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34 Sunday(23/11/2014) Crowned Catholic. Feast of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE - in detail

Back ground:

Last few sundays we reflected:
(1) Catholicism mission statement-LOVE and how we achieve love yourself,love God, Love your neighbor.
(2) To live In the society we need friends. Some friends(parent/teachers) we are grateful(our life time) for their influence for our present happy life!.Similarly we need spiritual friends! Church declared spiritual friends through Canonization process.

(3) Concept of purgatory, allows living ones to pay special gratitude for their loved departed ones, since we don't know whether they are still in purgatory!. Apparition of Fatima, gives some idea about purgatory (1917 may to october). This will allow living been(not for dead ones) to discipline ourself in practicing good qualities such as alms giving, offer sacrifices in gratitude of our loved departed ones. THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE OF CATHOLISM WITH REGARD TO OTHER CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS ARE SAINTS AND PURGETORY.
(3) we were reminded about (a)our body is more value than LATERN BASILICA(b)our body can be destroyed thru' death, but thru' purgatory we will go to eternal happiness (heaven)-THREE DAYS REBUILDING ANALOGY(c)while living, we can reach happiness in 3 steps,have a peaceful mind/have a worry less mind/ then removing 5 other vices we can reach happiness (Pride,avarice,envy,lust,gluttony)
(4)Last sunday, we saw, God's guarantee, that if we are on the correct path from peaceful mind(not lazy+ no anger), then if we move to worry less(handing over your fears/sorrows/disagreements to Mary/saints)
then move to happy mind(no vices), you will not have fear and sorrow in your life.

Today, last sunday of this 1st liturgical year, while we are celebrating the KINGSHIP OF CHRIST, how to be feel like a king in our living. It highlights, how to convert your talents to energy, so that you can contribute many things to the society!. If your have money. Then only you can give money to others. If you have food, then only you can give food to others. To be like a king in the society, while you maintain a happy mind with healthy body, how to develop your talents to help the society!

B. Preamble to today's reading:

B.1. God's will: how can you accept God as true shepard:
Catholicism clearly shows the following concepts which are essential truth
(1) God created you to live happily. God has a plan for every person
(2)Every person in this world is different both mental + physical to each other
(3)You cannot live alone in this world. You are always interdependent. Hence you should love each other. You should have both earthly + spiritual friends to be developed.
(3)Fear, sorrow and disagreements will arise while you are moving in the society. How to treat these problems by catholicism is the main difference with other religions(even other christian denominations).
(A) hand over your fear and sorrow to your favorite saint and live happily. Lighting candles, petitioning are few rituals catholics are following
(B) always carry your actions happily. If you are doing same with dis agreements, always hand over such to Jesus, where in Gethsemane, he suffered mentally and at the cross, he suffered physically. Under such cases, you request Him to allow you the courage to carry out the action if it is God's will and if the other person is at fault, even you carry out the action, requesting Jesus to correct him, since we are not aware of all the possible outcome of a action.
(5) Always lead a peaceful+ worry less+ happy mind. Then convert your talents to energy, to serve society, for the Glory of God.

B.2 Catholicism provides shortest path for happiness.
There are 3 basic steps
(1)Have a peace full mind (without laziness and anger) here in laziness one should be careful about not to occupy your mind in gossiping, judging others, where your mind is going to be filled with many unwanted or not useful ideas!. Hence you should train how to immediately slipped from your mind laziness and anger.
(2) Have a worry less mind(hand over all fears and sorrows and disagreements to Mary and saints(identify your favorite saints)+ follow 10 commandments with pardoning
(3)Avoid other 5 vices in your life pride,avarice,envy,lust and gluttony to reach happiness

There 2 basic steps to be followed for a happy person to develop energy from their Talents, and then contribute to the society. Ie

(1)Once you are happy, you can convert your talents to energy according to the direction of God(God's Will)
(2)Once you have converted your talents,to energy, then you can disseminate that talents to society

Please note that, after (all above 5 points) that only it is easy for you to convert your talents to energy!. Then while you have energy, with the support of your spiritual friends, you try to serve the society.


B.3 what pope Francis says about love
Pope francis in his encyclical"the joy of the gospel" says(chapter 272) quote:
" Loving others is a spiritual force drawing us to the union with God. Indeed one does not love others"walks in the darkness"(1 Jn 2:11)," remains in death"(1 jn 3:14) and "does not know God" (1 jn 4:8). Benadict XVI has said that" closing our eyes to neighbor also blinds us to God", and that love is, in the end, the only light which can always illuminate a world grown dim and give us the courage needed to keep living and working". When we live out a spirituality of drawing near to others and seeking their welfare, our hearts are opened wide to the Lord's greatest and most beautiful gifts. Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn something new about God. Whenever our eyes are opened to acknowledge the other, we grow in the light of faith and knowledge of God. If we want to advance in the spiritual life, then, we must constantly be missionaries. The work of evangerlisation enriches the mind and the heart; it opens up spiritual horizons; it makes us more and more sensitive to the working of the Holy Spirit, and it takes us beyond our  limited spiritual constructs. A committed missionary knows the joy of being a spring which spills over and refreshes others. Only the person who feels happiness in seeking the good of others, in desiring their happiness, can be a missionary. This openness of the heart is the source of joy, since" it is more blessed to give than to receive"(acts 20:35). We do not live better when we flee,hide,refuse to share, stop giving and lock ourselves up in our own comports. Such a life is nothing than slow suicide.

B.4 concept of human creation and relationship to global villege
Today, world has shrienked to a global villege. With a matter of second you can contact a person, who lives in any corner of this globe. Thru' social media systems available such as 
face book
, all cultures in the world are known to each other. Hence your inter dependency has become more wider, making you to have more knowledge of your neighbor. Disagreements among people are ever growing in a dynamic society. Whether my view is correct with respect to you, the difference of opinions are ever growing, making your life much more complex than previous generations!. You need the treatment given by catholicism much more now, in treating disagreements under the present scenario!.

B.5 characteristics of interdependent society: are you powerful?

In the interdependent society, you are always power less!. You become powerful, when another person listen to you only. Only God is powerful. If you have a cancer in your stomach, you cannot remove by your self. You need the support of a surgeon for that. You are powerless. Once he removed your cancer, you regain happiness again. In this complex society, we need the assistance of a Divine Doctor, much more than earlier generations .well defined process given by the catholicism is the easiest path to follow.

Today's reading:
Prophet Ezekiel( Ezk34:11-12.15-17) says God guaranteed be a true shepard for you.
Paul reminds(1 cor 15:20-26.28) that"...just all men die in Adam,so all men will be brought to life in Christ.....". Reminds that following Catholicism you will find Happiness.

Gospel MT(25:31-46) says".....He will separate men from one another as the shepard separate sheep from goat....for I was hungry, you gave me food...thirsty....you gave ......stranger.....you welcome.....Lord when did we see you hungry.........you did it this to one of the least of these......you did it to me....."

Remind(1) God has created you, according to His image
(2) all human belongs to one family
(3)each human is different with body and mind
(4)human cannot live in this planet alone always he is interdependent
(5)challenge is to HOW TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR?
With ever growing disagreement,fear and sorrow? How to be rich with your talented energy to support your society, since human belongs to one family!

Final goal that has to be achieved by any catholic is explained in this sunday reading. How to Love your neighbor!. By doing so you will reach happiness in this world as well as after death!. To reach this catholicism will provide practical steps to follow.
(1)how to maintain Peaceful(no anger/no laziness+ follow 10 commandments) and worry less mind(hand over your fears/sorrows and disagreements to Mary and saints)
(2) how to convert your talents to energy and disseminating that energy to your living society(charity).

If you don't have energy, you cannot help anybody with anything. First be rich with your talents converted energy. Then you can help in that area to the society!. Don't try to go for all the areas! God will look after that!



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