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Cycle 2:season:ordinary Time(1) Sunday No:4 Date 8/2/2015- great full Catholic:

A. Back ground:
Last 4 sundays in ordinary cycle we were reminded
(1)Your life is shadow Trinity. Being created by God to lead a happy life!(Father). Follow the guidelines given for your behavior(son), everyday reflect whether you are going against to this principals(Holy spirit)

(2) The major sin in our behavior is based on going against your flesh. You should be clear about Fornication!
(3) Convert your talents to energy to be used by the society,according to the God's will for you!
(4) Develop good habits to enjoy your life. Ex: 7 vices are earth bound and increase your fear and sorrow. Develop spiritual habits opposed to earth bound like praying; carrying physical exercises. Habit means you are interested to develop a subject, and will concentrate on that subject daily at a fixed time, in a fixed place, with a happy mind

Today high light is that human race belongs to one family, hence you have to look after welfare of your neighbor without carrying out your selfish ideas. Also it invites you to form a daily habit of praying-importance of having daily dialogue with God!and the responsibility of your missionary work!

B. Preamble to today's reading:
B.1: Evangelization:
Pope Francis in his encyclic" The Joy of the Gospel" chapter 19 and 20 high light the value of missionary, which we partly reflect today.
Chapter 19": Evangelisation takes place in obedience with the missionary mandate of Jesus; "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit,teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you"(Mt 28:19-20). In these versions we see how the risen christ sent His followers to preach the Gospel in every time and place, so that faith in Him might spread to every corner of the earth.
Chapter 20:(quote)
The word of God constantly showed us how God challenges those who believe in Him" to go forth". Abraham received the call to set out for a new land(cf. Gen12:1-3). Moses heard God's call:"Go,I send you"(Ex 3:10) and led the people towards the promised land(cf: Ex 3:17). To Jeramiah God says:"to all whom I send you, you shall go"(jer 1:7). In our days Jesus's command to "Go and make disciples" echoes in the changing scenario and ever new challenges to the church's mission of evangelization, and all of us are called to take part in this new missionary"going forth". Each christian and every community must discern the path that the Lord points out, but all of us are asked to obey His call to go forth from our own comfort zone in order to reach all the "peripheries" in need of the life of the Gospel.

B.2 Selfishness;

Selfishness having many forms. Normally we say, that a selfish character looks after himself only. Serious selfishness is not that. when you force another person to follow your instruction, for your own benefit, is selfishness. Your action has to be pure and benefit for a society. Another form of selfishness is doing your duty only, where all duties serves a purpose. When you think other person is not doing or incapable of doing his duty, and if you can do that without complaining you have to carry out that action too. Unlike Martha and Maria case, martha complaining!

B.3: human is one family
You cannot decide from which parents that you should come to this world. Only God decide. Then your father will be God, where your father and my father is same. God has created you according to His image.(Not animals and trees). Hence all human become one Family under christian thinking. Hence we have to look after the happiness of all human, respecting their differences!. That is why charity become prominent in Catholicism!.

B.4: importance of reciting daily rosary;
Lourdes/fatima apparitions:

Without your knowledge you have developed many daily habits like sleeping,eating, brushing your teeth etc. All these action are earth bound. You feel like flying like a bird, when you are happy! How you counter balance to gravitational pull by spiritual(difficult) pull to fly.
Rosary is best therapy introduce by Holy mary as a daily habit for you to practice.

Holy mary has shown in lourdes(1854) and in Fatima (1917) the importance of daily reciting individual rosary, to develop your awareness, in leading a happy life!

C. Todays reading:

Job(Jb 7:1-4, 6-7) says"...the workman with no thought but his wages...."

Paul says"I do not boast of preaching the gospel, since it is duty which has been laid on me; I should be punished if I did not preach it....."

Mk(1:29-39) says" .. Jesus went..house of simon...mother in law..with fever..He went to her...fever left. They brought.. Sick..possessed by devil..cured many..cast out devils...morning...lonely place..prayed...they found Him 'everybody was looking for you' He answered "let us go elsewhere.."

All readings summarize:
(1)To built a relationship/friendship with our heavenly father on daily basis is important in our life
(2)We should work for upliftment of the society without expecting a return. Not to work only for wage
(3)We should extend charity to our society, since all human belongs to one family,and all of them has been created to enjoy Happiness
(4)In order experience happiness, we should develop our mind from peaceful to worry less then happy.
(5) When you enjoy Happiness, you can express the reason of happiness I.e following Jesus message: following 10 commandments, with no enemies/ hand over your worries/sorrows/fears to holy mary, avoid 7 vices(anger,sloth,pride, lust,envy,avarice, gluttony), to your society(missionary work)
reminds if you forget that God has created for you to lead a happy life, you forget to tell about Him. First enjoy happiness, then appreciate who is responsible for your happiness. Then in gratitude tell to others to see wonders. Otherwise you can have temporary enjoyment/happiness without knowing who is responsible for your happiness"

In this ordinary season, we have beeing informed about our life, happy,behavior and awareness. This is shadow Trinity. Then we were reminded that our behevior is naturally eart bound subject to earth bound desires, influenced by the gravitation. Major desires leading to Fornication has been reminded. Then you were reminded how to form good habits to over come earth bound attractions such as laziness and anger. Praying to establish link between God and you, doing exercise to safeguard God given body is an example. Today it reminds that your responsibility, as part of the God family: charity and missionary work. For that you should be rich with talents and happy in mind. A beggar cannot support another. Unhappy mind cannot show the path to Happiness!


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