share kills its own power to love. Mary before to Jesus, showed you(when she was bearing Jesus in her womb)

(A)How to share love with others(Elisabeth)

(2)when you have christ within,you cannot be happy until you have imparted your Joy to others!
This shows why catholics doing charity, indication for the love of God.


(3) Mary's and Elizabeth Joys are clear evidence, that human life, starts from a womb of a mother, and is a product of God.(You cannot decide from which parents that you can come to this world!). Why Abortion is prohibited to catholic is very clear from outcomes of Visitation!

(8) Finally, early baptism of child talks many principles of Catholicism. Out of which main factors are listed below:
(1) Spiritual responsibility of parent with regard to his child
(2) Jesus said"those who misguiding a child has to be thrown to sea, with a stone, tyed round his neck" shows how impotant this factor is
(3)It is parents duty, to provide, baptism, as early as possible, so that the child will be joy ed with spirituality, which we observed in visitation by Mary and Elizabeth.(No Joseph, neither Zacarius)
 (4)Baptism shows us the characteristic of love- you aways share with beloved and extend to others in the society, irrespective of the pedigree of recipient.
  (5) Jesus said" you have to follow God's will, like a child". Here HE indicates very clearly, the practical implementation of child with parents, and spiritual implementation of you and me with HIM, since we don't know all outcomes of any action in our life, except when we follow God,our life will be happy!.


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