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Sunday(22/3) Sunday Glorified Catholic(brief Version)

Prop Jeremiah says"..It is Lord who speaks..deep within them I will plant my law,writing it on their hearts..no further.. to teach neighbour..I..never call their sins to mind."

Hebrew says"..although He was son,He learned to obey through suffering..He became for all who obey Him source of eternal salvation."

Jn 12:20-30says"..Anyone who loves his life loses it..who hates..will keep it..if anyone serves me,my father will honour him..a voice came from heaven,I have glorified it,&I will glorify it again"

All readings sums up; for U to please God, forget all U'r previous sins, as well as others disagreements,harms against U(will be hardest to train).U feel like U lost U'r life,but God says HE will provide U'r Happiness.

3hardest thing in world
(1)Love the Hate
(2) including excludes
(3) admitting that U'r wrong!.

Train your WILL to carry out these difficult task to hear from God"U'r MY BELOVED SON" you?


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http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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