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Sunday(12/7)castless Catholic

Last 3 sundays we reflected about Pride,envy(jealousy) which will finally end up in forming cast. Cast is a close group, which is detrimental of forming church, by Holy Spirit. Pride,envy are major vices to be avoided, next to Anger and sloth. Last sunday, we found that cast will result in poor coordination, and deprived knowledge for you. To day, we are invited to reflect, the basic principals of operation of present catholic church, you should be aware to market God's kingdom to others!.

Amos says(Am7:12-15);"..go propercy to my people .."
Paul says(Eph1:3-14)"..U..stamped with zeal of Holy Spirit..brings freedom.."
Mk:6:7-13 says"..Jesus summoned  12..began..send..in pairs..take nothing..they cast..devils..cured.."

Invited us to reflect on the following major aspects:
(1)church is under direction of Holy Spirit

(2)Disciples,received Holy Spirit on pentacost day like fire

(3)Fire is basic need for human&it can be used for gd/bd purposes,similar to your soul(mind+free will)

(4)after Jesus,with Holy Spirit, Disciples+Paul inaugurated Cast-les Church for whole world,easy to be a member,only by Baptism.(No other restrictions)

(5)Church,resolves,many new problems(similar to circumscion), like birth control,unisex marriages, euthanasia, coming from various times-with help of Holy Spirit +Papal infallability to lead your  life happily!

(6)Church operates with well defined set of rules.

Formation of church and how it spread?

10of Jesus disciples were fisherman. They are Peter&his brother,Andrew.Philip, Bartholomew,Thomas,James,Thaddaeus, Judas Iscariot. James&John,brothers of whom,Jesus affectionately calls"SONS OF THUNDER",due to their explosive temperament. When HE first calls them HE simply says"COME,FOLLOW ME,&I WILL MAKE U FISHERS OF MEN"(Mk1:17), they"left their nets &followed HIM. Other 2 disciples,tax collector-Levi(Matthew)& Simon. Jesus was with apostles for 40 days,after Resurrections &gave convincing proof about Kingdom of God(Act1:3).Before Jesus left,he gave HIS followers,how to achieve"MISSION IMPOSSIBLE"with HOLY SPIRIT. Book of Act,gives 3 tiered structure of expanding news of God to(1)Jerusalem(2)Judea+Samaria(3)ultimately to world(cast-less).Act(1:8). Act10-9,cleared restriction of food while Council of Jerusalem(Act15)cleared male circumcision. Impossible things will be made possible with Catholism(Holy Spirit)!.

God(Father& Son) brought Isrelist(close group) to accommodate, How they should lead their life to enjoy full freedom with a happy life. Father-10 commandments with Eye to Eye/directing Israelist. Son-live with Jews- same 10 commandments with Turn your' other cheek. Holy Spirit-form CHURCH(open group) to whole world. Now U search for Holy Spirit, without any restriction in your' life(no cirumscion+eat any thing) with the same Jesus commandments. Pope infallability helps us to resolve current issues such as birth control+unisex marrieges+Euthanasia etc. This is the functionality of present church.

Papal Infallability
It does not mean that Pope has the power to change what God has already revealed or decreed(Divine law & natural moral law).Instead,catholics believe that the HOLY SPIRIT protects the pope & the church from teaching error in matters of faith& morals. Unlike divine inspiration, which is limited to the sacred authors of the Bible,this infallibility does not involve God influencing the words used by the Pope. The gospel writers(Matthew,Mark, Luke& John),for instance,were divinely inspired,which means that every word they wrote is Sacred Scripture is considered to have revealed by God.


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