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Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:18: Date:2/8/2015.Insured Catholic:

Back ground: God reassured those who follow His commandments + Will, always be happy. God is omni potent,omni presence and omniscient. Why we should follow HIM?
When we follow Him what we get?. Today readings invite us to reflect on these aspects!

Last few sundays we reflected, how to invite Holy Spirit to your life
(1) Avoid, Pride and jealousy which leads to form cast
(2)Form a habit of reflecting about God,at least once a day.
(3) Convert your God given life to energy, which consist of Knowledge,skill and attitude.

Today we analyze, the normal tendency of human behavior- Forgetting God!

Earth bound needs money,power,desires will overcome the need for spirituality. When we are in trouble,we search for God. When your life is saved without any logical reason,we say God saved us, but all other times we forget God,due to earth bound attractions

Before to Jesus, always God intervenes with humans,through prophets and various other means. Hence there was no question of forgetting God, and human was leading life as a slave(specially jews). After Jesus, with Holy Spirit, human is having full freedom, you mind will decide what is truth, while your free Will decide action(what is good) accordingly. God or Holy Spirit is hidden and you have option to invite HIM to lead your life or Not!
By mere inviting HiM is not sufficient, you have to follow HIS commandments: 10 commandments with pardoning and Avoid 7 vices are His basic rules.

B. Preamble for today's readings:

B.1 who is God, and your relationship. With Him
God is omni potent + omni presence +omniscient. Catholicism God represent in 3 persons. Father and Son, shows us how God planned humans to give full freedom and Jesus showed us how we should follow new covenant, from planning to implementation.
All these 2 phases were shown only to israelists. From Holy spirit God formed church to whole world or to whole human kind, how to use our freedom, to follow His Will individual to you. He has given a guarantee or insured us for now and eternal happiness.
On the other hand, we should not forget,our relationship with God. Logical reason for this is, that, You cannot decide from which parents you are going  to come to this world, only God decide.

B.2 Insurance

Insurance- Means arrangement with company in which U pay them money(premium)each year and they pay cost of anything bad happens to you,(ex: illness/accident).God has created you to lead a happy life,for that you have to follow His commandments and follow His Will, similar to premium of insurance. Peter went on to preach good news of equal access to God to formerly shunned gentiles. No other person called to go to"unclean"gentles before with such good news. Peter eventually was crucified for his work. In difference to Jesus it is said,he asked to be crucified upside down. This request came from man whom every one but Jesus called"THE FLAKY ONE"Peter trust God Insurance of Happiness. God's premium is for you to develop your energy,for that bonus of Eucharist is given. As much U desire independence and take pride in stretching your wings,you want to know that someone is watching and cares about every move you make. THERE IS A NET UNDER BAPTISED PERSON!.

B.3 Basic needs for you to live

There are 5 basic needs for any living being (human+animals +trees) to live in this world. Earth,water,air,sunlight and food. Human needs one more basic element I.e fire. Fire: you can kill a person or prepare a good meal. This is similar to your mind, where animals and trees does not have. When you think about 5 basic needs, only food, the living beings has to search for. Human has to manage his mind to realize happiness. From mind human creates his wants, different from human to another human. Food, if You are lazy, you cannot get. Similar to food when you don't manage your mind,(mange your wants), you cannot enjoy happiness in this life. Today Gospel, it is very clear, that when you are not lazy, and develop your talents to skill, develop your attitudes, with the knowledge of God, you will neither starve nor loose your happiness.

Today's reading:
Exodus says: (Ex 16:2-4. 12-15) "..israel complain against Moses and Aaron..why..not die..Egypt..Lord said..' I will rain..bread..from heaven..test..follow my law.."

Paul says(Eph 4:17. 20-24)"..not..go..living..aimless..life..hardly way U learn from Christ..U give up U'r old way..life..U'r mind..Spiritual revolution.."

John 6:24-35 says"..people..look..for..Jesus..I tell..U'r not looking for me..seen..signs.. bread..U..to eat..work for food..for eternal life..true bread comes down from heaven..I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE HE WHO COMES TO ME WILL NEVER BE HUNGRY. HE WHO BELIEVES IN ME WILL NEVER THIRST"

Thirst- feeling of wanting or needing a drink
Hunger- lack of food specially for a long period of time.
Hunger for God requires you to follow 10 commandments+pardning+ avoid 7 vices+follow God's Will, then become an energy sources by gathering knowledge about God and converting your talents to energy, by developing your attitude with society
When you are in hunger for God, He will see that your want's are satisfied.(If it is good for you)

Up to Jesus,God directly involved with the lives of Jews. He gave them food, when ever they want. Paul tell about the new life, with Holy spirit(Church), you have to search for God, as well as you have to search for food. When you found God, it is eternal food but your earthly food is only for that day!.Jesus through John says the same.


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Sunday (2/8/2015)Insured catholic-brief version


Today's reading:
Exodus says: (Ex 16:2-4. 12-15) "..israel complain against Moses and Aaron..why..not die..Egypt..Lord said..' I will rain..bread..from heaven..test..follow my law.."

Paul says(Eph 4:17. 20-24)"..not..go..living..aimless..life..hardly way U learn from Christ..U give up your' old way..life..your' mind..Spiritual revolution.."

John 6:24-35 says"..people..look..for..Jesus..I tell..your' not looking for me..seen..signs.. bread..U..to eat..work for food..for eternal life..true bread comes down from heaven..I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE HE WHO COMES TO ME WILL NEVER BE HUNGRY. HE WHO BELIEVES IN ME WILL NEVER THIRST"

(Thirst- feeling of wanting or needing a drink)
(Hunger- lack of food specially for a long period of time)

Hunger for God requires you to follow 10 commandments+pardning+ avoid 7 vices+follow God's Will, then become an energy sources by gathering knowledge about God and converting your talents to energy, by developing your attitude with society
When you are in hunger for God, He will see that your want's are satisfied.(If it is good fr you)

Up to Jesus,God directly involved with the lives of jews. He gave them food, when ever they want. Paul tell about the new life, with Holy spirit(Church), you have to search for God, as well as you have to search for food. When you found God, it is eternal food but your earthly food is only for that day!.Jesus through John says the same.


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Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:17: Date:26/7/2015 Skilled Catholic

A. Back ground: we learned from last few sundays, how to become a practical catholic by avoiding pride,jealousy and forming cast.
Last sunday, we were reminded about the discipline(tools to form),to increase knowledge about Catholicism. Ex: forming habits of daily recollection, to increase our knowledge with regard to God. This is called as faith. Any subject, if you want to increase faith, you have to reflect daily, then only you have faith on that subject. Attending sunday mass to get further knowledge is essential.
Then only you develop skill about God's influence in to your life!
Skill: an ability to do something well, specially because you have learned and practice the work.
Attitude: opinion and feeling that you usually have about something(society):

Jesus showed that HE was aware about HIS skills. He should have dropped food (like manna) to every body. BUT NEW METHOD IS DIFFERENT. (1)Asking Philip and Andrew to find food,(2) also you will notice in the 1st miracle at Cana, he should have created wine, without asking people to fill the jars with water, but he use some other method. Why?
What HE tried to show to us?.
 HE wants to show,when we were given full freedom, how to develop, human energy, with grace of God, to see a miracle.
Why? In cycle 2, instead of Mark gospel, church use John?.(Same incident has been reported by all 4 gospel writers) Only difference,is the mention of boy, who was having 5 loves and 2 fish(only given in John gospel. It shows attitudes of Jesus and of this boy, who was willingly wants to support the society, convert their talents to energy.

B. Preamble for today's reading

B.1 Importance of food
There are 6 basic needs for human's to live. They are food,earth,water,sunlight,air,fire. Basic need is that without which you cannot live in this world.
Food is the only thing that you have  to earn. All other basic needs God has given free!. When you over eat it is gluttony & when you don't share it is greediness. Food also like mind, unless U manage well, you harm yourself.

B.2. Talents to Skill?
Everybody in this world is born with at least one talent. In order for the society to be benefited from your talents, it has to be converted to skill. Your talents can be converted to skill, only with(1) happy mind(2) good healthy (3) be efficient.

Happy mind:

Catholicism will teach you that there are 3 steps to reach happy mind. First develop a peaceful mind by following 10 commandments+ developing pardoning
Then develop worry less mind,by handing over your worries to Holy mary+ saints, then finally develop a happy mind by removing 7 vices+following God's Will. (This differs from religion to anther religion).

Health has to be managed. If you don't brush the teeth, you will loose your teeth. If you pray and don't brush the teeth, still, you will loose teeth!. Similarly, when you don't, exercise or work(physical), it will tend to deteriorate your health.75% of Your body consist of water, when you work you tend to evaporate body water. Hence you need replenish water. Drinking water and doing regular exercise will lead to good health.
To much eating is bad(gluttony). Hence try to control your eating.

Efficient: Jesus showed us that not to put new wine in old caskets! Why? HE knew, that world is moving with technology and changes every day. Main changes are resulting to carry out many works in a unit time. Take example the revolutions that we experienced up to now:

Agricultural: with this manure was invented, and the output of the crops,were exponentially increased.
Printing: knowledge base of the world increased
Industrial: out put f products were increased
Communication: world became one global villege.
Jesus travel with a donkey, he never used micro phones. But today you cannot do missionary work without these things!. Earlier we used postal to send messages, now we use e-mails.

So when you want to convert your talents to skill, make sure you are happy, healthy and efficient!

B.3. Value of energy:

How U become energy to others?. Universe is big ball of energy. Forms of energy that humans most commonly experience (1)Light(electro magnetic
For Each energy,human will sense,with specific organ,such as Eyes,ears,nose, skin&mouth-act as interface between your brain&environment.
Similarly,you can become energy source to society by converting your Talents to skills& developing your Attitudes.
For this you need to develop knowledge about God(6steps)-(Remember/understand/apply/analyze/evaluate/create).

You develop(1)Skill(ability to do talent well,since U have learned & practice)(2)Attitude: Opinion& feeling that U usually have about society:

 Mother Theresa showed how to become an energy source,by serving poorest of poor. Mandela showed how to win freedom. Young boy showed how to feed 5000 with 5 loves &2fish,with grace of God!.

B.4 Example of Mother Theresa

Born in Albania(26/8/1910)& baptised as Agnes,She is the founder of Missionaries of Charity (1950–1997), who served poorest of the poor. Their mission is to care all unwanted & unloved in society,as carriers of CHRIST Love in the Slums. On the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,22/8/1952,she opened her1st home for dying,named "nirmal Hriday"(pure heart) at Kalighat.
She saw,over 20000 people dying. One of them said"I have lived like an animal in the street,but I am going to die like an angel,loved and cared for"1971she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. She died on5/9/97in India, beatified by StJohnPaul II in 2003.Church recognized the healing of an non christian Indian woman in 2002,who had a huge abdominal tumour. Her Motto was'WE DO IT FOR JESUS'.
In Veilankanni,India, Mary carrying her infant son told 'what can U give to my hungry son?' The child worker gave all the milk he had!to see a miracle!.

(Same like the boy, in the Gospel reading today)

B.4 Not energetic means, you create mental disorder!

Taxonomy: mental disorder deriving from loosing touch of reality& begin imagining things & acting on those imagined things. When there is absence of some expected behavior,you lead either
(1)Flat affect: exhibits no emotionalty what so ever.or
(2)Alogia: thought processes are dull, blocked,or generally improvised or
(3) Avolition: no ability to persist in an activity,looks like extreme lack of motivation.

You will get taxonomy, if you are not energetic. Basically, when you forget
God has created you
(a)to lead a happy life,with unique personality
(B)your talents has to be converted to energy with following HIS WILL

To understand above, you should have gathered enough knowledge, which consist of six phases.

Try to remember ever day, how God has saved you, to come to present situation, then understand His support towards your lfe. Apply the similar things, into your present life. Next 3 phases, you can easily do in immediate future.

.Your energy consist of knowledge/skills &attitude,equivalent to head,hand, heart.

Once you understand, who is God, then you. Can develop loving attitude for the society.

Attitude: Opinion &feeling that U usually have about your neighbor:

C.  To day's readings:

book of Kings(2 King 4:42-44) says"..Elisha..bread..'Give it to..people to eat'..'How..serve to 100men '.. they.. eat..some left over.

Paul says(Eph 4:1-6)"I prisoner..Lord..U to lead..worthy of U'r vocation..peace bind U together..one God

JN(6:1-15) says"..Jesus..crowd..climbed..hill sde..said..Philip"..where bread these..to eat?..200 denari.."Andrew..small boy..5..loves..2 fish.."..5000 men..had eaten..left over..12 hampers.."

Why they have not selected Mark(6:30-44)?
There is no reference to the small boy/


(1)You have to become energy source. your talents can be converted to skill, by developing your talents with God(boy never question, how Jesus going to feed 5000 people, with 5 loves and 2 fish but he experience that!.

(2) Why Jesus, did not create food, like manna, he search for people who are having resources. Just to show new method of reaching your happiness, by becoming an energy source.
(3)Why there are 11 bags seen as extra?
Just indicate us not to Overeat
(Create health problems)
(4) Jesus, boy and disciples, clearly showed the loving attitude for people.

Conclusions: to have Church, catholics  should individually avoid, Pride,jealousy and forming any form of cast. Also, they should develop human power individual to them, by increasing knowledge about God, develop their God given talents to skill, and develop loving attitude towards society. Today readings invited us to reflect primary outcome of Catholicism.
You have to become an energetic person.


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Sunday(26/7/2015)skill Catholic(brief version)


Practical west think that man does all& God does nothing!.Impractical east,believed that God does all& man does nothing!

God has created you to become an energetic person.
How U become energy to others,with the grace of God?.

Universe is big ball of energy. Forms of energy that humans most commonly experience
(1)Light(electro magnetic
For Each energy,human will sense,with specific organ,such as Eyes,ears,nose, skin&mouth-act as interface between your brain&environment.
Similarly,you can become energy source to society by converting your Talents to skills and developing your Attitudes.
For this you need to develop knowledge about God(6steps)-(Remember/understand/apply/analyse/evaluate/create).
You develop
(1) Skill(ability to do talent well,since U have learned& practice)
(2)Attitude: Opinion& feeling that U usually have about society:

Mother Theresa showed how to become an energy source,by serving poorest of poor. Mandela showed how to win freedom. Young boy showed how to feed 5000 with 5loves&2fish,with grace of God!.

To develop loving attitude and you to be skillful and be energetic is the outcome of catholism.

Catholism will train you, how to develop Knowledge,skills and attitudes of your life which lead for an energetic life. Knowledge you can easily get, when you contemplate, carefully on sunday readings. As a catholic you cannot waste time. God has guaranteed that your time, you can lead happily by following His Will. Hence avoid laziness and develop your talents, which will result in a skill.

To day's readings:
book of Kings(2 King 4:42-44) says"..Elisha..bread..'Give it to..people to eat'..'How..serve to 100men '.. they.. eat..some left over.

Paul says(Eph 4:1-6)"I prisoner..Lord..U to lead..worthy of U'r vocation..peace bind U together..one God

JN(6:1-15) says"..Jesus..crowd..climbed..hill side..said..Philip"..where bread these..to eat?..200 denari.."Andrew..small boy..5..loves..2 fish.."..5000 men..had eaten..left over..12 hampers.."

(1) You will see miracles, when you Develop your energy, for grace of God.
(2)Only John talk about boy,giving 5 loves and 2 fish. Showing children attitude for genuine love.
(3) Your talents has to converted to skill to be used by society.
(4)To develop a skill,you should have a Happy mind(from catholism/ 3 steps peaceful,worry less,happy)+use latest technology(like microphones,internet,e mail)+healthy(drink more water+do exercise)!
(5) Your knowledge of God, has to be developed and His grace has to be experienced.
(6) Jesus and small boy set an example of catholic attitude of love. So develop loving attitude for the society.

Be a power source, by converting your self to a energetic person.
Gain knowledge from sunday readings, develop your talents with help of God and extend Jesus loving attitude to the society is the out come of your power by following God's Will.


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Cycle 2:season: ordinary(2): Sunday No:16: Date:19/7/2015 Rejected Catholic:

A. Back ground:
Last few sundays, we reflected, the major characteristics of a catholic. ie. He should avoid pride,jealousy and forming any form of cast. Hence he should respect all humans, irrespective of any form of cast(even religion),creed etc. Also we analyzed the back ground of formation of church.(1) cast-less(2) universal(3)easy to practice(4)Pope as the leader(5) church is run by Holy Spirit

We are reminded, the characteristics of freedom, reintroduce by God, with the formation of the church. Why, in every action of yours, you get a cross? How to achieve peace of mind in your every action?.
Otherwise, your life will be scattered with fear and sorrow!.

These readings will invite you to follow the following actions:

(1) Go to a lonely place
(2) Identify an incident where God has saved you thank HIM and associated people
(3) Look at the cross, identify your 5 wounds(sin against 5 senses (wrt to 10 commandments) get it pardoned
(4) Sunday readings reflect all 3, request Holy Spirit support.
(Which has been further summarized, in B2)

B. Preamble to today's readings:

B.1: value of prayer!
In our life,when we depend too much on reasoning and logic there is a little place for faith. The real knowledge of God is contemplative. This knowledge cannot be obtained through self efforts. For this we need to be still and passive like a poor man expecting to get something from  the rich.

When we know how we obtain knowledge of God we are on the right path without interfering in the work of God in our soul.(Identify an incident, where God saved you, thank HIM for that incident). The power to remember is part of the identity and continuity of the person and a means by which he comes to know God. The people of God have a long collective memory of all those events in which he has acted to save,revealing Himself and HIS love.
We should know that to obtain supernatural and spiritual knowledge mere ascetic practices do not suffice. Even mere suppression of all thoughts and ideas cannot be of help. It is obtained through God's generous intervention and initiative. We can receive this knowledge only in total passivity, being open to the spirit of God. We need to keep ourself completely passive, when we do not feel that we are progressing in prayer. We should try to be there simply without active role. When we are totally open to God(make sure that you are without worries+ no enemies+adhere 10 commandments), HE flows into our soul without making us feel anything in our body and senses(cf. Ascent II,15,ii). This is done through active purification, which is nothing else but elevating our heart to God and placing less emphasis on the material realities.
Hence we become passively active. The effect of such passive energizing of our soul in prayer is experienced in our daily life, when we are capable of accepting our daily crosses, difficulties, problems, surrendering ourselves to events and situations which have no explanation and answers through natural logic. The mysterious passive energy imparted to us in prayer helps us to put up with any difficult situation even without an extraordinary active effort in our part. Such an attitude is simply flows from within us and becomes a part of our nature.

B.2 forming habits

Concentration for prayer should be a constant habit. when you are in serious work, you concentrate, unconsciously. Isaac Newton always forgot his meals while working. You may laugh such character,but it is such men who have made mark! by concentration. This is an age of distraction Ex: TV,internet,games,friends,noise etc. Normally prayer is done under conditions which are not conducive to concentration. Yet person's success depends on this. Power of concentration can be improved with 5 key elements
(1)be interested to your prayer
(2)make it daily habit with definite time & in definite place
(3)be relax,remove all other thoughts
(4)hand over all of your worries to Holy Mary+Saints
(5)Think about incident that God has saved you thank HIM
(6)remember that God created U to lead a happy life.


B.3 out come of your life:
Each human is having it's own talents. If you don't develop your talents to develop a skill, you are betraying God. How to develop energy in your life. You should be(1)happy(2)healthy(3)efficient.

Happy- Catholicism provides easy path to lead a happy life by following God's will.

Healthy- you should maintain the God given body, by doing excercise+drink plenty of water+not to over eat.

Efficient- always use the latest technology to improve your talents. Ex: sending a sms or talking over phone:


Any human's during his life, acquire knowledge, which leads to develop skills, as well as attitudes.
Skill: an ability to do something well,specially because you have learned and practice the work.
Attitude: opinion and feeling that you usually have about something:(sapecially God)

Energy of your life is knowledge + skill +attitude.

In order to develop, attitude of LOVE, from Catholicism, one has to gather sufficient knowledge of Jesus teachings, which is available in 3 year sunday readings.

To gather knowledge, one has to follow 6 steps:

You have to convert your talents to energy, so that you can create happiness to others, in addition to you.

These 6 steps are part of dynamic process that you have to do!

C. Today's reading:

Jeremiah says(Jr 23:1-6)" Doom.. Shepherds.. flock of my pastures..destroyed..U hv let my flock to be scattered..not taken care..bring back them to pastures..increase in numbers.. not one shall be lost.."

Paul (Eph:2:13-18) says"..new man by restoring peace through Cross..& reconciled with God.

Mk 6:30-34) says"..'U..Come..lonely place..rest..large crowd..like a sheep without shepard..pity on them.."

(1) You were given full freedom to act,after Jesus teaching. Now God's Will for you, is not directly conveyed to you. But you are having full freedom, to take any decision action, But 100% out come of that action is not known to you. Hence you are always encounter a cross. That is why Paul says you are a new man, your peace has to be resolved with the cross. New method of action is always through a cross.
(2) You have been given full freedom. Your mind will decide what is truth and your free will carry out what is good.
(3) When you don't carry out actions, contrary to the commandments given by Jesus, you will encounter misery in your life. (sheep without a Shepard).
(4) Commandments can be summarized as follows:
(A) follow 10 commandments,
(B) pardon your enemies
(C) avoid 7 vices
(D) avoid any form of cast formation.
(E) follow God's will.
(F) convert your talents to energy
(G)Then God will, guarantee your happiness

D. Conclusions: up to last sunday, we were trained, how our, 2 machines, in our brain to be configured, NOT TO ACCOMODATE, Pride,Jealousy and cast. So that any thought coming to accommodate such vices cannot be entertained from our brain!

From this sunday, we are invited to think, how to control our body, avoid laziness, and how to maximize our talents or convert our talents to energy. When you are not skillful for a subject, you become lazy, at one stage of your life(specially during old age). Time is available nothing to do!. Then your chimp machine will start jumping from one thought to another thought, making a devil's work shop. This sunday we are warned, how to keep our brain and heart healthy!


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