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Cycle 2:season:ordinary Time(1) Sunday No:2 Date 18/1/2015- Borrowed Catholics:(detailed version)

A. Back ground:
1st sunday of ordinary times reminded us that our life is led by the shadow Trinity
Holy spirit,Happy mind(Father), behavior(Jesus- 10 commandments with no enemies+ avoid judging/blaming others).
Today, it reminds that our life is of 2 parts; worldly life+ heavenly life(consist-Eternal life). You are been given time from God to live in this world. You should maintain your body in accordance with the guide lines given by Jesus, if you go against, your are sinning against to your body. Specially sins against flesh!.

B. Preamble to today's readings:

B.1. Value of time:

You are not seen a dead body with a wrist watch? Why? It is not at all important for a dead body.
Time is important only for living human beings!.not for animals or trees. These living beings never count time!. With time, human beings carry out actions to reach Happiness in our worldly life.
We are borrowing time from God. Why God? God will decide how much time that you should live in this world!.

B.2 Compared to Eternal time your earthly time is negligible!

The life you lead on earth may be maximum of 100 years, but when you compare that time with infinity time, you notice that the time that you lead in this world is nothing compared to infinity. That is why we tend to realize that it is very important to behave ourselves good in this life, without much attachments to earth bound pleasures such as Money, power and worldly desires with respect to flesh!. Catholicism will give you the easiest path to reap happiness both in this world and out side this world. It gives much simplified process,shown by Jesus to follow!
Hence our borrowed time is not belongs to us, but belongs to God and we will give in return our life(including our body) when we are leaving this world in good conditions!.

B.3 Scientific reason for a week?

Time is important for living people!not for dead. Early days people identify day from sun(comes/going). A month with moon.

Scientific reason for a day is the time taken for the earth to rotate one cycle from it's own axis. Similarly for a month, generally the time taken for the moon to rotate one cycle around earth. Similarly a year is defined the time taken for earth to rotate one cycle around sun. But how did they identify a week?.

There is no scientific reason except the biblical reason. God created world in 5 days,6th day he created Adam, from Adam,he created Eve. He didn't create Adam from an Ape.

In modern world when you talk about week, it reminds only the story of creation.

B.4 Christmas is always on 25Dec.

 But Easter,is defined(since 1583) as Sunday(march31-2013) following Full Moon(march26-2013)after vernal equinox(MARCH 21).
Equinox es occurs twice a year.(Exactly 12 hours day & night to countries over Equator)(Autumnal-september).

Ash Wednesday is 46days before Easter Sunday.(Feb13-2013)which is always changing due to the relationship of Pass Over.

At the last supper,His last pass over meal on earth,Jesus changed bread & wine into His Body & Blood.

B.5 Do you show constant behavior throughout your life?
 There are 3 major factors to be analyzed.

(1)Your cells in your body is constantly changing. Every day some cells die,while new cells generated. After 7 years your cells are completely changed.
 (2) Your brain consist of 86 billion neurons. It forms around 1 trillion networks. Neurons to work under normal circumstances, you should maintain a peaceful mind. Then you try to follow the normal networks. When you blood get hot, the networks that you follow in your brain are different, and harmful to your own health!. Catholism says your anger is equivalent to committing suicide. Your actions and thinking(behavior is such that it should not create anger in your body)
(3) Look at a river as it moves toward sea. It creates its own banks that contain it. When there is something within you that moves in the right direction,it creates its own discipline. So it is very important to develop good habits, so that you will Not change those habits when time passes, otherwise you will see what gospel says"first become last and last become first". Going to sunday mass is very basic habit, even God is asking us to practice. Similarly you can develop many habbits in your life where it is time dependent for example: early morning once you get up pray daily rosary, hand over your worries to Holy mary,drink water, do exercise etc. Also you can develop time independent habits such as (1) not judging others(2)not blaming others!(3) finally avoiding 7 vices!.

C. Today's readings: Book of

Samuel(1sam3:3-10.19) says"..speak Lord your servent is listening...".

Paul says(1 cor 6:13-15. 17-20)..God who raised the Lord from the death,will by His power raise us up too....anyone who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him...to fornicate is to sin against your own body...."

(Fornicate- word meaning to have illicit affair with someone who you are not married to)

Jn (1:35-42)".. 'Where do you live?'Come and see'... and stayed with him the rest of that day...."

Reminds when U realize the happiness, living with God, u always stay with HIM. But earth bound desires will lead U to bring fear & sorrow in U'r life. Out of worldly desires, the major appears to be, When U sin against U'r own body,bar U to achieve spirituality with God,to reach Happiness in this world too!.

D. Conclusions:
We started to study from last sunday(new season-ordinary time) about our life in this world!. Firstsunday we devoted to analyze how Holy Trinity is seen in individual life. Today we analyze, the limitation of our life. Time. Happy. Behavior. Time is given by God, from our behavior how to lead that time happily is reminded. Specially our behavior to achieve our own happiness. Then when you are Happy, then only you can extend that Happiness to others!. Otherwise without your knowledge, you introduce fear and sorrow to others, deriving from your disagreements!. You are also Not Happy and you extend that un happiness to others by 7 vices-Anger,sloth,pride,lust,envy,avarice, gluttony.
Out of the Sins, major sin appears,sin against flesh-fornication. With the scientific development of birth control, this sin becomes more prominent in the modern society than the previous human paradigms!
Today paul reminds, that we have to be very careful about this sin, in order  that to be with God in this life, to reach Happiness!


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