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Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:20: Date:16/8/2015 Ignorant Catholic

A. Back ground: last few sundays, we were reminded, about the preconditions that should be satisfied to receive, Eucharist. Not to have pride,not to have jealousy, not to form any cast, always pardoned are basic things
We reflected in each sunday. To day, readings invited us to reflect on repercussions of having Eucharist, in ignorance(lack of knowledge or informaton about something- in this case, the out come of Eucharist+preconditioned to receive Eucharist)

B. Preamble for today's reading:

B.1. Value of Air!

Without Air we cannot live more than 1 minute!. What ever the technological development the world is pushing through, one cannot design any system for humans not to inhale air and live. Every human works from the supply of oxygen to his body. How much you are powerful, you cannot avoid air.
Air is analogous to God. God is invisible, but essential for your life. When you invite God into your life,(by following His commandments), you can lead a peaceful life.

B.2 Essential features of Catholicism:

There are 3 major features in Catholism.
(1) How to develop peaceful mind
When you lead your life according to 10 commandments and avoid Anger and laziness- you tend to have a peaceful mind
(2) Worry less mind:
Your brain consist of 2 basic machines:(a) human or logical machine- where you think with data and truth(b) chimp(ancy) machine- where you think according to your emotions and feelings. When you take actions in your life, always(most of the time) these 2 machines contradicts. Creating a cross in your head. That is why God has selected symbol of cross, for a free human(before to church), human(jews) were trained how to live like a slave. After jesus, with Holy spirit, church was formed for whole human, how to lead your life, as a free person!.
Since you form cross for most of your actions in your mind, creating worry is inevitable for humans. How to treat worries of life, is an essential feature of catholicism, unique only to catholics.
Handing over your worries to Holy mary + saints, has been advised/ shown by Jesus Him self. They will intercede with God, how to resolve your worry, with God. Once you hand over your worry, and lead your life, you will see that God will make your achievement according to His Will.(Even later you will realize what has happened was good for you)

B.3 Sacraments

Articles 1066 to 1690 of the catechism of catholic church cover the public worship of the believers(called liturgy) as celebrated in the official rituals and ceremonies known as the 7 sacraments.
The catechism of the catholic church underscores the biblical foundation for each sacrament and the concept that christ instituted them. sacraments are Sacred Rites
,Which are entrusted to the care of the church. Each one of them will have 1 or more components,which are perceptible to one or more of the 5 senses.(For example using water in Baptism or olive oil in anointing the sick, and so on...) The supernatural grace of God, which is invisible, is symbolized by the tangible elements that is necessary for the sacrament to be valid. The catechism of the catholic church makes it clear that divine grace is not limited to the sacraments. It is not by necessity-but by divine choice-that God uses these spiritual vehicles to give human kind this special gift. It was God who made men and women a combination of body and soul, so it would make sense that same God would use things of the created world to symbolized the invisible reality of divine grace.

The sacraments are visible sign of GOD's invisible actions that santifies human life!.7 sacrament, which consists of 3 major parts: INITIATION to the church(BAPTISM, HOLY EUCRASTIC & CONFIRMATION): PENANCE (also called confession or reconciliation ) and ANOINTING of the sick are sacrament of HEALING. Matrimony and Holy orders are sacrament of COMMUNITY. The Eucrastic is apex. Visible sign of the eucrastic is the bread & wine. Basic needs for living consist of 5 elements. Earth,water,air,sunlight & food,where in reality,a living has to earn for food,all the other elements are free. In order to get energy to human, one has to eat the food for digestion! Otherwise energy cannot be transmitted! The Eucrastic is the spiritual food that gives the bread of life!. There were many miracles that confirms the real presence of Jesus in the Eucrastic!.pope Urban 4 approved the exposition of Blessed Sacrement in 1264, due to the miracle of Bolsena(italy),the real practice has been started by Pope John 22 in 1311,due to the lack of liturgical pieces for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Only from the 17th centuary, the kind of monstrance with protuding rays were adopted.

C. Todays readings:
Book of proverbs says(Pr:9:1-6)" Wisdom..built..house..7 pillars..who..ignorant..fool she says..eat..bread..wine..your folly..walk..ways of perceptions.

Paul says(Eph:5:15-20)"..careful..sort of life U lead..intelligent..not senseless.. recognize..Will of Lord..donot dug with wine..be filled with spirit..every where..thanks..God.."

Jn(6:51-56)says"I..living bread..heaven..eats..live for ever.."Jews..arguing"how..His flesh..eat?" Jesus replied"..U don't..eat..flesh..drink His blood..Not life..in U..he who..eats..& drinks..lives in me..I live..him.."

Perception: the way you regard something and your beliefs about what it is like.
Folly: very stupid thing to do,especially one that is likely to have serious result.

Following God's Will with avoiding 7 vices,and having Eucharist will lead to eternal happiness.

Reminds that at the end of the day, we have to be trained to follow God's Will, individual, to every one. 1st reading warns, in having Eucharist, without following God's will, is having serious repercussions. Also 2 nd reading gives a similar meaning, not to conditioned ourselves going against God's Will. Sometimes, without our knowledge, due to ignorance, we are conditioned to lead life with 7 vices, ignoring 7 sacraments, and having Eucharist.

D. Conclusions:
Basic Catholicism rest on major 4 pillars.
(1) our belief(creed)
(2)our behavior(following 10 commandments
(3) our worship(following 7 sacraments)
(4) how we establish connection with God(lords prayer+handing over yur worries to God through Holy Mary+ saints)

Your life is like a house with 4 pillars resting a roof. The roof s similar how you avoid 7 vices and implement 7 sacraments, in to your life. Your family is the door to this house. There is a lock to enter into the house. Lock is your wife, while you are the key.  Your children are each hinge connected to the door. In order to develop happy family, you should have all 4 pillars and roof strong. Eucharist plays a vital role in developing your house a happy one. It will have good effect when you receive, following guidelines, given on last few sundays, otherwise, it will not drive to happiness.

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