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Ash Wednesday(18/2)Hidden Catholic(General version)

A. Selection of the date of Ash Wednesday

A.1 year
Gregorian calender is based on EARTH travel around SUN&have12 months,with 365 days/year. If year is divisible by4(but not100,with exception of division by400)result in leap year of 366 days.

A.2 Equinox
Equinox occurs 2times/year{vernol(mar)+ Autumnal(sept))},when SUN is directly over earth equator(no shadow).

A.3 Easter sunday and Judaism pass over ceremony
Easter is selected as1st Sunday,following Full Moon(3/4/2015)after vernal equinox(21/3).Ash Wednesday(18/2/2015) is 46 days(last 6 days for pass over+40 days lent) before Easter Sunday

B. Summary of today's reading:

 Prop:Joel says'..now..it is Lord who speaks..come back to me with all your' heart,fasting, weeping,mourning..slow to anger,rich in graciousness&ready to relent..

'Paul says"..Now is favourable time,this is day of salvation'

Mt6:1-6,16-18)says 'Be careful not to parade your' good deeds before men to attract their notice..when U give alms your' left hand.. not know..your' right is doing..your' father..in secret will reward U.."

Reminds:(1) boasting(earth bound) has to be avoided in your life. Always your action is for the grace of God.
(2) If you used to appreciate your work forgetting God, you experience silence anger when you don't receive appreciation. This is not good even for your health. If you know that all your action is for the grace of the God and when you follow that you can easily avoid Pride(boasting)
(3) Fasting is encouraged by lord in action.

Lent season:

During lent you learn,Happiness has to go thru' school of suffering. Hence first train how to control Gluttony(fasting)

Jesus showed us suffering at Golgotha(mind)+Calvary(physical)before to Resurrection(actual Happiness).

When you live, you are subject to earth Gravity. But you don't see this gravity neither you don't feel really. But when you analyse you will see that you are subject to gravitational force. Similarly you have to understand that you have a soul(mind + free will) and train you self how to develop your soul going against gravity(earth bound desires)

When you are happy you are not subject to gravity and you feel you are flying(soul).

Every year church reminds us that
(1) we are sinners going against god's will (2) analyse your sin and get it pardoned(3) how to control earth bound desires for our own happiness

Ash wensday reminds us
(1) Earth bound needs will come to end with your death
(2) Developing spirituality lead you to be happy in this world and eternal happiness after death
(3) How to control the basic habit we develop eating, then extend that to earth bound desires as advice by catholism.


For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

Or for more details about Mary


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