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Cycle 2: Season: Lent, Sunday No 4: Date:15/3/15; blind catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
During lent, we are invited to look thru' our life, and improve our behavior for our own happiness.

During lent: we start FASTING- remove toxin in our body; REGULATING OUR WILL- train to regulate our desires, to achieve good health, where normally we cannot control.(Resisting short term urge, to achieve long term benefit). All these 2 things are generally good to be practices irrespective of any religion, to lead a healthy life. Last sunday we further analyzed the value of 10 commandments to be practiced,(as given by God), for our good behavior(to enjoy the freedom). There we note that we should BOW DOWN only to God not to any other person or things. Today, we are reminded that without our knowledge we will crave on to earth bound needs and justify ourself(Excuse tic- excuse for not to do a thing), though we are going against God's rule and Will.
In happiness you float in air(mind), just to show that you fly, by balancing gravitation.

B. Pre amble for today's reading:

B.1- Our main activities of life and connection to shadow TRINITY

When you are born, without your knowledge, you do the following 3 things:
(1) Start breathing: you breath average of 21000 times/day until you die
(2) You start to walk on the ground, you stop this when you die
(3) You start developing your mind, try to communicate with other people/ try to develop the ability to choose. This appears continuing even after death

All these 3 actions in your life represent shadow Trinity;FATHER-happiness(above 2 how you control your earth bound desires), SON- behavior(above1), HOLY SPIRIT- knowledge(above3).

Also you note that all these 3 you start developing without your knowledge.

Breathing you are doing, to organize your behavior- 10 commandments in catholism.
Walking you are doing, resembling the attraction of earth bound needs such as Money, power and worldly desires.
Developing your mind resembles your happiness. How much you can go against gravity.(Fasting,regulating your will, charity,doing exercises etc)

B.2 Catholic Freedom:

Freedom is defined as what you ought to do NOT what you can do!.Hence human freedom is always subject to law. There are 3 types of freedom. External- government, internal- religious, personal- matters lying in between government and religious freedom). As catholics our law is 10 commandment. You should know how 10 commandments came. It derived from Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21

St Augustine(354-430A.D), bishop of Hippo, was the first to assign numbers to the ten commandments. There are slight variations of 10 commandments, with one christian denomination to another!.

B.3 Shameful practices!
Without our knowledge, we adhere to shameful practices undermining God' law. Last sunday we observed in deutronomy- that we cannot Bow down to anybody except God. When this has been translated into catholic law, we say worship only to God. Unfortunately, we bow down to our parents,teachers,elders and respect to Eucharist! Without our knowledge.

C.Today's reading:
Book of Chronicles says(2 ch 36:14-16. 19-23)" ..head of the priesthood..added infidelity to infidelity, coping all the shameful practices..de filing the temple..ridicule messengers of God..their enemies.. set fire to all its places.."
Paul says(Eph 2:4-10)" God..Generous with His mercy:when we were dead..He brought..Christ..through grace..you..raised..with Him..We are God's work of art,created in Christ..live good life.."
John says(3:14-21)" the son of the man must be lifted up as moses lifted up the serpent..God sent His son..not to condemn the world..men has shown they prefer darkness to light..deeds were evil..hates the light.."
Readings warn our church, about how to teach and set examples to humans about Jesus messages. In this regard the example set and the efforts made by Pope Francis is highly appreciated. Also readings focused and remind us, by practicing Catholicism, you can be happy even in this world. This is by regulating your earth bound needs and avoiding 7 vices in your life.(Anger,sloth,pride,lust,avarice,envy,gluttony). These vices you cannot avoid if you don't believe for all your actions and results are subject to God's decision.

C. Conclusions

Fasting(40 days),regulating will(transfiguration),worshiping God(10 commandments+removing 7 vices), are the subjects,we reflected on the previous 3 sundays. Today readings invited us to reflect importance of controlling earth bound needs, to have a happy life. money,power and earthly desires are main attraction towards earth. We need all these 3, but craving to these will make us to stay on earth and cannot lift like Jesus! Making you Unhappy!. That is why it says you cannot serve God and world at the same time!


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