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Cycle 3:season: christmas No 2 Sunday; date: 27/12/2015:feast OF Holy Family-Easy Catholic.

Back ground:
In Advent(cycle 3),last 4 sundays we were clearly informed
(1)importance of reflecting(forgetting earth bound cravings),as how God planned to reintroduce Freedom to human. allocate15min/day along with rosary. MAKE A HABIT
(2)study,how Christ came thru'Mary & role played by Joseph. SPPECIAL CHARACTER OF MARY & JOSEPH
(3)study Church formation by Holy spirit. why church rules are necessary,to accommodate paradigm change. How to be a member of church? Why catholics receive Baptism immediately after birth? THRU' BAPTISM YOU BECOME A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH
(4)main slogan of God-Love how it operates?basic characteristics of love-ONCE YOU RECEIVE CHRIST,YOU EXTEND THAT JOY WITH MANY OTHERS Ex: mary once Christ in her womb,visit elizabeth-share the joy. When you are avail of all information & practice the same,2nd coming of Christ is already with you & ready to receive birth of Christ.
On christmas day, we observe the physical birth of Christ. Baby Jesus showed us many things:
(1) God did not create baby Adam and baby Eve, but we see baby Jesus. This is to indicate, CHILDHOOD, is the result of original sin
 (2) Naming Jesus and carrying all rituals with regard to HIM, was carried,out by Joseph and Mary. Indicating, full responsibility of parents to maintain children (3)Gospels does not give much details about Jesus Child hood except His lost at age of 12!.

Jesus birth and lack of information available about HIS child hood direct us to understand:
(A)when Jesus was conceived by Mary, She express her Joy with Elizabeth.(Last sunday we reflected). WHEN YOU RECEIVE CHRIST,YOU ALWAYS SHARE THAT JOY(LOVE) WITH OTHER. Love-with charity for the love of God
(B) WHEN CHILD JESUS LOST AT THE AGE 12,CLEAR MESSAGE IS GIVEN TO US. This is reflected today. That is in summary: you tend to bend commandments given by God(10 commandments+love+pardoning+church rules) to suit for your own convenience. Though you are appearing as a practicing catholic, you lose christ in your life,similar 3 days(it can be years for you) lost of Christ to Holy parents. Then sudden illness/sorrow will allow you to reflect the actual mistake done by you. Then you search christ again, by getting pardoned to your sins. Ultimate result is to achieve happiness with time!.

B. Preamble to today's readings:

B.1 Good things

bad things do happen to good people. For many life is a struggle that seems unfair. But when we analyze into details, we cannot judge things as been good or bad because we do not have access to all the information.

Joseph and Mary are good examples, how they lead the life, trusting only God. Take example, when Mary accepted to bear Jesus, she might not have expected to have the baby Jesus in cattle shop. Mary,did not reveal, about virginal birth of Jesus, even to Joseph, she trusted the God's word to keep secret, what ever the out come she faced. Josep escaped to Egypt with Mary, and Baby Jesus, without any complaint,trusting the God's will. It s similar to a situation, where they were waiting in a room, where the outside is burning with fire, inside room is smoky, you don't see what to do! But they took action, jumping out from the smoky room, trusting God will provide solution and we know how they achieved. All these actions are good examples, how we should lead our life, trusting the God's providence. These factors we reflected, in advent.
God said for us to be child, to follow His Will!

B.2 Characteristics of child

Also, we reflected, what are the responsibility of parents, with, regard to children. Childhood has been introduced by God, with adult Adam+adult Eve, has to maintain children,until they become adult to follow God's will by themselves. Every body appreciate children, but at the same time we say, it is Childish work!. So child hood reminds us 2 things,(1)childishness(2) child likeness.

 when you follow God's will, some occasions, you find discouraged, due to various problems and You will see, God is lost.
 today you are reminded to revisit about following His commandments,as to see whether you are correctly following. Joseph and Mary,ideally set an example,how to follow God's will, without following easy path.

B.3 How good God is?

There are 2 ways of knowing how good God is!. One is never to lose Him otherwise is loose him with Sin and receive HIM again.

For the 1 st one: how can You expect any so called bad things happen to you?

Even under such case, you cannot judge whether it is good or Bad! Why?
We cannot judge things as being good or bad because we do not have access to all the information. Read the following story, which try to explain, that we cannot judge the things as it is!

One day a man brought a stallion,and all of his friends said"that's good". The next day the stallion ran away,and all his friends said"that is bad". 2 weeks later the stallion returned with a herd of mares. His friends said"that is good" the next day his son broke his shoulder when the stallion threw him off. The friend said" that's bad". The next month war broke out. Because the boy was injured, he could not go to war. The friend's said that is good. The story could go on and on with people judging events as being bad or good when actually all events are connected and have an impact on each other. Trying to sort good from bad and putting labels on events that are constantly changing their shape can make a leader crazy.

Do you see God as your only source, and love in control of your life plan?
In order to do that, we should clearly understand, what is the Characteristics of child hood!

B.4 Child Hood.

God didn't create,baby Adam/Eve? Then Why HE send Baby Jesus?After original sin,God  introduced fear/sorrow/death&Childhood for human(Since they were childish to break law)& gave full responsibility to parents to guide them,during childhood. Newly born,has to be name,provide food,baptize becomes their immediate responsibility. God(father)prepared humans to re introduce,freedom,by10 comms: with EYE TO EYE,showing eternal reasons,how to guide children,before adulthood.Soon after Jesus birth holy family did all rituals to HIM,like a normal Jewish child.Gospel says"anybody mislead child,is fit to be thrown to sea,with a stone tying his neck"Why Jesus stayed 30 yrs for public life, showing,eternal reason,of responsibility of parents,in guiding them to practise God's Will Hence Child/adult hoods are 2 different phases of human life.Parents set ex:to children"HOW TO FOLLOW GOD'S WILL"when he become adult.

B.5 Childish and Child like ness.

Christianity began with worship of Bebe & only by continued recognition of child likeness,will adult human be recognised as children of God. But child likeness is not childishness(Related to typical of child- behaving in a silly way,that makes U seem much younger than U really are) TO BE CHILDISH IS TO RETAIN IN MATURITY WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISCARDED AT THRESHOLD OF MANHOOD.CHILD LIKENESS,ON CONTRARY,IMPLIES WITH MENTAL BREATH & PRACTICAL STRENGTH& WISDOM OF MATURITY THERE IS ASSOCIATED HUMILITY,TRUSTFULNESS, SPONTANEITY & OBIDEANCE OF CHILD.

Adam and Eve was childish to betray God, while Jesus and Mary, act as child likeness to follow God's Will.
Holy Family(Mary+Joseph) has set ideal example for us to understand, how to be a child in following God's Will!

B.6 Holy Family
Mary&Joseph(under vow of virginity) marriege is attachment of hearts-right to another was surrendered to please God. Their marriege was due to

(1)keep honor to Family,until her reveal of VIRGIN BIRTH/she told after resurrection(final proof of divinity).If She became mother without a spouse,Christ birth will ridicule

(2)Mary never told Joseph,about her conceiving by Spirit,(angel did not bid her to do so).Mary revealed;" outside Golgotha,I never suffered such intense of agony as in those days when,despite myself,I brought worry to Joseph, who was so just"Similarly sorrow of Joseph enormous
(A)he knew both have taken an vow of virginity
(B) It seem impossible to believe her guilty, because her goodness. But,because her condition,how could he believe otherwise?Joseph suffered"Dark night of Soul"NO HUMAN KNOWLEDGE OF SCIENCE CAN EXPLAIN SUCH A THING. Mary&Joseph,showed how to be Virgin,Mother,Father.

C. Today's reading:

Book of Samuel says(1Sm 1:20-22.24-28)"..Hannah..gave..Son..Samuel..husband Elkanah..fulfil..vow..Hannah..didnot Go..present..stay..for ever..she brought..child..Lord granted..whole..life.."

St John(1 Jn 3:1-2.21-24) says"think..father..lavish..us..God's children..shall..like Him..ask..receive..keep..commandments..live..life..He wants..spirit..given us."

Lk(2:41-52) says"..parents of Jesus..jerusalem..HE..12 yrs..after feast..Boy Jesus..stayed..without His parents..went back..3 days later..found..his mother said"..why have U done this to us"..I must..busy..father's affairs.."They didnot understand what He meant.."

C. Reminds: there are many occasions in your life, you might think you are lost. Though you follow God's commandments+His Will.
Sudden illness+or sudden loss of your loved one+sudden accidents are few to mention. Here God clearly, shows us, how much mary and Joseph, suffered, due to loss of Jesus for 3 days.

It is so easy to lose christ. HE can even be lost by little heedlessness: a little want of watchfulness, and the divine presence easily slips away. But sometimes a reconciliation is sweeter than an unbroken friendship. There are 2 ways of knowing how good God is!. One is never to lose Him. And other is to lose Him and find Him again. Sin is the loss of Jesus, and since Mary felt the sting of His absence she could understand the gnawing heart of every sinner and be to it, in the truest sense of the word"Refuge of sinners".

D. Conclusions:

So christmas season, just after the christ physical birth, you are invited by Holy Family to identify your self, whether, you follow commandments properly, like them, to understand and follow the God's will for you!
Otherwise, you are lost,(when you follow easy life,relaxing commandments for your own convenience)

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Easy Catholic Sunday (27/12) brief Version

Before to Christmas, during advent period, we reflected, how to give birth to christ, in our life! For that(1)you need to reflect daily,as to how to be a practising catholic,be clear about, how God try to reintroduce Freedom for us(2)How God-father/Son(Jesus)/Holy Spirit(function of church),introduced various commandments. How God sent HIS Son as human+divine thru' mary+suport given by Joseh(3)How to be a member of church/the special role of parents(4)what is the characteristics of love.
Jesus birth reminds us
(1) God did not create baby Adam and baby Eve, but we see baby Jesus. This is to indicate, CHILDHOOD, is the result of original sin
 (2) Naming Jesus and carrying all rituals with regard to HIM, was carried,out by Joseph and Mary. Indicating, full responsibility of parents to maintain children (3)Gospels does not give much details about Jesus Child hood except His lost at age of 12!.

Jesus birth and lack of information available about HIS child hood direct us to understand:
(A)when Jesus was conceived by Mary, She express her Joy with Elizabeth.(Last sunday we reflected). WHEN YOU RECEIVE CHRIST,YOU ALWAYS SHARE THAT JOY(LOVE) WITH OTHER. Love-with charity for the love of God
(B) WHEN CHILD JESUS LOST AT THE AGE 12,CLEAR MESSAGE IS GIVEN TO US. This is reflected today. That is in summary: you tend to bend commandments given by God(10 commandments+love+pardoning+church rules) to suit for your own convenience. Though you are appearing as a practising catholic, you lose christ in your life,similar 3 days(it can be years for you) lost of Christ to Holy parents. Then sudden illness/sorrow will allow you to reflect the actual mistake done by you. Then you search christ again, by getting pardoned to your sins. Ultimate result is to achieve happiness with time!.

Today's reading:
Book of Samuel says(1Sm 1:20-22.24-28)"..Hannah..gave..Son..Samuel..husband Elkanah..fulfil..vow..Hannah..did not Go..present..stay..for ever..she brought..child..Lord granted..whole..life.."

St John(1 Jn 3:1-2.21-24) says"think..father..lavish..us..God's children..shall..like Him..ask..receive..keep..commandments..live..life..He wants..spirit..given us."

Lk(2:41-52) says"..parents of Jesus..jerusalem..HE..12 yrs..after feast..Boy Jesus..stayed..without His parents..went back..3 days later..found..his mother said"..why have U done this to us"..I must..busy..father's affairs.."They did not understand what He meant.."

Reminds: there are many occasions in your life, you might think you are lost. Though you follow God's commandments+His Will.
Sudden illness+or sudden loss of your loved one+sudden accidents are few to mention. Here God clearly, shows us, how much mary and Joseph, suffered, due to loss of Jesus for 3 days.

It is so easy to lose christ. HE can even be lost by little heedlessness: a little want of watchfulness, and the divine presence easily slips away. But sometimes a reconciliation is sweeter than an unbroken friendship. There are 2 ways of knowing how good God is!. One is never to lose Him. And other is to lose Him and find Him again. Sin is the loss of Jesus, and since Mary felt the sting of His absence she could understand the gnawing heart of every sinner and be to it, in the truest sense of the word"Refuge of sinners".

Before and after Christmas, thru' sunday readings, church informed us, its major characteristics
PIcture of visitation

(1) Love-how Mary set example for us to follow,in Visitation,30 yrs before jesus public life!

(2)how we can lost Christ, in our life, changing commandments, convenient for us. Most common examples Ex: worshipping parents+respecting Eucharist/using artificial birth control. When you are not aware about rules, you lead life,like 3 days travel by mary+Joseph, without Jesus. When your in trouble,sometimes you may correct the situ, back bringing Jesus to your life


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http://www.sundayreading.net/  ‬

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Cycle 3:season:advent: Sunday No:4: Date:20/12/2015. Abandoned Catholic:

Back ground:
Today is the last sunday of advent/cycle 3. ON 25th we celebrate birth of Christ.
The bible is the only book in the world that has precise, specific predictions that were made 100 of years in advance & that were literally fulfilled. That means that Bible has credentials that are absent from many  other religions:

Historical background of Christmas is age old propercies,(1)virgin would conceive (Is7:14), (2) redeemer would be born of tribe of Judah(Gen 49:10)(3) of the house of David(Ezechiel 33:23),(4)at time which have been fore told by Daniel(9:25-26) some 500 years before(5)that His birth place would be Bethlehem(Mich5:2).

Church through these 4 sundays, invite us to rethink, about our knowledge of christianity:
Verify our self, whether we follow the real Christianity or Christianity for our convenience. How to verify?
(1) Make a habit by allocating a fixed time for a given day(15-20 minutes)/through out your life
(2)Why and how Christ came to this world?
(3) What is the function of church and how to be a member
(4)What is love. How Holy mary show us how to love, even before 30 years to John the Baptist. What is the characteristic of love
Once you are clear and practice what is requested, about these matters, christ has come to your life

B. Preamble to today's reading

B. 1 Love Story

God(Father),planned to re establish Freedom to human. Old testament mentality looked at HUMANITY as being indebted to GOD, trying to find countless ways to please HIM.

Then Jesus,who claim SON OF GOD,came asking people "WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO DO FOR YOU" JESUS, who was imbued by powers of GOD,walked up to people & asked"HOW CAN I HELP YOU"

If they wanted to see HE opened their eyes!If they wanted to walk HE let them walk!If they wanted daughter brought back to life,HE brought their daughter back to life!If they wanted wine,HE gave them wine!If they wanted bread,HE gave them bread!,Even when they wanted HIM dead,HE died!
HE did all these things without a fight!,ALL BECAUSE HE WAS COMING WITH ONE POWER"LOVE".To LOVE is to serve!.GOD IS LOVE & HE WHO LIVES WITH LOVE,LIVES IN GOD& GOD IN HIM. HE kept10 commandments: same,with changing"Eye to eye"to pardoning+love.(Turn the other cheek)

Then Holy spirit established the Church to implement Freedom to whole humanity. Immediately HE changed thru' Peter
(1)to join with Baptism by any human
(2)no circumscion
(3)no restriction on food(you can eat pork)
(4)introduce many on going advices,as how to manage paradigm change,with scientific advancements.

Characteristic of Love:

Love that refuses to share kills its own power to love. Mary before to Jesus, showed you(when she was bearing Jesus in her womb)

(1)How to share love with others(Elisabeth)

(2)when you have christ within,you cannot be happy until you have imparted your Joy to others!

This may lead us to a direction where we don't want to go!.SPIRITUAL DARKNESS & EMPTINESS is the result of GOD'S CLOSENESS!

B.2: misconception about life!

My atheist friend Mr A, told me as follows:

A. What you send out, comes back, what you sow you reap, what you give, you get, what you see in others, exist in you. Life is an echo that gets back.

My catholic answer for that is given below:

Mr A, there are 2 answers, for your view

Answer 1: When you know that you have created by God to live happily, you will not expect what you send out, any return, you will do that for the love of God. God will see that what you give, for the love of God, you will never deprived to receive your basic needs to live. You will not feed your child, expecting any return. Similarly a child will not feed his parents, expecting any return. Otherwise you are doing business with family and you will be easily discouraged if you don't get the return. All these things are derived from love. Love is God. When you receive God, you share that enjoyment with society, without,expecting any return.

Answer 2: By mistake or willingly, you might commit a sin. Life has to flow. If you are not sure, the effects of sin, can be cancelled, through the actual repentance, your +ve life will stop at that point. This doesn't mean that you have license to sin. Life is such that you might commit a sin, willingly or unwillingly, due to life circumstances. Then your life will stop progressing from that moment, if there is no treatment for Sin. One of the thieves with Jesus at Golgotha, got pardoned from his sins, once he receive Jesus into his life.

B.3 Example set by Holy Mary!
Only one human in this world, who witness, paradigm changes from Father,to son and to the Holy Ghost. Normally Father, upto John the Baptist, prepared us thru' prophets how to live when we get freedom: He gave 10 commandments with eye to eye principle. Holy Mary was living in this era too.
Then Jesus, God-son came to this world. He mainly showed us, to enjoy freedom given by God, there are 2 steps.(1) childhood to obey your parents(or parents responsibility to maintain and guide their children) (2) In adulthood- how to manage your life both physical and spiritually- with adhering to same 10 commandments, now changing how to operate changing from Eye to eye to turn your other cheek. Holy Mary witness these factors too!
Then Holy mary witness Jesus suffering at Golgotha (where most of Jesus apostles were abandoned HIM). Then she witnessed risen Jesus. After that She witness the formation of Church by Holy Spirit. Not only that, she witness, the 1st change of rituals by early church(1) make it open to whole world, not only to Jews(2)no male circumcision(3) no restriction to eat pork.

She was never stubborn to adjust herself for changes, for the love of God. No wonder why God has selected her as Mother of church, to intercede on behalf of us with HIM. Practically she has proved herself, she can manage, more than an apostle, not abandoning God, at any time what ever the difficulty!.

That is why, She is always look after humanity, passing messages. Lourdes,fatima are few examples!.

B.4 living witness available in srilanka and india with Holy Mary:
Madhu Church: mary against satan

Church is in a thick forest of 1000 acres out of 350 are cleared for the pilgrims. During the trouble period(1983-2009) around 60000 people has taken refuge in the shrine. Madhu statue which has been in Manthi (mannar) has been shifted to present location during dutch persecution time. Fr Ferrao build the present church in1705.The thick forest was infected with many kinds of poisonous snakes. Upto now no snake or snake bite has been reported in the shrine!as guaranteed by Fr Ferrao(died in 1721) moreover the soil around(Madhu mud) the shrine is said to possess healing powers,especially to act as an antidote against deadly snake poison. The protective,healing & reconciliation functions of Mother Mary are beautifully realized in this forest Shrine!.

Matara shrine: she shares our worries with us!

26/12/2004,dreadful Tsunami wave hit the church swallowing 25 devotees,& 400 year-old ash wood statue though its glass case was locked. But statue came back to the shrine on 3rd day!,which was found on the shore,to a non catholic. Statue was damaged,but the crown placed on the infant jesus whom she was holding in her arms was intact!The message of mary is clear."She has been wanting to suffer with her people,being a loving mother she did not wanting to come back until She settled her affected children."She is not always a triumphant queen. She shares with our sorrows,too.In1907,after repairs from Belgium this statue was fallen into the ocean due to a storm,but safely surfaced after a few days!.8 sept we remember the birth of Virgin Mary. 8/12/1854(Pius 9)Her immaculate conception & 1/11/1950(Pius12) Her bodily assumption in to heaven was declared by the church.

Our Lady Of Veilankanni(India)
Mary carrying her infant son, appeared,to a child worker carrying a milk pot to his master.The boy was too happy to hand over the pot to Mary to feed her infant. Boy was afraid to his master,for stealing the milk!.But when pot was given to his master, the milk was miraculously overflowing!,resulting Hindu master to build a small church. Subsequent incident, mary has appeared to a physically challenged boy, who was selling butter milk to the fisher folk,and asked milk from boy to feed the infant. Boy gave. This time, the boy was completely cured and able to run!, informing the story to all fisherman!.In both cases it was not the devotee who asked for a favour from Mary, but it was Mary who asked for a favour from little ones for her Divine Infant!.The little ones also joyfully shared with her & Infant Jesus. This was the sole mission of Jesus(Jn 10:10).What can u give to CHILD jesus?

C. Today's reading:

Prophet micah(mi5:1-4) says"U bethlehem..clans..born..rule over..distant past..Lord..abondon them."

Hebrew says(Heb 10:5-10)"U..no sacrifice..body..no pleasure..sacrifice for sin..obey U'r Will..U didn't..law..no pleasure..replace..offering His body..for all.."

Lk(1:39-45) says"mary..went..into Zechariah..greeted Elizabeth..child leap..loud cry..Of all women you are most blessed.and blessed is the fruit of thy womb..mother of my lord..child..lept..Joy..

D. Reminds:
(1)There are 2 birth stories in Gospel. Jesus+John Baptist

(2)power of God operated in both cases,with Zachary doubting & Mary accepting

(3)Love that refuses to share kills it own power to love

(4)Mary not only wants others to share her love,but also her beloved

(5)visitation proves that your life begins from mothers womb

(6)Your life is having 2 phases
(A)Childhood-follow parents
(B)adulthood-follow God's will

(7)without charity U abandoned God.

God did not create Baby Adam or baby Eve, but HE send His son, as baby Jesus. Why?

Adam and Eve has being created as matured persons with full freedom, always freedom is subject to law. God intention of creation is subject to (1) not to eat from the forbidden tree and then (2) follow His Will.
Adam and Eve, failed from 1st one itself. Then God introduced death and childhood, to humans. So human life consist of 2 phases(a) Childhood (b) adulthood.
When you were born, you cannot decide your name neither your food. Your parents will decide on those things. It implies, that during your childhood, you have to obey to your parents and parents responsibility is to train, you, how to accommodate God's will in your life, when you become adult. That is why, catholics, baptize,their newly born babies, and train them to receive Holy Eucharist, making confessions, so they can continue, the same, while adulthood, to receive God's will.
God, son- Jesus clearly showed us these 2 phases: childhood and adulthood. Though Jesus is God, HE underwent all rituals from holy family and was obedient to them, just to show the eternal reasons, as how to manage childhood.
 Then only,Holy spirit form the church and HE changed, certain concepts immediately, forming the church. Church became universal+no circumscion+no restriction to eat pork. Holy Mary witness all these changes. She is the only human being, who witness and practice,God will,without any hesitation or rioting to refuse to undergo change. Not only that she showed the characteristics of love, 30 years before,to john the baptist, when you receive Christ, you will share that Joy with others!

E. Conclusions:

Summary Of Advent(cycle 3)
Each 4 sundays we were clearly informed
(1)importance of reflecting(forgetting earth bound cravings),as how God planned to reintroduce Freedom to human. allocate15min/day along with rosary. MAKE A HABIT
(2)study,how Christ came thru' Mary & role played by Joseph. SPECIAL CHARACTER OF MARY & JOSEPH
(3)study Church formation by Holy spirit. why church rules are necessary,to accommodate paradigm change. How to be a member of church? Why catholics receive Baptism immediately after birth? THRU' BAPTISM U BECOME A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH

(4)main slogan of God-Love how it operates?basic characteristics of love-ONCE U RECEIVE CHRIST,U EXTEND THAT JOY WITH MANY OTHERS Ex: mary once Christ in her womb,visit elizabeth-share the joy.

At the end of advent:

When you are avail of all information & practice the same,2nd coming of Christ is already with you & ready to receive physical birth of Christ.

In Cycle 2, main theme


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Abondoned Catholic(sunday 20/12) Brief Version

Characteristic of Love:


Mary before to Jesus, showed you(when she was bearing Jesus in her womb),how she shared enjoyment, by visiting Elizabeth. She never boasted about herself but God!.

Historical background of Christmas is age old propercies,(1)virgin would conceive (Is7:14), (2) redeemer would be born of tribe of Judah(Gen 49:10)(3) of the house of David(Ezechiel 33:23),(4)at time which have been fore told by Daniel(9:25-26) some 500 years before(5)that His birth place would be Bethlehem(Mich5:2).

Today the last sunday of advent of cycle 3, church invited us to understand, love-for the love God-always you share your Joy with others- other words you start charity. Without Charity-No love- you abandoned God-depriving your Happiness!

To days reading!
Prophet micah(mi5:1-4) says"U bethlehem..clans..born..rule over..distant past..Lord..abondon them."

Hebrew says(Heb 10:5-10)"U..no sacrifice..body..no pleasure..sacrifice for sin..obey U'r Will..U didn't..law..no pleasure..replace..offering His body..for all.."

Lk(1:39-45) says"mary..went..into Zechariah..greeted Elizabeth..child leap..loud cry..Of all women you are most blessed and blessed is the fruit of thy womb..mother of my lord..child..lept..Joy..

Reminds us:

Your life is having 2 phases
(A)Childhood-follow parents
(B)adulthood-follow God's will

And without charity U abandoned God.

God did not create Baby Adam or baby Eve, but HE send His son, as baby Jesus. Why?

Adam and Eve has being created as matured persons with full freedom, always freedom is subject to law. God intention of creation is subject to (1) not to eat from the forbidden tree and then (2) follow His Will.
Adam and Eve, failed from 1st one itself. Then God introduced death and childhood, to humans. So human life,after our original parents,consist of 2 phases(a) Childhood (b) adulthood.

When you were born, you cannot decide your name neither your food. Your parents will decide on those things. It implies, that during your childhood, you have to obey to your parents and parents responsibility is to train, you, how to accommodate God's will in your life, when you become adult. That is why, catholics, baptize,their newly born babies, and train them to receive Holy Eucharist, making confessions, so they can continue, the same, while adulthood, to receive God's will. When they don't do it, that itself is a Sin!.

God, son- Jesus clearly showed us these 2 phases: childhood and adulthood. Though Jesus is God, HE underwent all rituals from holy family and was obedient to them, just to show the eternal reasons, as how to manage childhood.(Even name of Jesus, was given to mary by an angel)

 Then only,Holy spirit form the church and HE changed, certain concepts immediately, forming the church. Church became universal+no circumscion+no restriction to eat pork.

Holy Mary witness all these changes. She is the only human being, who witness and practice,God will,without any hesitation or rioting to refuse to undergo change,going from Father to Son and to Holy spirit. Not only that she showed the characteristics of love, 30 years before,to John the baptist, when you receive Christ, you will share that Joy with others!


When we summaries the 4 sundays of advent period, church invited us to understand what is christianity, back ground, why Jesus came to this world, how Holy Mary manages changes, from one paradigm to another. When we don't know actual stories, we will following catholism for our own convenience and deprived happiness, as promised by God.

When you are avail of all information & practice the same,2nd coming of Christ is already with you & ready to receive physical birth of Christ.


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