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Sunday (11/1/2015) favorable catholic(brief version)

Prop Isaiah says"..with you I will make an everlasting covenant out of favours promised to David..my way is not your way.."John says"if you love God Himself and do what He has commanded us....His commandment are not difficult..Jesus christ who came with water and blood not with water only..three witnesses spirit,water and blood.

Readings focused that you are having shadow TRINITY in your body(life)

Father created U to be Happy,Son/Jesus-shows us the path,Holy Ghost-give us knowledge.

To be prosperous you should search for knowledge and it is easy. After achieving happy mind,you can follow God's will and it may not be same as yours!
To achieve happy mind, you should have first peaceful mind(without laziness, without anger, without judging/blaming others) then worry less mind(handover all your fears/sorrowsgdisagreements to mary and relevant saint), finally you can lead a happy mind(avoid other 5 vices, pride,lust,envy, avarice,gluttony

 when you follow God's will,Mk1:7-11says

 "..voice came from heaven,'you are my son,the beloved,my fervour rest on U'".

It indicates God is pleased with your behaviour!

Always we have to devote time to understand more on a subject. Similarly for catholism too!. The root less knowledge  we gather at school, where fear and sorrow was not experience properly, has to fully studied when you become adult for you to develop full faith with experiencing less fear and sorrows!
Best way to gather knowledge is to follow sunday readings and act accordingly+reciting daily rosary!.

For more details follow this links :
http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

Or for more details about Mary


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