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Sunday(26/7/2015)skill Catholic(brief version)


Practical west think that man does all& God does nothing!.Impractical east,believed that God does all& man does nothing!

God has created you to become an energetic person.
How U become energy to others,with the grace of God?.

Universe is big ball of energy. Forms of energy that humans most commonly experience
(1)Light(electro magnetic
For Each energy,human will sense,with specific organ,such as Eyes,ears,nose, skin&mouth-act as interface between your brain&environment.
Similarly,you can become energy source to society by converting your Talents to skills and developing your Attitudes.
For this you need to develop knowledge about God(6steps)-(Remember/understand/apply/analyse/evaluate/create).
You develop
(1) Skill(ability to do talent well,since U have learned& practice)
(2)Attitude: Opinion& feeling that U usually have about society:

Mother Theresa showed how to become an energy source,by serving poorest of poor. Mandela showed how to win freedom. Young boy showed how to feed 5000 with 5loves&2fish,with grace of God!.

To develop loving attitude and you to be skillful and be energetic is the outcome of catholism.

Catholism will train you, how to develop Knowledge,skills and attitudes of your life which lead for an energetic life. Knowledge you can easily get, when you contemplate, carefully on sunday readings. As a catholic you cannot waste time. God has guaranteed that your time, you can lead happily by following His Will. Hence avoid laziness and develop your talents, which will result in a skill.

To day's readings:
book of Kings(2 King 4:42-44) says"..Elisha..bread..'Give it to..people to eat'..'How..serve to 100men '.. they.. eat..some left over.

Paul says(Eph 4:1-6)"I prisoner..Lord..U to lead..worthy of U'r vocation..peace bind U together..one God

JN(6:1-15) says"..Jesus..crowd..climbed..hill side..said..Philip"..where bread these..to eat?..200 denari.."Andrew..small boy..5..loves..2 fish.."..5000 men..had eaten..left over..12 hampers.."

(1) You will see miracles, when you Develop your energy, for grace of God.
(2)Only John talk about boy,giving 5 loves and 2 fish. Showing children attitude for genuine love.
(3) Your talents has to converted to skill to be used by society.
(4)To develop a skill,you should have a Happy mind(from catholism/ 3 steps peaceful,worry less,happy)+use latest technology(like microphones,internet,e mail)+healthy(drink more water+do exercise)!
(5) Your knowledge of God, has to be developed and His grace has to be experienced.
(6) Jesus and small boy set an example of catholic attitude of love. So develop loving attitude for the society.

Be a power source, by converting your self to a energetic person.
Gain knowledge from sunday readings, develop your talents with help of God and extend Jesus loving attitude to the society is the out come of your power by following God's Will.


For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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