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Easy Catholic Sunday (27/12) brief Version

Before to Christmas, during advent period, we reflected, how to give birth to christ, in our life! For that(1)you need to reflect daily,as to how to be a practising catholic,be clear about, how God try to reintroduce Freedom for us(2)How God-father/Son(Jesus)/Holy Spirit(function of church),introduced various commandments. How God sent HIS Son as human+divine thru' mary+suport given by Joseh(3)How to be a member of church/the special role of parents(4)what is the characteristics of love.
Jesus birth reminds us
(1) God did not create baby Adam and baby Eve, but we see baby Jesus. This is to indicate, CHILDHOOD, is the result of original sin
 (2) Naming Jesus and carrying all rituals with regard to HIM, was carried,out by Joseph and Mary. Indicating, full responsibility of parents to maintain children (3)Gospels does not give much details about Jesus Child hood except His lost at age of 12!.

Jesus birth and lack of information available about HIS child hood direct us to understand:
(A)when Jesus was conceived by Mary, She express her Joy with Elizabeth.(Last sunday we reflected). WHEN YOU RECEIVE CHRIST,YOU ALWAYS SHARE THAT JOY(LOVE) WITH OTHER. Love-with charity for the love of God
(B) WHEN CHILD JESUS LOST AT THE AGE 12,CLEAR MESSAGE IS GIVEN TO US. This is reflected today. That is in summary: you tend to bend commandments given by God(10 commandments+love+pardoning+church rules) to suit for your own convenience. Though you are appearing as a practising catholic, you lose christ in your life,similar 3 days(it can be years for you) lost of Christ to Holy parents. Then sudden illness/sorrow will allow you to reflect the actual mistake done by you. Then you search christ again, by getting pardoned to your sins. Ultimate result is to achieve happiness with time!.

Today's reading:
Book of Samuel says(1Sm 1:20-22.24-28)"..Hannah..gave..Son..Samuel..husband Elkanah..fulfil..vow..Hannah..did not Go..present..stay..for ever..she brought..child..Lord granted..whole..life.."

St John(1 Jn 3:1-2.21-24) says"think..father..lavish..us..God's children..shall..like Him..ask..receive..keep..commandments..live..life..He wants..spirit..given us."

Lk(2:41-52) says"..parents of Jesus..jerusalem..HE..12 yrs..after feast..Boy Jesus..stayed..without His parents..went back..3 days later..found..his mother said"..why have U done this to us"..I must..busy..father's affairs.."They did not understand what He meant.."

Reminds: there are many occasions in your life, you might think you are lost. Though you follow God's commandments+His Will.
Sudden illness+or sudden loss of your loved one+sudden accidents are few to mention. Here God clearly, shows us, how much mary and Joseph, suffered, due to loss of Jesus for 3 days.

It is so easy to lose christ. HE can even be lost by little heedlessness: a little want of watchfulness, and the divine presence easily slips away. But sometimes a reconciliation is sweeter than an unbroken friendship. There are 2 ways of knowing how good God is!. One is never to lose Him. And other is to lose Him and find Him again. Sin is the loss of Jesus, and since Mary felt the sting of His absence she could understand the gnawing heart of every sinner and be to it, in the truest sense of the word"Refuge of sinners".

Before and after Christmas, thru' sunday readings, church informed us, its major characteristics
PIcture of visitation

(1) Love-how Mary set example for us to follow,in Visitation,30 yrs before jesus public life!

(2)how we can lost Christ, in our life, changing commandments, convenient for us. Most common examples Ex: worshipping parents+respecting Eucharist/using artificial birth control. When you are not aware about rules, you lead life,like 3 days travel by mary+Joseph, without Jesus. When your in trouble,sometimes you may correct the situ, back bringing Jesus to your life


For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

Or for more details about Mary


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