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Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:21: Date:23/8/2015. 2 in 1 Catholic:

A. Back ground:
 last few sundays, we were informed about value of Eucharist, how we should behave to receive God into our body,(a great example shown by Holy Mary-in keeping Jesus in her womb in 9 months) , to enjoy the intended happiness of receiving IT.
Today we were invited to analyze, how God's Will effect in your life and society. Basic element of society is family. 2 nd reading take from Eph 5:23-32, instead of 5:21-32.
It gives you major complication that can arise in family life, specially the role of husband.

B. Pre amble for today's readings:

B.1- Society

God has created this world for human to live happily. Each human is having a life time, which will be around 100 years(in general).
God ensured human generation to be dynamic, with the basic unit of family. Which consist of man and women.(Uni sex marriages will have only one generation!)
On the other hand, God changes the paradigm of people, so that dynamic life exist(there is a life flow) , from one generation to another generation. Your great grand father has traveled in a cart, where you travel today in a car.
After Jesus, all human was given full freedom to exercise decisions of his life.(Upto Jesus, God shown how HE planned(Father)to Jews, what action we should follow to enjoy full freedom-Jesus/Son). Holy spirit has started the church on the pentacost day, to run dynamically, church, like a light house, for the people to understand God's will towards them.

The basic unit of society, the family, is becoming challenging with the present paradigm of people due to the following reasons:
(1) Mind and body of husband and wife is everyday changing and the changes for each are not the same.
(2)There is a struggle between husband and wife how to adopt these changes, to lead their individual life happily. I am correct-you are wrong-many disagreements are leading in family life. Unless both parties adopt themselves for a solution, family life become more challenging than single life.
(3) Single life too, will have problems. Earthly desires may hamper single life and create frustration among them
(4) Catholic church adopt single life for its clergy. This is mainly due to have a direct relationship with God and saints, without any intermediate controls. In married life, there are lot of earth bound needs such as power and money, maintaining children etc, where in clergy's life, they concentrate fully to the spiritual need,irrespective of physical (earth bound) needs.

B.2.  Celebacy

Paul says"it is better to marry than to burn(with passion) "(1Corinthians7:9)For those not"burning",Paul recommends remaining un married so that they can be un distracted in their service to God. Paul admits,though, that most people don't have "gift"& that apostles,such as Peter,married & served God. Next 1000 years,many clergy took Paul's advice on celebacy to heart& it became ideal for those wanting to devote themselves fully to God's service. 11th century what Paul recommended became requirement by pope Gregory VII to those wanting to serve as clergy. Catholic Church will not ordain a man to priest hood who has not his vital powers. She want men who have something to tame,rather than those who are tame because they have no energy to be wild. It should be no different with God. With Protestants(16centuary)Celibacy of clergy is1st to go out-Luther,(former)catholic monk,married(former) catholic nun.

B.3 Married life

Married life becoming more complex than before. While the basic need for human s to search for food, there are many wants, family is demanding. What is there for me? Or why shouldn't, we have the same where others have. These questions might address by various family members. On the other hand the 2 main family members, husband and wife will have formed their life, according to their own conditioning. Taking decision in a family, will become very complex due to this varied conditions!. Here the role of husband becomes vulnerable. He cannot act as a dictator, nor he cannot ignore a request!. He should lead a. Balanced life along with support of God and Mary/saints to identify the best solutions. That is why paul says-
 Once U'r married- "A MAN LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE. TWO WILL BECOME ONE BODY. THIS MYSTERY HAS MANY IMPLICATIONS". Becoming one body in married life may be most challenging to achieve. For most people, it is difficult!

Other alternative- Single life

Also to understand properly we should know about role of clergy- who carries God's word till the end of the world. From next sunday, we contemplate, how U lead life as catholic in the society!

Today's reading:
Book of Joshua says"..Joshua gathered..chose today whom U wish to serve?..people answered"..lord our God.."

Paul(Eph-5:25-32) says"Husbands..love their wives..just..christ loved church..love..own bodies..man..love his wife..love himself..joined..wife..two will become one body..this mystery has many implications.

Jn(6:60-69) says"..hearing doctrine.. followers..how..accept it?..Jesus.."Does this upset you?"..words..spoken to you are spirit and they are life..after..many..disciples left Him.."

(1) basic unit of the society is family. Husband and wife are main elements.  Similar to a room with a door
(2) Door lock is wife, while the key is husband.
(3)When the lock+key is not working, room is not protected
(4)Catholic doctrine says husband+wife become 1. Very difficult task to practice due to
(A)each human is different. Characteristics of each changes day by day not in synchronized way.
(B)husband+wife both character has to provide a unique output, which is very complicated.
(C)role of husband appears to be more understanding towards their wife,as Paul talk only the role of husband.(In the given section)
That is why Paul says it is difficult and Jesus says many people are leaving!.


Today reading, church invites us to contemplate, her teachings, about single and married life. Both these lives has it's own challenges and merits. When you compare eternal life, your present life, even extended 100 years is nothing. God even gives us a method to be happy even in this life(even how short it is). For this we should know, that HE has created you, to lead a happy life. To lead an happy life, you should follow His commandments and respect His teachings- to day we started with single and married life, what are the challenges, avoiding our happiness, misunderstanding God and leaving HiM, to find your own disaster.


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